
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. A sprawling tour de force... It overwhelms you with its brawny rhythms, its artful arrangements and foggy atmosphere, and its thrilling instrumentation.
  2. Alternative Press
    Dense soundscapes that seemingly start in progress and stretch invisibly, yet infinitely, in all directions. [Apr 2005, p.118]
  3. Flies The Fields is a masterpiece of foreboding that’ll both fascinate and terrify in equal measure.
  4. An album riddled with unbreathable energy and high-strung despair.
  5. Urb
    An enjoyable switchback ride through instrumental post-rock riff-making and full-on angst-ridden rocking out. [May 2005, p.87]
  6. The proceedings, though, are not without occasionally lesser moments and that’s something that fans of Save Everything and Very Soon may be surprised to hear.
  7. Restraint and frustration are the dominant themes, but the short, aggressive outbursts don't always offer enough release to justify the fatiguing buildups.
  8. Mueller has traded in his visceral post-punk riffs for something more cerebral, and ultimately less satisfying.

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