• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 3, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 166 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 166
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  1. Mar 4, 2014
    By the fourth track... I was asleep. Tried to listen again two days later and fell asleep again. This is one of thee most boring albums EVER! The first three songs sound like one lonnnnnnnggggg song. It never ends. His music sounds dated and his vocals are not that good to begin with. I'm still confused as to how he's a "singer" and not just a producer.

    Which isn't really nothing
    By the fourth track... I was asleep. Tried to listen again two days later and fell asleep again. This is one of thee most boring albums EVER! The first three songs sound like one lonnnnnnnggggg song. It never ends. His music sounds dated and his vocals are not that good to begin with. I'm still confused as to how he's a "singer" and not just a producer.

    Which isn't really nothing to say about that.. being as though his beats are tired and dated. He needs help in the studio and clearly no one offered.
  2. Mar 4, 2014
    It boggles the mind that a guy as talented at Pharrell chooses to make garbage like this. The man is beyond rich so every project he does is a passion project. This is his passion? Bring back the Neptunes/NORE collabos, or the topless chicks in his Lapdance videos, or anything other than pop. There is enough pop out there Pharrell, we don't need talented people making it - Both JustinsIt boggles the mind that a guy as talented at Pharrell chooses to make garbage like this. The man is beyond rich so every project he does is a passion project. This is his passion? Bring back the Neptunes/NORE collabos, or the topless chicks in his Lapdance videos, or anything other than pop. There is enough pop out there Pharrell, we don't need talented people making it - Both Justins have that horrible genre covered. Get back in the studio and resurrect Chester French - their first mixtape you did was better than anything else you've done in 10+ years. Please stop singing - women have more than enough music to waste their time listening to - you are better than this. Erase Justin's number from your cell and call Fam-Lay!!!! Expand
  3. Mar 4, 2014
    The album doesn't sound very fresh at all. I've to agree with a review that said with the Neptunes, it was Chad Hugo that added the bite to the group. Did Pharrell really revive disco-influence music or was it the Marvin Gaye song that was bitten off heavily for Blurred Lines? Also, I've to say it was Daft Punk's creativity on Random Access Memories that explored the sound further. TheThe album doesn't sound very fresh at all. I've to agree with a review that said with the Neptunes, it was Chad Hugo that added the bite to the group. Did Pharrell really revive disco-influence music or was it the Marvin Gaye song that was bitten off heavily for Blurred Lines? Also, I've to say it was Daft Punk's creativity on Random Access Memories that explored the sound further. The lyrics on this album are banal and creepy at the same time. Pharrell's voice isn't falsetto. It's just a weak voice. Expand
  4. Mar 5, 2014
    Disappointing. Nothing you wont have heard better on N.E.R.D. albums or even JT. or Jamiroquai have all done it better. Nothing here to talk about. Pharrell's last two albums are much more interesting!
  5. Mar 3, 2014
    As soon as the second track starts playing you realise that you've heard it all before and you're about to hear it another 9 times. The smooth jazz-inspired crap that seems to be the trend recently, beginning with Justin Timberlake's 'The 20/20 Experience' series. None of the album stands out or even attempts to. Song after song just gets even more repetitive and quickly makes you hateAs soon as the second track starts playing you realise that you've heard it all before and you're about to hear it another 9 times. The smooth jazz-inspired crap that seems to be the trend recently, beginning with Justin Timberlake's 'The 20/20 Experience' series. None of the album stands out or even attempts to. Song after song just gets even more repetitive and quickly makes you hate every artist featured on the album. Happy is definitely not what this album makes you. Expand
  6. Dec 18, 2019
    This album is empty of merit. This album is bad at sex. It's illiterate at orchestra. It's top ten tracks are too boring. It's no longer hip as boy or girl pop.
  7. Apr 23, 2014
    This album has a few bright spots, but a great deal of this album is repetitive, boring and is horribly sung. Pharrel's Falsettos are horrible and nightmarish. Disappointing in comparison to his soundtrack, features and production contributions in the past. And the Neptunes.
  8. Jul 25, 2014
    Full of flaws, boring and extremely basic: a mediocre album of a mediocre artist that tends to appear everywhere and ends up being nothing. A perfect example to say that these days viral and famous materials don't mean good music (they are actually diametrically opposed).

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 35
  2. Negative: 3 out of 35
  1. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    Only a few moments--Happy, the Daft Punk-featuring Gust Of Wind and I Know Who You Are--sound truly out of the ordinary. [May 2014, p.86]
  2. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    An album that manages to pile on fresh, innovative production without drowning out the frequently spectacular songwriting. [May 2014, p.118]
  3. Mar 25, 2014
    G I R L is safe, universal, and unforgivably dull. It should be a huge hit.