
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. This is just well-executed, fun rock 'n' roll.
  2. Blender
    [An] entertaining album. [Apr 2005, p.119]
  3. The results are much better than his 1993 sci-fi shark jump, Cyberpunk, and so it automatically counts as the best thing he's done since "Cradle of Love."
  4. Q Magazine
    It delivers considerable entertainment value. [Apr 2005, p.122]
  5. Uncut
    A solid, by-the-numbers Billy Idol album. And that is both its triumph and its tragedy. [Apr 2005, p.99]
  6. Mojo
    Shave Devil's Playground of nine tracks and repackage it as an EP and it could conceivably be the comeback of the year. [Apr 2005, p.98]
  7. The bodybuilder's physique and sneering expression haven't given way to age; nor has his conviction that singing pedestrian clunk-rock is tantamount to signing on as Satan's orchestra leader.
  8. The odd thing about Devil's Playground isn't that Billy pretends Cyberpunk doesn't exist -- frankly, any artist with sense would do that -- it's that he now pretends that he's always been a metalhead, as if his posturing in the '80s was more than an affectation.
  9. An uneven and ultimately unsatisfying return.
  10. New Musical Express (NME)
    Over-produced and under-inspired. [26 Mar 2005, p.51]
  11. Devil's Playground makes like it's 1983 all over again.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 124 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 124
  1. JackC
    Jan 24, 2008
    Wow. Just bought this in used CD bin in January 2008. Did not realize Billy made and album. I have been busy raising kids. This album is Wow. Just bought this in used CD bin in January 2008. Did not realize Billy made and album. I have been busy raising kids. This album is great! I'm a little behind, but I look forward to more, more, more! Full Review »
  2. DavidD.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Best CD since his self titled CD some 20 plus years ago. Heavy Metal type theme but not to the point of Metal music without a doubt Idol is Best CD since his self titled CD some 20 plus years ago. Heavy Metal type theme but not to the point of Metal music without a doubt Idol is back whether the CD sells or not who cares thank God there is still Music like this being made. Full Review »
  3. KevinB
    Feb 8, 2007
    Just like you expect from Billy Idol & Steve Stevens it's unique from all their other albums, every song is catchy and great, My Just like you expect from Billy Idol & Steve Stevens it's unique from all their other albums, every song is catchy and great, My favorite track is summer running and I will never ever hesitate to buy any Billy Idol or Steve Stevens Album. I have all of their albums and every track is awesome, Never heard one that I skipped over or halfway through. Full Review »