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  1. Jul 2, 2017
    una obra de arte, en tiempos donde el rap se orienta a letras vacias Kendrick lo hace real con produccion y liricas honestas. Actualmente ocupa le trono del hip hop
  2. Aug 15, 2017
    this is the first kendrick's album that i listen in full and its diferent of what i expected. i liked, its a great album but i dont know why is so overrated, i cant see this WOW that the media and the people are giving to the album because there are bad songs like "loyalty"
  3. Jul 17, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar- Damn
    Damn is way easier to listen to than To Pimp a Butterfly was, the moment Humble came online is was an absolute hit, and every other song in this album is totally enjoyable as well.
    That being said i find TPAB way more interesting to listen to, lyrically is more complex and i think that the experimental sound that it had brings more to it that this one. However, this
    Kendrick Lamar- Damn
    Damn is way easier to listen to than To Pimp a Butterfly was, the moment Humble came online is was an absolute hit, and every other song in this album is totally enjoyable as well.
    That being said i find TPAB way more interesting to listen to, lyrically is more complex and i think that the experimental sound that it had brings more to it that this one.
    However, this album has some really imaginative and cool tracks that will stick to you, personally, i enjoy ELEMENT the most, New Kung Fu Kenny!
  4. Sep 28, 2019
    If you didn't give this a 9 or 10, you should read up on each song, and its meaning. Then give it another listen. This album has so many layers. The music is dense with different sounds, even though there are very few instruments used. K dot is a genius.
  5. Yis
    Apr 23, 2017
    Not K-Dot's best album, I'd put it just beneath Section.80. I'm saying this because there are three songs off this record I cannot stand. I feel like LOYALTY., LOVE. and GOD. are really bad, especially LOVE. with its corny songwriting and horrible hook and production. Other than that I feel like this album is really great, with some amazing bars from Kendrick, and some great productionNot K-Dot's best album, I'd put it just beneath Section.80. I'm saying this because there are three songs off this record I cannot stand. I feel like LOYALTY., LOVE. and GOD. are really bad, especially LOVE. with its corny songwriting and horrible hook and production. Other than that I feel like this album is really great, with some amazing bars from Kendrick, and some great production here and there. And I really have to give it to for D.N.A. and XXX. which have great production. I did not have any respect for him before, but he really surprised me with his productions on the two songs. Expand
  6. Aug 25, 2018
    I feel like I'm missing something but this project just really doesn't click for me as much as Kendrick's others. It still has some great singles and good themes, but I can't help but feel this is a step down from what "To Pimp a Butterfly" and "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" achieved. It is still a Kendrick project though so objectively it's still great.
  7. Apr 22, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar comes out with another stellar studio album that legitimizes his legacy in hip-hop once and for all. Not only does this album sounds stunning with some new production and sound mashed in, but it has a more complex story and emotion to tell in the duration of the entire project. This may not be his best project he's ever put out, but it sure is one of his best. Kendrick LamarKendrick Lamar comes out with another stellar studio album that legitimizes his legacy in hip-hop once and for all. Not only does this album sounds stunning with some new production and sound mashed in, but it has a more complex story and emotion to tell in the duration of the entire project. This may not be his best project he's ever put out, but it sure is one of his best. Kendrick Lamar is made on his earth to make music for everyone to enjoy and appreciate.

