
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Nov 14, 2014
    Four is hard to dislike: it's cheery, uplifting, high spirited and good fun.
  2. Nov 18, 2014
    They're growing up not by going wild but--get this--by relaxing. And the result is their best work yet.
  3. Nov 20, 2014
    Four [is] the most consisting-sounding Direction album yet.
  4. Nov 18, 2014
    Four does not break or even bend any rules in pop music, and it certainly doesn’t aim to be cutting edge. Its mix of driving power pop, muscular harmonies, and acoustic alchemy is as manicured as the group’s previous bestsellers.
  5. Nov 17, 2014
    Luckily on Four the scales are tipped heavily in favor of the kind of songs they do best, with the majority of them sounding like good-time hits that will go a long way toward warming up a cold November night.
  6. 67
    [On album's first half] the melodies are sturdy and the lyrics catch. Later, the titles get sillier (''Stockholm Syndrome''), and the guitar-jam vibe turns as dull as every real-life guitar jam. But when Four ends, your ears are guilt-free.
  7. Nov 18, 2014
    The record is yet another perfect encapsulation of modern pop music. Yet, in the process, the band has shed the scrappiness and spunk that made its early music so endearing.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 388 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Nov 17, 2014
    'Four' is by far their best album, the compositions, the sound, the album is impeccable, the people like to find fault in 'One Direction''Four' is by far their best album, the compositions, the sound, the album is impeccable, the people like to find fault in 'One Direction' saying that they are a "manufactured" band but refuse to know their job completely and listen to their albums carefully. Beijos da tia do blog Full Review »
  2. Nov 17, 2014
    Expecting the best resulting the worst. Kinda disapointed with their latest record. Their first debut Up All Night and the following albumExpecting the best resulting the worst. Kinda disapointed with their latest record. Their first debut Up All Night and the following album Take Me Home million ways better than this. But if you're fan, it's worthy since it maybe their last album. Hopefully not. Full Review »
  3. Nov 17, 2014
    Their most experimental album to date and most biggest failure. The latest record lacks of factors compared to the epic 'Story of My Life' andTheir most experimental album to date and most biggest failure. The latest record lacks of factors compared to the epic 'Story of My Life' and unforgettable fun and catchy beats of 'What Makes You Beautiful'. Some tracks are lyrically mess and forgettable make this album no special. However, it can't be denied that a few tracks are worthy to listen such as '18' thanks to masterpiece touch by Ed Sheeran. Honestly, it still can't change the fact that the album was a big disappointment with no direction ironically by One Direction. Prove me wrong with you next record guys.... Full Review »