• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Apr 11, 2017
    The daring, innovative breadth of his artistic imagination is given full licence in the sense of expansive space each track so effortlessly conjures--no doubt helped by his previous soundtrack work.
  2. Apr 10, 2017
    It is as purely individual a statement as the English producer has released yet. Happily, it’s also his most approachable, with the producer sounding more euphoric than he has in a long time.
  3. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    Whether it’s political (the second half looks pretty Brexit: “Aftermath”, “Catastrophe Anthem”, “Living Fantasy”, “Un UK”) or more private, there’s something at stake in every track. [May 2017, p.61]
  4. May 3, 2017
    A large part of Death Peak--despite the morbid title--contains some of Clark's most accessible and melodic dance floor tracks.
  5. Apr 24, 2017
    Death Peak reaffirms that Clark's music isn't constrained by clearly defined concepts; if anything, he's liberated by them, and this is some of his finest, widest-ranging music yet.
  6. Apr 10, 2017
    Despite its otherwise grim title, it plumbs emotional depths even further and creates a more vivid and exciting picture of what Clark is capable of this late in his career, and why all of the hype surrounding him from the beginning was more than credible.
  7. Apr 10, 2017
    Though less dark than his defining album or his latest soundtrack, Clark's latest balances whimsy and savagery just enough to know it's his.
  8. Apr 10, 2017
    While it doesn’t have quite the artistic heft of his self-titled album, the bright, punched-out shapes are more fun to listen to, with an emotional accessibility that makes me imagine a kind of post-rave Eluvium.
  9. Apr 13, 2017
    Death Peak has some brilliantly immersive moments throughout. ... Upon repeat listens, the fine tracks that marked the early part of Death Peak sound tarnished and wanting, the combined weight of the album suddenly appearing uneven and cumbersome.
  10. May 10, 2017
    Death Peak is a very good album, and anyone who’s followed Clark since Clarence Park should be happy with the twists and turns he continues to take.
  11. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2017
    Death Peak takes you on a journey of sorts. [Jun 2017, p.26]
  12. Apr 10, 2017
    Employing a dense rack of synths, the opening tracks establish a slightly chaotic fug that the record gradually emerges from. And, once its found its feet, the album treads a pretty glorious path.
  13. Q Magazine
    Apr 12, 2017
    An album of hidden depth, then, even if some of them require firm resolve on the listener's part. [Jun 2017, p.105]

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