    Least Favorite Tracks: GOD - not really feeling this one.
  8. Jul 28, 2019
    Kendrick's "DAMN." is lyrically stellar, sonically rich and wrapped in a meticulous and thoughtful concept. I appreciate his experiments on this project, although it has not aged as well as I originally thought it would. Still, it is a terrific addition to an already stellar discography.
  9. Dec 25, 2017
    After more than a month of listening to DAMN, Kendrick Lamar gives us a reason to believe that Hip Hop is alive and breathing. "DAMN" takes the listener through a story of K-DOT's rise to fame coupled with addressing social justice issues and religious sentiment. In my opinion, notable tracks within this album are DNA, YAH, ELEMENT, LOVE, PRIDE, GOD, and DUCKWORTH. Regardless if you are aAfter more than a month of listening to DAMN, Kendrick Lamar gives us a reason to believe that Hip Hop is alive and breathing. "DAMN" takes the listener through a story of K-DOT's rise to fame coupled with addressing social justice issues and religious sentiment. In my opinion, notable tracks within this album are DNA, YAH, ELEMENT, LOVE, PRIDE, GOD, and DUCKWORTH. Regardless if you are a heavy consumer of Hip-Hop/Rap, this album is worthy of a listen. Expand
  10. Apr 21, 2017
    By far, this is Kendrick Lamar's most overrated project. It does not deserve a 96. It's maybe as good or a little better than Section 8.0, below GKMC and doesn't even come close to TPAB. Now don't get me wrong, this is a great album, at least lyrically. But it is very inconsistent. Although I love that we get to see this side of K-Dot, thematically, this album is too shaky. Its a veryBy far, this is Kendrick Lamar's most overrated project. It does not deserve a 96. It's maybe as good or a little better than Section 8.0, below GKMC and doesn't even come close to TPAB. Now don't get me wrong, this is a great album, at least lyrically. But it is very inconsistent. Although I love that we get to see this side of K-Dot, thematically, this album is too shaky. Its a very unstable album and where GKMC and TPAB rounded themselves up like a tapestry, this is more like an unfinished knit blanket. Lyrically, this album is spot on, outside of songs like GOD, YAH and LOYALTY, Kenny's delivery is fantastic. The production is amazing on most of the songs like DNA, ELEMENT, DUCKWORTH and even though lyrically im not as interested in it, GOD. Overall, Great Album with some pretty big flaws, I can't say that about TPAB or GKMC so Im going to give it an 8. Expand
  11. Apr 21, 2017
    I'm not too much into hip hop but this was refreshing for me, this is my first time listening to Kendrick and it might not have be as good as I hoped considering the opinion of people I mostly agree with I wasn't disappointed.
  12. Apr 24, 2017
    El trabajo de Lamar siempre s sido un trabajo de excelencia, innovando tanto en sonido como en expresión artística, en este álbum lo sentí un tanto incómodo y no tan seguro de lo que estaba haciendo como en sus anteriores discos, el sonido sigue siendo impecable y experimental, pero siento que algunos interludios no están bien logrados y algunas canciones tampoco. Es un buen disco peroEl trabajo de Lamar siempre s sido un trabajo de excelencia, innovando tanto en sonido como en expresión artística, en este álbum lo sentí un tanto incómodo y no tan seguro de lo que estaba haciendo como en sus anteriores discos, el sonido sigue siendo impecable y experimental, pero siento que algunos interludios no están bien logrados y algunas canciones tampoco. Es un buen disco pero está lejos de sus trabajos anteriores. Expand
  13. Apr 24, 2017
    On this album, Kendrick gives everyone something. He gives the common fan an easily accessible project. He gives his fans who love him for his complex story telling and introspection many things to think about. There are a few throwaway tracks, but overall this is not a misstep by King Kendrick. Hopefully this album ages as well as his previous projects.
  14. Apr 29, 2017
    Pardon the pun, but this album is DAMN good. Unlike Good Kid and Butterfly there isn't a main theme running through the album, but songs still feel like they belong together. These songs are pretty straight forward rather then his other works which most times need to understood by really diving into the lyrics. its not perfect, but its completely welcome in this sea of rap that is over runPardon the pun, but this album is DAMN good. Unlike Good Kid and Butterfly there isn't a main theme running through the album, but songs still feel like they belong together. These songs are pretty straight forward rather then his other works which most times need to understood by really diving into the lyrics. its not perfect, but its completely welcome in this sea of rap that is over run with beats that let you down and lyrics that are so bland and braggadocios that i barely listen to any of the words being said.
    Best Songs: "DNA", "ELEMENT", "FEEL", "HUMBLE", and "FEAR"
  15. May 26, 2017
    It's a good album, but not as good as his others. I was really hyped with "HUMBLE" being a great track, and to be honest he delivered, but some of the songs (LOYALTY) didn't have any repeat value. Still a great album - 8/10
  16. May 11, 2017
    I liked this album and i can see that he mentioned a lot of religious stories and he seems like his kinda angry or something like that and i like it i don't find a problem but comparing to other albums especially after he dropped "to pimp a butterfly" tbh this was his worst album
  17. May 23, 2017
    This was by far Kendrick's most commercially successful project. And there are some intriguing moments on this album like "fear" "love" and "duckworth" but overall, this is Kendrick's most scattered album both in a sonic sense and a story telling sense. This is the easiest and most available album to listen to out of any of his projects and by far the least politically driven. Much of theThis was by far Kendrick's most commercially successful project. And there are some intriguing moments on this album like "fear" "love" and "duckworth" but overall, this is Kendrick's most scattered album both in a sonic sense and a story telling sense. This is the easiest and most available album to listen to out of any of his projects and by far the least politically driven. Much of the success of this album i feel is owed to the step back from r&b and the step towards mainstream ex: DNA, Loyalty, Humble. But in comparison to his discography, i believe DAMN. lands just above Section .80. But that's just my opinion. Expand
  18. Dec 20, 2017
    Kung Fu Kenny's masterpiece. Took a couple of listens to appreciate this album as his best work.
  19. Jun 11, 2017
    A departure of sorts from his recent 2 releases (TPAB and UU), Kendrick Lamar is still able to showcase his incredible lyrical talent. A wide range of songs are on display throughout this record and they all sound incredible. Kendrick's story-telling and ability to put the listener on a journey are similar to the way he did when GKMC dropped. This album is catered to be an easier listenA departure of sorts from his recent 2 releases (TPAB and UU), Kendrick Lamar is still able to showcase his incredible lyrical talent. A wide range of songs are on display throughout this record and they all sound incredible. Kendrick's story-telling and ability to put the listener on a journey are similar to the way he did when GKMC dropped. This album is catered to be an easier listen and is more streamlined for the masses but isn't forgettable as other mainstream media that is usually consumed and forgotten about. It is another album in Kendrick Lamar's catalogue that will be revisited time and time again. If TPABis the masterpiece you listen to alone in your room and GKMC is the joint you play with the homies, then DAMN is the record you bump in your car heading to mart. Expand
  20. Sep 11, 2017
    Before reading: MY OPINION. OK, let's go :D :

