
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Dec 19, 2011
    Head of the class, leader of the pack good, and you won't hear many rock & roll records better than this in 2011.
  2. Aug 29, 2011
    Glazin' draws from the swagger of glam, the hooky middle-ground of '70s punk and '60s rock 'n' roll, but also demonstrates a clear understanding of the way those sounds have already been appropriated by millennial garage pranksters (like, most notably, the Black Lips).
  3. Sep 1, 2011
    While he might not be saying anything groundbreaking or mind-bending, Alcala's lyrics speak to his band's earnestly lovable and saccharine nature.
  4. Aug 30, 2011
    This is the sound of a band getting their shit together. Keep an eye on these guys.
  5. Aug 29, 2011
    Make no mistake, Glazin' is a simple pop-rock record. It's fuzzy, and it has a nice swirling psych touch, but it also displays a relaxed, confident craftsmanship - a touch of reverb here, a Martin Hannett nod there (check out the snare on "Crush") - that elevates it just so, pulling it out of the garage gutter and into the warmth of the sun. Or the Jacuzzi, as it were.
  6. Aug 26, 2011
    Although ultimately neither revolutionary nor a rehashing of what has worked in the past, Glazin' will definitely add another dimension to an already fantastic live show and is certainly another solid addition to the Boys' catalog.
  7. Aug 26, 2011
    After a 2009 album, assorted seven-inch singles, and a recent live recording for Jack White's Third Man imprint, Jacuzzi Boys have taken their place among the best sloppy racket-makers bashing out easy-boogie soundtracks to your next drunken night at the local rock dive.
  8. Sep 2, 2011
    More than anything, Glazin's sneer'n'strut is just too much of a pretty good thing: One or two at a time, these songs work wonders, but over half an hour, the Boys' retrograde sneer and strut proves a bit too safe and samey.
  9. Sep 9, 2011
    You're not going to learn much in this hot tub, or perhaps remember much about it afterwards, but come on in, the water's fine.
  10. Sep 6, 2011
    Compared to the gleefully scrappy No Seasons, the band has clearly put in more deliberation this time around, though some creativity has been lost in the studio clean-up: Clangy guitars, thumping drums, and no-frills keyboards make for easy sing-alongs, but other songs are too simple to have staying power.
  11. Sep 21, 2011
    With their influences in the right musical zone, we could be hearing some great things from Jacuzzi Boys in the future. Sadly, this release proves that they're not quite there yet.

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