
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Jan 13, 2014
    Their deep sea dive of a debut gradually evolves into a rich and colourful source of escape, like a coral reef excavation with the occasionally grizzly-toothed white shark thrown in for good measure.
  2. Feb 5, 2014
    It could be said that Forever might benefit from fewer layers of production, but its maze of sounds is part of its charm and what keeps it interesting.
  3. Uncut
    Jan 15, 2014
    They might've allowed the collage more space to breathe, for the bandwidth is densely layered to bursting with blissed-out sampling; but the rapture makes it churlish to complain. [Feb 2014, p.80]
  4. Jan 13, 2014
    You can hear the isolated perspectives that it was made in creep into the finished products, which doesn't take away from the songs but adds a feeling of being stuck in some faraway dream to even the most immediate of the band's glowing pop tunes.
  5. 65
    Painted Palms’ firm grasp on hooky songwriting and Pet Sounds-levels of vicarious whimsy makes for a rather interesting edifice of introspection for a debut LP, despite its cluttered arrangement.
  6. Jan 24, 2014
    There seems to be an innate knack for melody on display here that produces several moments of pop joy.
  7. Jan 16, 2014
    When they’re not trying to imitate the inimitable, Painted Palms hit a pleasant if not ground-shaking plateau.
  8. Jan 13, 2014
    Painted Palms have a natural ability to extract profound noise from otherwise unremarkable places, lyrically however; it's more subjective. Forgettable accounts of youthful deprecation litter the album.
  9. Jan 14, 2014
    Between the carefully plotted reference points and the not-exactly-gripping lyrics, Forever tends to run together over the course of its 39-minute runtime. Still, taken song-for-song, there's no shortage of takeaways.
  10. Jan 17, 2014
    Painted Palms’ strength is in their balmy, unhurried melodies. But even such melodic virtues are no match for the sexless nothingness that permeates this record.
  11. Jan 13, 2014
    Forever is essentially a pop record, but while there's no denying that some of these songs in isolation fulfill the catchy promise of that genre, there's just not enough to elevate this above being a decent debut and not much else.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 8, 2014
    Glistening psychedelic pop. If Animal Collective's van scraped paint with The Shins' Prius.... Feels like maybe a swirly straw in myGlistening psychedelic pop. If Animal Collective's van scraped paint with The Shins' Prius.... Feels like maybe a swirly straw in my cocktail. A very creative effort! Full Review »