    Good: Genius lyrics. Genius beats. Appeals to fans that can be bothered to stick around for multiple listens to properly understand the lyrics (which when interpreted are effing amazing). Basically, not trying to get radio time (mostly anyways.). Bad: Two songs, but again: MY OPINION. I don't like the songs LOVE. and LOYALTY.,
    Before reading: MY OPINION. OK, let's go :D :


    Genius lyrics.
    Genius beats.
    Appeals to fans that can be bothered to stick around for multiple listens to properly understand the lyrics (which when interpreted are effing amazing). Basically, not trying to get radio time (mostly anyways.).


    Two songs, but again: MY OPINION.

    I don't like the songs LOVE. and LOYALTY., mainly due to Zacari and Rihanna respectively. I think they're a litte too mainstream and IMO it almost feels like Kendrick is being held on reigns, not allowed to let rip like he does on pretty much all of the other tracks ( I know, not the best wording, but do you see what I mean??)


    I don't really have an opinion on the track GOD., so I decided to make turn the 'pro & con' review into the 'good, bad & ugly', and make the ugly section the bit where I put GOD. .) Just a bit meh.

    All in all, I love this album. I know three tracks from 14 I don't really like, but the other 11 I have had on repeat for the past week, and I mean that quite literally. Kendrick is well, well, well of all the other rappers in the game currently. For me, the best aspect of this album is Kendrick's raw talent, and how he spits bars at blistering paces on 11 tracks, lyrics which make you really sit back and rethink your view of the world ATM.
  21. Aug 17, 2017
    It may not quite stand up to either of it's monumental predecessors, but DAMN is without question Lamar's darkest and most personal album to date, with hits that will no doubt dominate radio stations for the rest of the year.
  22. Aug 25, 2017
    This is different from Kendrick but then again another incredible almost masterpiece from this decade defining rapper.
    Unfortunately this project seems just a little unfinished and some songs I found were a bit so so for Kendrick standards
    Here are my ratings from each song on this album: DNA. - 10/10 YAH. - 6/10 ELEMENT. - 10/10 FEEL. - 9/10 LOYALTY. - 7/10 PRIDE. - 8/10 HUMBLE.
    This is different from Kendrick but then again another incredible almost masterpiece from this decade defining rapper.
    Unfortunately this project seems just a little unfinished and some songs I found were a bit so so for Kendrick standards
    Here are my ratings from each song on this album:
    DNA. - 10/10
    YAH. - 6/10
    ELEMENT. - 10/10
    FEEL. - 9/10
    LOYALTY. - 7/10
    PRIDE. - 8/10
    HUMBLE. - 7/10
    LUST. - 10/10
    LOVE. - 5/10 : This song in particular was a let down for the project. Kendrick's vocals felt a little lazy for an album like this, and in my opinion it sort of turned into cheesy quickly written lyrics that were catchy, but not mastered in the way that the feeling of LOVE. should be depicted.
    XXX. - 9/10
    FEAR. - 10/10
    GOD. - 9/10 : A lot of people did not like this song but I really could not understand why. Well written lyrics, a simple but effective chorus, I could agree that Kendrick might not be sounding very, I dunno, Humble but he is what he is, an inspiration to listen to and an excellent rapper whose lyrics are always from the heart.
    DUCKWORTH - 10/10
  23. Jun 23, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar's weakest is stronger than most rapper's best, but his weakest is still what it is. Too much pop woven into a record by an artist who has thrived away from the Top 40 and found his greatest inspiration in the shadows away from the radio airwaves, and within the realms of deeper political commentary and jazz fusion.. Less Rihanna features, more Thundercat and Kamasi Washington.
  24. Jun 26, 2017
    This album is good, but no where near as good as To Pimp a Butterfly or good kid m.A.A.d city. Though this album is overall enjoyable only a couple of songs are really good, (Humble, DNA, Element, and XXX)
