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Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 48
  2. Negative: 3 out of 48
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  1. Jan 22, 2016
    Maybe ive been hidden away from talent for the last decade but ive never heard anything like this before. It was **** amazing! Recommend to anyone prepared to listen.
  2. Jan 25, 2016
    Ty Segall is one of the guys who must have work in the actual music scene. Most of his jobs has the same garage/psychedelic rock sound. But on this LP we see a new side of his, Emotional Mugger has a lot of experimentation's, it's possible to see the noise guitar, mixed-up with eletronics noise, plus the good drums. And in the hole album it's put up really loud. The only negative pointTy Segall is one of the guys who must have work in the actual music scene. Most of his jobs has the same garage/psychedelic rock sound. But on this LP we see a new side of his, Emotional Mugger has a lot of experimentation's, it's possible to see the noise guitar, mixed-up with eletronics noise, plus the good drums. And in the hole album it's put up really loud. The only negative point it's the lyrics, but in a Ty's record I never expected much in this point.

    Sorry for my bad english.
  3. Jan 26, 2016
    THE SEGALL HAS LANDED. On Ty Segalls newest release, Emotional Mugger, we find him getting darker and weirder than ever before. While 2014's brilliant Manipulator showcased a more accessible sound, compared to other Ty Segall albums, this album, on the other hand, does almost the complete opposite. While the pop melodies Ty is known for are still prevalent on every song (excluding theTHE SEGALL HAS LANDED. On Ty Segalls newest release, Emotional Mugger, we find him getting darker and weirder than ever before. While 2014's brilliant Manipulator showcased a more accessible sound, compared to other Ty Segall albums, this album, on the other hand, does almost the complete opposite. While the pop melodies Ty is known for are still prevalent on every song (excluding the oddball sound collage W.U.O.T.W.S.), this album shows Ty at his most experimental and obscure, experimenting with funk and hip hop beats, off kilter synthesizers and vocals, and loud abrasive noise. The riffs are heavier than most heard on other solo Ty Segall records, showing Ty taking some influence from his side project, Fuzz. The songs on here are also some of the best Ty has ever recorded. The intro song, "Squealer", is a psych-rock tune with some really cool synth and a really cool guitar solo (there's a lot of those on here). Many of the songs on this record stand out from much of Ty's catalog in that they demonstrate a **** funk rock sound, which is something we haven't heard from Ty before this record. The standout tracks on this record, in my opinion are "Diversion", "Candy Sam", "Emotional Mugger/Leopard Priestess" and "Squealer" but I highly recommend you listen to the whole album. Expand
  4. Jan 22, 2016
    This album is warped. Emotional Mugger is easily one of the most abrasive, noisy, loud, and relentless rock albums I have heard in a long while, but it is in no way a one-trick pony. Ty incorporates electronic elements, funk-influenced beats, and catchy garage-rock songwriting into one cohesive record. At around 38 minutes, the album does not overstay its welcome, either. From the mashedThis album is warped. Emotional Mugger is easily one of the most abrasive, noisy, loud, and relentless rock albums I have heard in a long while, but it is in no way a one-trick pony. Ty incorporates electronic elements, funk-influenced beats, and catchy garage-rock songwriting into one cohesive record. At around 38 minutes, the album does not overstay its welcome, either. From the mashed up sounds on W.U.O.T.W.S. to the oddly aggressive clapping on the closing track Magazine, Emotional Mugger oozes creativity.

  5. Feb 9, 2016
    Not as safe as Manipulator, but some of the tunes on this are among the heaviest that Segall has ever recorded, I can respect it. It's a little less driving but a lot more daring.
  6. Jan 26, 2016
    Emotional Mugger shows Ty Segall in his most disjointed form, shaped by heavy guitar riffs, fuzzy and funky sounds and distortions of melody. The extremes of the album abduct Ty further away from the clean and safe melodies from his previous work Manipulator. The lack of deep emotional feelings of the by internet affected society has to deal with some great pressure, where children fromEmotional Mugger shows Ty Segall in his most disjointed form, shaped by heavy guitar riffs, fuzzy and funky sounds and distortions of melody. The extremes of the album abduct Ty further away from the clean and safe melodies from his previous work Manipulator. The lack of deep emotional feelings of the by internet affected society has to deal with some great pressure, where children from birth on are influenced by the mass media and the rapid developments in technology. His philosophy translates Segall in the friction and turbulence of his music, where the band Muggers makes an important contribution to. Provoke, shock and experimentation, at times Segall is going to far, but Emotional Mugger is mainly an outlet of his experimental desire for more attention within the rock. 7.1/10

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  7. Dec 7, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Apr 28, 2016
    Time signatures change gears with neck-snapping regularity, underpinned by Cronin's Krautrock bass, and a Devo-esque "concept" involves Segall as a masked, Booji Boy-ish character named Sloppo.
  2. 75
    The main two highlights are the strutting “Mandy Cream” and the bass-heavy closer “The Magazine,” with rapid-fire handclaps coming in during the choruses and a sustained falsetto melody recalling Yes’ “We Have Heaven.”
  3. Magnet
    Feb 12, 2016
    Though there’s nothing too saccharine on Emotional Mugger (even the line “I want your candy” on “Breakfast Eggs” is more of a threat than a statement of desire), the melodies are some of the strongest Segall has ever turned out. [No. 128, p.56]