• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 24, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 564 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 82 out of 564

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  1. ChrisE
    Nov 9, 2006
    I like Beyonce. She's gorgeous, talented and appears to be pretty grounded. But upon the release of her debut solo disc Dangerously In Love (and amidst the critical acclaim it garnered) I decided to get the album--boy, did it disappoint! The first handful of tracks (especially the international horn-blarin' smash single "Crazy In Love") sounded brilliant, everything I expected I like Beyonce. She's gorgeous, talented and appears to be pretty grounded. But upon the release of her debut solo disc Dangerously In Love (and amidst the critical acclaim it garnered) I decided to get the album--boy, did it disappoint! The first handful of tracks (especially the international horn-blarin' smash single "Crazy In Love") sounded brilliant, everything I expected the ex-Destiny's Child leader to produce as a solo artist. But halfway through and this shockingly long record starts getting bland--it's not that they're not credible, respectable songs, it's just that they're bland and Dangerously gets a bit dangerously close to being too ballad-influenced. Beyonce's stellar and oft-fluid singing skills certainly help listeners get through the tepid, boring material. Decent, credible and definitely a respectable attempt, but nothing brilliant--get B'Day instead if possible. Expand
  2. Aug 15, 2013
    "Dangerously In Love" isn't that great. Don't get me wrong... there are some good songs like "Crazy In Love", but some songs are really just super annoying.
  3. k-robkihc
    Sep 8, 2004
    I love 2 songs on this album. one with Jay-Z that's how I like it, because he is the greatest of all times, and the other dangerously in love. The rest were O.K. I'm not gonna hate on B though she has a nice voice but I just miss the old Destiny's Child. As long as Jay is happy I'm happy
  4. LoraDenise
    Oct 22, 2003
    she has a couple of songs that could make this album another multiplatnum success, but she has not the sense the make those songs singles. She is just doing the same old vocal tricks. I really feel she sucks as a songwriter. No way is this album going to come close to the last two destiny's child album, but what do I know, I really felt the survivor album sucked.
  5. Jan 6, 2013
    This was an average debut album and while it delivered some great singles like Crazy In Love, there are very few good album tracks. Most are slow and dull songs that don't come anywhere close to being hits.
  6. Jun 20, 2022
    Starting with the epic "crazy in love" the album couldn't sound better. Like most pf her early work this debut has really great songs in a crowd of filler. Favorites: crazy in love,baby boy & me,myself and i
  7. Jun 16, 2019
    Beyoncé's debut album is somewhat captivating and helpful in showing off some of her R & B skills bringing beautiful romantic songs with beautiful and interesting lyrics"
  8. May 29, 2020
    Beyoncé's debut solo album is a decent for a debut album, but after departing from Destiny's Child, the world needed more. The singles proved to be the best part of the album and that is never good for a record. The production was great and the vocals weren't bad, but the lyrical content and melodic choices didn't work for the project. Some of the features worked and some didn't. All inBeyoncé's debut solo album is a decent for a debut album, but after departing from Destiny's Child, the world needed more. The singles proved to be the best part of the album and that is never good for a record. The production was great and the vocals weren't bad, but the lyrical content and melodic choices didn't work for the project. Some of the features worked and some didn't. All in all, there were some great steps and some huge missteps taken on this album and I want to see much growth on her second solo record.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. Naughty Girl
    2. Baby Boy (feat. Sean Paul)
    3. Crazy in Love (feat. JAY Z)
    4. Daddy
    5. Speechless
    6. Yes
    7. Gift From Virgo
    8. The Closer I Get to You (feat. Luther Vandross)
    9. Be With You
    10. Dangerously in Love 2
    11. Me, Myself, and I
    12. Hip Hop Star (feat. Big Boi & Sleepy Brown)
    13. That's How You Like It (feat. JAY Z)
    14. Signs (feat. Missy Elliott)
    15. Beyoncé Interlude
  9. Aug 29, 2020
    Es un álbum que posee 3 canciones buenas el resto no me gustaron nada buenas ni comerciales.
  10. Dec 19, 2021
    I'll not lie that this experience was quit disappointing, but I gotta say that it's mainly my fault. I was so exited for this album because... well, it's Beyoncé and I love some of her songs like Halo, Formation and even Single Ladies and that was what I was expecting and totally not what I got. Regardless of the fact that "Dangerously in Love" doesn't have any outstanding song besides theI'll not lie that this experience was quit disappointing, but I gotta say that it's mainly my fault. I was so exited for this album because... well, it's Beyoncé and I love some of her songs like Halo, Formation and even Single Ladies and that was what I was expecting and totally not what I got. Regardless of the fact that "Dangerously in Love" doesn't have any outstanding song besides the super hit "Crazy in Love", it doesn't have any bad songs as well. Overall, it's a very chill and good debut album which doesn't live up to Beyoncé's greatness. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Nov 20, 2018
    Perhaps inevitably, the desperate urge to cover every musical base from dancefloor to soul-ballad means that there is barely a track here with any distinctive identity or even a tune.
  2. One of the most refreshing modern R&B records from a diva-ascendant in a long time.
  3. Uncut
    Things degenerate into a dreary stream of self-pitying/self-mythologising ballads. [Sep 2003, p.106]