  25. Jan 15, 2018
    9.5/10 As usual, Kendrick Lamar's poeticism ,taste in production, and storytelling is absolutely phenomenal, and once again, Kendrick Lamar has released another groundbreaking, shocking, and chilling album to his discography.

    This album is insanely smart, and is definitely a great successor to the ever-so-great To Pimp a Butterfly shortly released 2 years prior. Like To PImp a
    9.5/10 As usual, Kendrick Lamar's poeticism ,taste in production, and storytelling is absolutely phenomenal, and once again, Kendrick Lamar has released another groundbreaking, shocking, and chilling album to his discography.

    This album is insanely smart, and is definitely a great successor to the ever-so-great To Pimp a Butterfly shortly released 2 years prior. Like To PImp a Butterfly, this album breaks ground with its incredibly genius twist - the altering of the story when played reversed. This album continuously foreshadows this great twist, and in the last song, and probably my favorite track of the beautiful collection, DUCKWORTH., the narrator, Kid Cupri, who has set the tone for this album along with the vocals Bekon, essentially reveals this great twist. To my knowledge this has NEVER been done before in the lifetime of hip-hop. In a brief summarization, this album shows Kendrick Lamar overcoming his weaknesses, surviving the figurative gunshot the blind women has given him, and surviving the possible fate of dying in a gunfight, as referred to in DUCKWORTH., given the TDE record labels creator is sent to jail for life (charged for the murder of Kendrick's own father.) The album really challenges this idea of "what if?" The album, played backwards, polarizes Kendrick's fate when played initially, and shows him submitting to a life of cruelty, agressiveness, and crime, dying to the gunshoit wound we were referred to in the beginning of the album when played in its original order. This concept is absolutely stunning. The production is great, as always, though its production is flawed by certain instrumentals that feel compensated for something more raw and cutting edge. Overall, this album is definitely a masterpiece, disregarding the good, yet not perfect production, which is why I have rounded its score to a perfect 10. It's not the best he's done, but a very close match.
  26. Aug 2, 2017
    I love the album and every song up there it's definitely a masterpiece. I can truly say that Kendrick always makes perfect projects great songs all the time and then the way he raps is just amazing props to him and others that worked on this album as well fantastic job. This album should definitely win best rap album and album of the year at the Grammy's for sure I hope he does anyhow nextI love the album and every song up there it's definitely a masterpiece. I can truly say that Kendrick always makes perfect projects great songs all the time and then the way he raps is just amazing props to him and others that worked on this album as well fantastic job. This album should definitely win best rap album and album of the year at the Grammy's for sure I hope he does anyhow next year in 2018. Expand
  27. Jul 16, 2017
    DAMN. is so deep album. Everyone needs to feel it! Ten! Already have top of favorite tracks. It will be good if we saw a feat. with Eminem, Dre, The Game.
  28. Jul 17, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  29. May 26, 2018
    DAMN. What a fantastic album from a fantastic creator. Kendrick drops some great bars and has some of the sickest flows of the year. I can't wait to hear what he does next.
  30. Aug 3, 2017
    This is a good album, but a step down from To Pimp A Butterfly. The production is all over the place, from trap beats to soulful beats. Lyrically, a lot of the song may seem shallow or underwhelming, but works well with the album's "wicked/weakness" concept. There are some low points, for example, GOD. or LOVE. But overall, it is a solid album.

