
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Aug 17, 2021
    “Different Kinds of Light,” is the proverbial big step forward, the one that conjures words like “maturity” and finds her becoming a seasoned performer, songwriter and especially singer.
  2. Aug 16, 2021
    A couple more songs with the punch of Candidate or last year’s Headstart, here relegated to a bonus track, and a couple less mid-paced numbers among its 14 tracks would have made Different Kinds of Light unstoppable, but it’s a sure step forward by an impressive songwriting talent.
  3. 80
    On Different Kinds of Light, Bird isn’t an entirely new artist, but here she proves she was never the one-dimensional singer some might have pegged her for. Not then and not now.
  4. Aug 12, 2021
    Not only has she written an engaging set of songs, but they are played and captured with gusto.
  5. Aug 12, 2021
    This is by no means a ripping up of the rule book for Jade, but from this side-step where she’s going next could be anyone’s guess.
  6. Aug 10, 2021
    ‘Different Kinds Of Light’ shows Bird navigating melody and emotion with impressive command, a musician in all senses of the word. Continuing to colour outside the lines on future material could make Bird a household name for years to come.
  7. 80
    Bird roars through the album’s 15 tracks, seamlessly transitioning to thoughtful downtempo moments. Broadening her sound to keep up with her perspective, she’s stayed true to her roots while knocking down the genre walls she was once placed within.
  8. Aug 30, 2021
    With tighter editing – Different Kinds of Light can feel plodding in its ambitious length – on her third album, Bird should only continue to improve.
  9. 70
    There’s fewer moments of Bird producing fireworks with her vocals throughout Different Kinds Of Light, and while that may leave some early fans feeling somewhat unfulfilled, it’s as strong a sign as any that she’s matured and is operating with a newfound dynamism as a songwriter – there’s more to her than just that huge voice.
  10. Aug 12, 2021
    She strums her guitar brightly to cut through the fog clouding one’s mind and spirit. Jade Bird inspires one to get up and do something even when the circumstances are less than promising.

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