• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: May 14, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
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  1. May 14, 2021
    I’m with Scot Weaver. I dig this album for a few reasons. It’s like a throwback to the early raw Black Keys days. It replicates historic and under appreciated delta blues geniuses. It is really, really good rock with driving rhythms and raw guitar riffs. Every song is special. On the downside, it’s hard to reinvent the blues...wait...The Black Keys did that. Now they return to theirI’m with Scot Weaver. I dig this album for a few reasons. It’s like a throwback to the early raw Black Keys days. It replicates historic and under appreciated delta blues geniuses. It is really, really good rock with driving rhythms and raw guitar riffs. Every song is special. On the downside, it’s hard to reinvent the blues...wait...The Black Keys did that. Now they return to their roots and it should be revered. In the framework of The BK discography this is up there with my favorites. Expand
  2. May 14, 2021
    I dig this. I do not understand the negative reviews of this album, but hey, I am just a guy. Easygoing tunes during a terrible pandemic. 10/10 from me. All the best.
  3. Jun 9, 2021
    A smooth and addictive set of tunes that feels completely effortless while being technically impressive. One of my favorite Black Keys records.
  4. May 16, 2021
    This is a tremendous Blues tribute album to The Black Keys heroes. Pay little or no attention to those mixed or negative reviews. Dan and Patrick nail each note here and present a proper covers album. If you liked their EP Chulahoma you are going to absolutely dig this. To me this album teleports me to a smoky late night Blues Juke Joint....sit back and enjoy.
  5. Jul 21, 2021
    I agree that there is some El Camino vibe that I was missing on the last album. I really enjoy the heavy base guit which is present in most of the songs. The only problem is that on some songs I find myself looking if this is still one song or if it went to another track because some of the riffs sound a little too familiar and after more re listens of the album I found it a little shame.I agree that there is some El Camino vibe that I was missing on the last album. I really enjoy the heavy base guit which is present in most of the songs. The only problem is that on some songs I find myself looking if this is still one song or if it went to another track because some of the riffs sound a little too familiar and after more re listens of the album I found it a little shame.
    However, I really like the more blues and darker tones in the songs, which suits these two guys better.
  6. May 17, 2021
    This album's pretty cool. It's a lot different than the type of music I usually listen to, but I actually find myself thinking this is pretty good. Definitely worth the 35 dollars I spent on preordering this record.
  7. May 21, 2021
    Note to myself that the black keys will never make a bad album. Even if it's a cover album. I love the execution of sound. These songs are mostly out of date but they managed to give it a go for us
    Sure it's not their usual garage album but it's not their target. Overall a good cover album
  8. May 27, 2021
    A such a great album, rock and blues sounds perfectly fine, the music transport to Mississippi
  9. Sep 5, 2021
    Myself, as an alternative, blues, and rock fan, personally I really love Delta Kream so much. All of the tracks are really had a great sound. The drums is simple, yet sounded so good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. May 19, 2021
    Picking up largely neglected threads from their early work, the album solidifies the Akron duo as one of the most vital and credible blues-rock bands active today.
  2. May 17, 2021
    There are a few misses, however. ’Do The Romp’ is sheer bar room bluster, while ‘Coal Black Mattie’ seems to stray too far into the line of being merely copyist. Yet when it works, it certainly works – potent and atmospheric ‘Delta Kream’ undoubtedly has its heart in the right place, while the core material stands as some of the most addictive elements of modern blues songwriting.
  3. May 14, 2021
    Laconic and acidly textured, Delta Kream is a perfect balance of the Black Keys' lo-fi swagger and keen ear for the Mississippi blues traditions that inspired it.