    Favorites: DNA., ELEMENT., FEEL., FEAR.,
    This is a good album, but a step down from To Pimp A Butterfly. The production is all over the place, from trap beats to soulful beats. Lyrically, a lot of the song may seem shallow or underwhelming, but works well with the album's "wicked/weakness" concept. There are some low points, for example, GOD. or LOVE. But overall, it is a solid album.

  31. Jul 28, 2017
    Os produtores Sounwave e Martin sempre de parabéns. Quanta qualidade. Os vocais ficaram e as batidas ousadas brincando com a realidade do álbum, desafiando o conceito de qualidade... Parabéns!

    Melhores: Loyalty, Blood e DNA.
  32. Aug 2, 2017
    I think the album was amazing the album should definitely win all the awards it's nominated for this year and part of next year as well. It's hands down the best album this year and it's hands down a grammy album of the year type of album. Kendrick did an amazing job with his album my favorite album by him though is still To Pimp A Butterfly, but he did an amazing job with this album thisI think the album was amazing the album should definitely win all the awards it's nominated for this year and part of next year as well. It's hands down the best album this year and it's hands down a grammy album of the year type of album. Kendrick did an amazing job with his album my favorite album by him though is still To Pimp A Butterfly, but he did an amazing job with this album this year 2017 never had and heard any complaints about any of his projects. Expand
  33. Aug 16, 2017
    The evolution of Kendrick Lamar's music is really an exhilarating thing to experience as he does something different every time. This time on DAMN he gives us the perspective of a Hebrew Israelite and a person who dies in the intro. The music is more accessible compared to TPAB this time while still containing strong messages in them, with songs like LOYALTY, DNA YAH, ELEMENT, FEAR, PRIDEThe evolution of Kendrick Lamar's music is really an exhilarating thing to experience as he does something different every time. This time on DAMN he gives us the perspective of a Hebrew Israelite and a person who dies in the intro. The music is more accessible compared to TPAB this time while still containing strong messages in them, with songs like LOYALTY, DNA YAH, ELEMENT, FEAR, PRIDE etc... very powerful album as the beats are fantastic with many switch ups and Kendrick delivers us verses that fans will never forget once again Expand
  34. Aug 16, 2017
    Damn has become the new benchmark for Rap/hip-hop in respect to skill, storytelling, and literary elements. Damn has become an instant classic and the epitome of the rise of conscious rap.
  35. Aug 18, 2017
    DAMN. is not at all similar to the deep and introspective works of Good Kid, M.A.A.D City or To Pimp A Butterfly, but an entirely different kind of album.

