• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Apr 26, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Apr 26, 2019
    At their core, the songs are fundamentally concerned with unguarded and confessional intimacy yet the manner in which they are presented is a hindrance as, on the whole, there is a sheen to Designer which it could well do without.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 48
  2. Negative: 1 out of 48
  1. May 4, 2019
    I grew up feeding on great music - The Smiths, Fairport Convention, Talking Heads, Joni Mitchell, XTC, The Pixies, but at a young hearted 49I grew up feeding on great music - The Smiths, Fairport Convention, Talking Heads, Joni Mitchell, XTC, The Pixies, but at a young hearted 49 years old I find it harder and harder to find music that grabs my intellect and soul. Then I discover Miss Harding.. and there is that magic again. Her previous albums have been spell-binding, stylish, captivating - but also dense and sometimes difficult to listen to (unless one is in a dense and difficult mood). Designer is a somewhat different proposition. It is lighter, more precise, less murky. Musical passages are pristine, stripped back - each section of instrumentation fitting neatly in place. There is a sparseness that throws gorgeous little details into relief…. The isolated sassy little bent string note in “Weight of the Planets” for example. The consistency in songwriting is highly notable... The melodies are wonderful throughout - some (such as found in the Barrel) are instantaneously catchy, addictive and joyfully funky and odd, Others reveal themselves more slowly and subtly, but are no less rewarding… in fact they might be even more so in the long term. Lyrically the album is a surreal cut and paste of memorable phrases. At times similar to David Byrne - the oblique lyrical snippets create an impressionistic playground in which the listener can formulate their own meanings and feelings (if they want to) - regardless the lyrics are fascinating and enigmatic throughout. Miss Harding’s voice is astonishing in it’s flexibility emotional clout, and range… I have not heard an album before with such a diverse selection of styles from a single vocalist… From deep sonorous Weimar cabaret style chanteuse to the flute like sugary sweet laurel Canyon angels choir found on “Zoo eyes” the listener is delightfully disoriented at every turn. “Designer” is an album of wonders that deserves to top the end of years polls. Packed full of strong melodies, deft minimalist arrangements full of air and light... and a delightfully subtle production, it’s bloody good. Full Review »
  2. Nov 20, 2021
    Quietly impressive no filler . Consistent to a key feeling very genuine and calming. With julia holter weirdness.
  3. Jul 9, 2020
    Designer is a great album for listening to when you simply want to exist on your own. It is through and through intimate; at some points itDesigner is a great album for listening to when you simply want to exist on your own. It is through and through intimate; at some points it conjures feelings of standing alone in a field on a lazy summer day, at other points it's like sitting in the dark with a single candle to light your world. A perfect album to enjoy being in your own company. Full Review »