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Universal acclaim- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 81
  2. Negative: 5 out of 81
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  1. Oct 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. She did it again. This is Björk at her bjorkiest! The production is mind-blowing this time round. There’s no wasted moment Expand
  2. Sep 30, 2022
    Björk is always pushing the limits in her art. AOTFYEAR!!! Fossora is a liberation
  3. Oct 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love her little mushroom techno,great strings and drums as always and I love the contrast between the songs and the way she created something new but its also have a vibe of her previous albums. Expand
  4. Sep 30, 2022
    Incredible album by Björk. Those reggaeton beats are sick, and the flutes mix very well with them. Just another reminder that she's one of the greatest musicians alive. "Atopos" and "Fossora" are my favorite tracks, but "Ancestress" is beautiful in every way,
  5. Sep 30, 2022
    Fossora es una seta mágica que expresa a través de sus 13 canciones una aventura entre líricas de sanacion y liberación, junto a sonidos que van desde el gabber techno hasta sonidos orquestales y clarinetes, un álbum muy único y que ha superado en mucho a predecesores.
  6. Sep 30, 2022
    One of the best album that Bjork made since Vulnicura was her last best album for me. The tracks are made well, It has a little something for everybody. For Medulla lovers, Mostly Homogenic Lover, And it's own Fossora sound, The last track was very cute! And you can also see björk 's mourning in Ancestress. My favorite track overall is Victimhood and Fossora.
  7. Sep 30, 2022
    Absolutely everything thing. No words can do this justice. It's mesmerizing. Every single second of it. My ussy was quaking, shaking vibrating, omusation and everything. I don't know if any of this will make sense to most people. But if you know what I mean, you know what I mean.....
  8. Oct 6, 2022
    It’s a goldmine of self-references which is a fitting choice of direction for an album about roots (literally and figuratively), motherhood, and life cycles. Fossora feels like it could co-exist in the universe of virtually all of Björk’s other albums, and that fact in itself sets it apart from them, too.
  9. Oct 4, 2022
    A beautiful statement of the need for pure love, this being one that, while rooted, allows for mutual freedom and growth. All encompassed with ecstatic and sensual music as always. Just perfect.
  10. Sep 30, 2022
    Björk returns with the her version of a "happy album ". Fossra, her fungal club and bass record feels sinister and familiar all at once. The deep scattered harmonies of "mycelia" invoke moments off of "Medulla " but elevated though an electronic lense. Or follow up single "ovule" which in my opinion is the strongest song on the record,it's pulsating club beats and swaying horns
    Björk returns with the her version of a "happy album ". Fossra, her fungal club and bass record feels sinister and familiar all at once. The deep scattered harmonies of "mycelia" invoke moments off of "Medulla " but elevated though an electronic lense. Or follow up single "ovule" which in my opinion is the strongest song on the record,it's pulsating club beats and swaying horns lull you into a trance. Because this record is so familiar it remedies the isolating density that plagued "utopia" 's flute tableau's. She doesn't try to go on longer than she should making the record her least expansive in recent memory. Her collaborators are a means to higlight her intended moods whilst feeling like instruments rather than features. For example, "fungal city " which features serpentwithfeet deep crooning voice amongst ominous horn arrangements. The longer compositions are the least concise but most emotionallyruch such as the grief and love that overwhelme "ancestress" lush density . Or "Victimhood" distressing recovery that is just short of 7min.