    This album is direct. Kendrick doesn't dance with words. He lists the themes of his songs in their titles. There is no misinterpreting him. There is nothing to deduce. It's well produced, a bit skeletal at times, but still very
    DAMN. is not at all similar to the deep and introspective works of Good Kid, M.A.A.D City or To Pimp A Butterfly, but an entirely different kind of album.

    This album is direct. Kendrick doesn't dance with words. He lists the themes of his songs in their titles. There is no misinterpreting him. There is nothing to deduce.

    It's well produced, a bit skeletal at times, but still very well made.

    Flow is what keeps this album from being a higher score. Songs don't flow at all. Each is a single track without any purpose in the larger story of the album. Some of the contrasting tracks directly follow each other. The well-paced narratives of Good Kid and the flow of To Pimp A Butterfly disappear on this album.

    Yet, I am impressed with Kendrick's ability to change so dramatically.

    If you are a fan of Kendrick Lamar, well even if you aren't, you'll probably enjoy at least a few songs off of this album.

    Personal Favorites: LUST., DUCKWORTH., PRIDE., FEEL., XXX., and HUMBLE..
  36. Aug 21, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar is able to consistently dish out albums or songs that have strong tones and values he wants to express, and DAMN is a superlative example of that.
  37. Aug 25, 2017
    I thoroughly think that the crutch that this album possesses is that Kendrick has so many different topics going on throughout the record that it winds up feeling cluttered and over-thought thematically. There are a lot of really good tracks on here from the very aggressive and boisterous "HUMBLE" to the very reflective and borderline meditative "FEAR". I got a lot out of this album, II thoroughly think that the crutch that this album possesses is that Kendrick has so many different topics going on throughout the record that it winds up feeling cluttered and over-thought thematically. There are a lot of really good tracks on here from the very aggressive and boisterous "HUMBLE" to the very reflective and borderline meditative "FEAR". I got a lot out of this album, I just don't perceive it being as well groomed or as perfectly laid out as To Pimp a Butterfly or Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City. Expand
  38. Sep 2, 2017
    A deep and truly fantastic album from Kendrick. Kendrick brings a unique sound to this album and does not focus on the generic topics that rappers bring up and instead brings up real social issues. This album might not be for everyone, but the quality of this album is clear if you have an ounce of tone awareness.
  39. Sep 4, 2017
    IMO this is a classic hip hop album, on par with the 'all time great' albums throughout hip hop history. I asked myself, "is this on par with my personal favorites such as "It Was Written" by Nas, and I absolutely believe it is..
  40. Sep 4, 2017
    Kendrick keeping the gold standard of a rap album alive all whilst moving to a more mainstream sound. Every emotion is described in this masterpiece and Kung Fu Kenny's newest addition keeps him well in the debate of GOAT
  41. Dec 29, 2017
    Kendrick continues to give everything he has to the records that he puts out. Though Damn. is arguably not as strong as previous endeavors, he continues to give a look into his reality through strong, undeniable lyrics and potent samples that lead us through a story of struggle and it’s enchanting. Tracks that stand out are “DNA.”, “XXX.”, and “FEAR.”.
  42. Sep 24, 2017
    its the best of kendrick from good kid maad city mixed with best of kendrick from to pimp a butterfly in a perfect molded album with mainstream hits mixed in with kendricks deep content from untitled unmastered and to pimp a butterfly
  43. Oct 1, 2017
    DAMN. is an amazing album from Kendrick Lamar. When I first started listening to this album, it didn't feel like any usual hip-hop album. Time flew by listening to this album.
    It feels like Kendrick is experiencing new techniques on his songs on DAMN. Beats are dope, lyrics are mind-blowing when you actually take the time to take a look at them.
    I could even say the album was better than
    DAMN. is an amazing album from Kendrick Lamar. When I first started listening to this album, it didn't feel like any usual hip-hop album. Time flew by listening to this album.
    It feels like Kendrick is experiencing new techniques on his songs on DAMN. Beats are dope, lyrics are mind-blowing when you actually take the time to take a look at them.
    I could even say the album was better than the hype. I also agree with the #1 album of 2017 ranking.
  44. Oct 30, 2017
    It is Kendrick The GOAT. awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesomeIt is Kendrick The GOAT. awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome. Expand
  45. Nov 30, 2017
    SERVING rap extravaganza with the help of RIhanna, U2 and more, Kendrick Lamar levels-up the game making it untouchable. One of the best rap albums ever contains pain, fear, love, loyalty and ethics mixed with vulnerable poetry at it's finest.
    PRO TIP: listen to the album backwards.

