
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Educated Guess is an absolutely stunning creation, although it did take a few listens for me to begin to fully appreciate what I was hearing.
  2. While Educated Guess may not be her best album to date (a near impossible-to-achieve expectation for an artist 21 albums in), it marks yet another transformation of her talents.
  3. Spin
    An album sanded with sad humor and a return to old loves. [Mar 2004, p.96]
  4. Los Angeles Times
    Here she returns to the stark, acoustic feel of earlier recordings, and the sense of isolation in such numbers as "Swim" is reinforced by her creative approach. [18 Jan 2004]
  5. Filter
    She dives into a murkier, less-definable world that is part acoustic neo-soul, part spoken word and dreamier than you might imagine. [#9, p.102]
  6. Educated Guess explores new musical territory that is challenging enough to engage even the most folk-averse listeners while it maintains a unity of tone which yields a highly listenable work.
  7. Uncut
    Paradoxically, its spare, solo-voice-and-guitar format... comes closer to matching DiFranco's charismatic live performances than prior band-driven efforts. [Mar 2004, p.87]
  8. It's worth putting up with a few overbearing moments to hear someone so willing to take chances.
  9. The album benefits from DiFranco's emphasis on spare shimmer, though it also perpetuates her recent tendency to let her songs languidly drift along, for better and for worse.
  10. Characterized by production rawness--for better (the immediacy of the performance) and worse (traces of off-key harmonies).
  11. Blender
    These are among the most rivetingly unconventional vocal performances she's ever offered. [Mar 2004, p.116]
  12. A decent but not spectacular album that, not for the first time, finds DiFranco on her way to somewhere else.
  13. Q Magazine
    THe jazzy stylings are a mixed blessing... [but] her fans will not be disappointed. [Mar 2003, p.101]
  14. The New York protest singer has returned to folky pontificating, in which her inherent decency is overshadowed by the dullness of the enterprise.
  15. On Educated Guess, which DiFranco wrote, produced, recorded and mixed entirely on her own, this awkward, improbable tendency goes unchecked, as does DiFranco's penchant for jarring arrangements.
  16. It's just so staccato and nonlinear, a sort of free-jazz version of rock with just too much going on and little worth hearing.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 6 out of 22
  1. Nov 21, 2010
    Probably the worst album ever from one of our most innovative modern musicians and poets. This dissonant album lacks the musical ingenuity ofProbably the worst album ever from one of our most innovative modern musicians and poets. This dissonant album lacks the musical ingenuity of much of her other work. Full Review »
  2. MichelleC
    Feb 9, 2005
    Fascinating album. I heard "swim" and "educated guess" live first-- it was quite a shock to hear them so jarringly dissonant on the album Fascinating album. I heard "swim" and "educated guess" live first-- it was quite a shock to hear them so jarringly dissonant on the album after they soar so gorgeously on the live versions. However, this may more than anything point to Ani's versitality within her own art. The album definitely speaks to her talent and independence as a writer and a performer. Full Review »
  3. TonyW
    Jul 1, 2004
    Loved it.