    Overall Fossra is an impressive extention of the icons legendary and consistent discography, showing that even this far into career she can still surprise
  11. Nov 16, 2022
    Icelandic cold freezes but brings good results. Flourishing but somber, obsessive in perofmative art . One word: the album
  12. Oct 4, 2022
    Amazingly complex and beautiful. Sometimes we feel we are just in a movie, a ceremonial movie in the middle of the forest, where we see a woman's all life, her moments of finding love, of losing family members, of being a mother and seeing her children leave the next. Mostly, the sound is amazing, so perfectly textured. A mix of classic with modern. I do understand it may not be everyone'sAmazingly complex and beautiful. Sometimes we feel we are just in a movie, a ceremonial movie in the middle of the forest, where we see a woman's all life, her moments of finding love, of losing family members, of being a mother and seeing her children leave the next. Mostly, the sound is amazing, so perfectly textured. A mix of classic with modern. I do understand it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you listen, I believe you will find the gems. she is an amazing string composer! And most of all, her lyrics are so real and fertile in our heads. Expand
  13. Oct 1, 2022
    First time being present for a Björk release and what an album to do it for! Her soul is pouring out on songs like ‘Her mother’s house’ and ‘ancestresses’, it’s beautiful to experience. The title track is a highlight, it just screams Björk, with the chaos of a punchy beat and intoxicating vocals. With 30 years in the industry and still producing high quality records is a true testament toFirst time being present for a Björk release and what an album to do it for! Her soul is pouring out on songs like ‘Her mother’s house’ and ‘ancestresses’, it’s beautiful to experience. The title track is a highlight, it just screams Björk, with the chaos of a punchy beat and intoxicating vocals. With 30 years in the industry and still producing high quality records is a true testament to her talent! Well done Björk Expand
  14. Oct 1, 2022
    A Beautifully Dark and Harrowing offering from the pop/avant-garde icon. More than 3 decades in and she's still challenging both the musical boundaries of her artistic expression and her humble listerners. Her 10th release made me want to abandon the suffocating confines of the walls of my apartment and go outside and lie my body in the soil and mud, sink my fingers/claws in it, bury theA Beautifully Dark and Harrowing offering from the pop/avant-garde icon. More than 3 decades in and she's still challenging both the musical boundaries of her artistic expression and her humble listerners. Her 10th release made me want to abandon the suffocating confines of the walls of my apartment and go outside and lie my body in the soil and mud, sink my fingers/claws in it, bury the skull of my head in it and shoot out roots from the pores of my brown skin and get grounded! Expand
  15. Oct 11, 2022
    I anticipated this album so much and it did not disappoint at all. One of Björk’s best albums with complex, rich lyrics and wonderful sounds
  16. Oct 1, 2022
    Okay, I was expecting a whole different thing based on the previews, but I must confess that it is great. I agree with some of the people that are saying that the singles and previews are the strongest songs on the album, which kinda left me with a sour taste when I listened to the whole record for the first time. Fossora accomplishes its goals of sounding like mushrooms growing, and IOkay, I was expecting a whole different thing based on the previews, but I must confess that it is great. I agree with some of the people that are saying that the singles and previews are the strongest songs on the album, which kinda left me with a sour taste when I listened to the whole record for the first time. Fossora accomplishes its goals of sounding like mushrooms growing, and I feel that is a bittersweet lyrics album, in one part we have her getting over her process of divorce heartbreak, and finally being happy, but on the other hand, the death of her mother. I think it is perfectly balanced and you feel the record is too short, but the rhythms and lyrics are appealing enough and it makes a great album.
    I honestly only have two problems:
    1. I was expecting more songs with the style of Atopos or Fossora, but it is okay.
    2. **** Er í Fjörðum is too short, oh my god!!! I love the vibe it gives, but it is only 44 seconds long!!! Come on Björk! I needed more of this great song!.
  17. Oct 2, 2022
    Un muy buen Álbum a la altura de lo que Björk nos lleva dando durante toda su carrera.
  18. Oct 5, 2022
    Bjork's Mushroom Album proves to indeed sound and feel like you have become one with the mushroom people living inside her head. A bit inaccessible to other projects, Fossora possibly is her most immersive album since 2007's Volta. The album opens with the political, goofy "Atopos" which remains as the song on the album. However, the album ends with the cute, but weird "Her Mother'sBjork's Mushroom Album proves to indeed sound and feel like you have become one with the mushroom people living inside her head. A bit inaccessible to other projects, Fossora possibly is her most immersive album since 2007's Volta. The album opens with the political, goofy "Atopos" which remains as the song on the album. However, the album ends with the cute, but weird "Her Mother's House", which somehow combines the album's strongest and weakest moments to make a somehow decent song. Expand
  19. Oct 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was very excited for her new album since it was my first Bjork era! Homogenic was my favourite at first, but now after listening to it on first listen, it’s my favourite album from her! All songs are flawless & it is worth listening to! I adore you Bjork Expand
  20. Oct 1, 2022
    it's an incredible album, it was released yesterday but I already have some favorite songs. Björk is and artist, and it's my first time seeing her releasing something, it's a body of work and I'm very proud to be alive in the same universe and time of her.
  21. Oct 1, 2022
    Stunning. It's hard to release one of your best works so deep into your career, but she somehow manages to exceed all expectations every time. Ancestress and Her Mother's House are some of her best tracks ever.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Nov 1, 2022
    Not an easy listen - as one might expect - but definitely a rich, rewarding one.
  2. Oct 12, 2022
    Fossora is an incredible and vulnerable project that refuses any easy categorisation. Björk’s dives into sonic obfuscation have never once eclipsed her refusal to be anything except open-hearted and honest. Her power is in how she allows herself to feel and let these emotions guide her artistic expression.
  3. The Wire
    Oct 4, 2022
    Oddly charming, goblincore aesthetic, one that capitalises on Björk’s unique strengths: the arrangements on Fossora are among the most complex and lavish of her career. [Nov 2022, p.58]