  46. Joz
    Nov 4, 2017
    At its best, this album is a constantly changing, snappy piece of production, with a near-flawless Kendrick backing it up. At it worst, this album is an exercise in **** Here we can find songs that are so shamelessly positioned to climb up the billboard charts that they really hold the album back from Kendrick's more impassioned projects, like Madadadad. City and TPAB. That being said itAt its best, this album is a constantly changing, snappy piece of production, with a near-flawless Kendrick backing it up. At it worst, this album is an exercise in **** Here we can find songs that are so shamelessly positioned to climb up the billboard charts that they really hold the album back from Kendrick's more impassioned projects, like Madadadad. City and TPAB. That being said it had so many surprising and enjoyable moments that it ended up coming out as a positive experience for me. Humble is a great, (albeit production-wise, underwhelming) single, and Kung-Fu Kenny is a funny addition. Not Kendrick's best project, but it had his signature polish nevertheless. -2/10 Expand
  47. Nov 9, 2017
    Один из лучших альбомов 2017 года. Кендрик даже переплюнул свой прошлый альбом,что казалось практически невозможно.Альбом прекрасен со всех сторон: и в плане музыки и в плане текста.
  48. Nov 14, 2017

    Kendrick Lamar really outdid himself on this album proving why he is one of the best rappers of this generation. The Highlights of this album is Humble DNA, Element, Love and God. Some of the tracks were a bit boring and sometimes his rhymes go over your head. But DNA HUMBLE and ELEMENT and LOVE are very addictive with flawless production make up for those songs.

