• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 25, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mar 30, 2022
    Each track finds her motivation intact, with almost no trace of despair that isn’t equally met with perseverance. While it finds the singer consistently laid back, Gifted pushes forward constantly – displaying its creator’s unique resolve.
  2. Mar 29, 2022
    Uplifting music can tend to grate rather than inspire, but Koffee hits a satisfying midpoint, free of didacticism and never forced; she’s simply inviting us into her world.
  3. Mar 25, 2022
    Gifted keeps giving: Koffee achieves a brilliantly confident debut with the promise of more good things to come.
  4. Mar 25, 2022
    An excellent debut record, it offers a tantalising glimpe of what lies ahead.
  5. 80
    Given its creator’s effortless vocals, smart lyricism and obvious ability to craft new bangers, ‘Gifted’ will only add to the clamour surrounding Koffee’s name: time will tell how far she will continue to rise from this point.
  6. Mar 25, 2022
    The album’s musical backdrops range from breezy to absorbing, but it’s Koffee’s performances that are consistently bewitching.
  7. Mar 25, 2022
    Gifted covers a lot of musical ground in less than half an hour, from the sweet, harmony-laden lovers rock of Lonely to Shine’s dabbling in the kind of easygoing acoustic reggae beloved of beach bars the world over, albeit underpinned by an immense electronic bass.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Mar 25, 2022
    Stellar debut! Really enjoyed Shine, Where I’m From, Gifted and Pull Up. Can not wait to hear more.
  2. May 21, 2023
    This first album is like an experimental field: Koffee slowly moves from one genre to another. She does master those basics and with aThis first album is like an experimental field: Koffee slowly moves from one genre to another. She does master those basics and with a undeniable harmony and ease. But "Gifted" sounds as meticulous and cautious as it is disaffected, where Koffee's interesting voice never gets a chance to really shine. Production however benefits from bright choices, especially on 'Gifted' (the fourth track) and on 'Where I'm From'.
    This project seems to have been created with the perfect pop standards : easy-listening melodies and rhymes, good vibes only, and a dose of money-driven choices. While it does not really sound bad, it clearly feels like it is missing a precious part of humanity, or experience.
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  3. Apr 4, 2022
    Koffee deserves to be massive. This is a terrific album full of bubbly reggae in a very 2022 way.