    Kendrick Lamar really outdid himself on this album proving why he is one of the best rappers of this generation. The Highlights of this album is Humble DNA, Element, Love and God. Some of the tracks were a bit boring and sometimes his rhymes go over your head. But DNA HUMBLE and ELEMENT and LOVE are very addictive with flawless production make up for those songs. Definitely one of the best albums of the year
  49. Nov 25, 2017
    Just like Kendrick's other albums, this one is nothing like generic rap that we all are used to when we think about other rappers, DAMN. shows us everything we want to listen and leave us wanting more and more, returning with this record was the best choice he ever made, this album has passion, anger, courage also fear but at the same time Kendrick sings with bravery, telling us what heJust like Kendrick's other albums, this one is nothing like generic rap that we all are used to when we think about other rappers, DAMN. shows us everything we want to listen and leave us wanting more and more, returning with this record was the best choice he ever made, this album has passion, anger, courage also fear but at the same time Kendrick sings with bravery, telling us what he wants and showing constantly he can do anything and still be one of the best rappers of our generation. Expand
  50. Dec 4, 2017
    Lamar's radio friendly record picks up well from his story telling abilities. If we consider what everyone has made rap to be lately it tops a lot of them. fast paced beats, strong lyrics, along with Lamar's many voices. Lamar's veracity can still be seen even on DAMN. It may have been his hardest mission yet, but he does certainly pull it off. DAMN. can never best GKMC or TPAB but it doesLamar's radio friendly record picks up well from his story telling abilities. If we consider what everyone has made rap to be lately it tops a lot of them. fast paced beats, strong lyrics, along with Lamar's many voices. Lamar's veracity can still be seen even on DAMN. It may have been his hardest mission yet, but he does certainly pull it off. DAMN. can never best GKMC or TPAB but it does deserve pole position for 2017. Expand
  51. Jun 1, 2019
    couldn't live up to the quality of his previous masterpieces (good kid & TPAB) but is worth a listen.
  52. May 19, 2018
    "DAMN." isn't as conceptual as Kendrick Lamars last two records. It's shorter, more scattered and seemingly less grand. After the epic "To Pimp a Butterfly", it may have been the only logical step to make a more stripped down, easily digestible album, relying more on contemporary hip hop production than TPABs Jazz and Funk influenced sound.
    Kendrick seems as conflicted as ever on this
    "DAMN." isn't as conceptual as Kendrick Lamars last two records. It's shorter, more scattered and seemingly less grand. After the epic "To Pimp a Butterfly", it may have been the only logical step to make a more stripped down, easily digestible album, relying more on contemporary hip hop production than TPABs Jazz and Funk influenced sound.
    Kendrick seems as conflicted as ever on this album, and the lack of a strict concept reflects that. Sure, there seem to be track pairings that contrast each other ("LOVE." and "LUST." for example), and similar themes and phrases appear throughout the album (plus there's this whole "play the album in reverse" thing), but anyone who thinks there is a story like in "good kid, M.A.A.D. City" or an overall theme and idea like on TPAB is really reaching.
    That doesn't mean it's a bad album though. Sure, tracks like "GOD.", "LOYALTY.", "YAH." and "LOVE." seem kind of simple when compared to Kendricks usual ambition, but they're still well-produced, earnest and lot of fun.
    No, "DAMN." is actually a great album. Tracks like "DNA.", "ELEMENT." or "HUMBLE." are total bangers, letting everyone know who's the king of rap right now. "FEEL.", "LUST." and "XXX." express a lot of the internal conflict that Kendrick is going through. He doesn't seem to be one hundred percent comfortable with the saviour role that was attributed to him after TPAB. He's only a human, at times flawed, undecided and insecure. These sentiments also reflect on "FEAR." and "PRIDE.", both of which are among the best tracks he's ever released, especially the first, which is a 7-minute masterpiece of a conscious rap song that has rightfully been described as the centerpiece of the album. The album closes with the fantastic "DUCKWORTH.", which tells the true (?) story of how Kendricks father and Top Dawg, TDEs label boss, met eachother, which set the table for Kendricks career.
    It goes without saying that all of these tracks feature great production and seemingly effortless fantastic rapping by Kendrick Lamar, even if it all doesn't seem to fit together as well as the music on his last couple of albums did.
    Maybe that's intentional, as "DAMN." shows Kendrick maybe at his most conflicted and unsure. Whatever he might feel, the album is another victory lap for him, containing his biggest singles and outselling Drake. Kendrick Lamar isn't the messiah, but he's the world's greatest rapper.
  53. Jan 2, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. DAMN. is Kendrick's best album by far. This album seemed to tell so much yet still sound amazing. His previous albums lyrics were jaw dropping these are no exception. This is an album were you can listen to every single song and not get tired of them. This album will be a cult classic and will be in the record book. These are bold statements but songs like HUMBLE, ELEMENT and DNA talk about the slums in Compton, CA and how he sticks to those roots.

  54. BB2
    Feb 22, 2018
    I really really REALLY want to give this album a 10/10, trust me. I love DUCKWORTH., DNA., and LUST. a lot! Plus, this album got me into some of Kendrick Lamar's other classics.

    And if you listen to it enough you can appreciate how great the songs really are and the story they tell. And that story is also very different if you listen or the collectors edition (the album but in backwards
    I really really REALLY want to give this album a 10/10, trust me. I love DUCKWORTH., DNA., and LUST. a lot! Plus, this album got me into some of Kendrick Lamar's other classics.

    And if you listen to it enough you can appreciate how great the songs really are and the story they tell. And that story is also very different if you listen or the collectors edition (the album but in backwards order), that puts DUCKWORTH. first and BLOOD. last, making his death seem useless in BLOOD, and also having the first lines of BLOOD. as the last lines of DUCKWORTH. makes the album come into full circle.

    But there's just two songs that *really* put me off.

    HUMBLE.. Although this song was the most poplar song in the album and the one that got me into Kendrick Lamar as an artist, listening to the rest of the songs on here and coming back to this made me realize it was the worst song in the album

    LOYALTY.. At the beginning of the song its really off putting, Kendrick opens sounding like a goat. And this song in its whole is just feels like a regular rap with a singer in it and it gets very boring to listen to after a while.

    Also not that I have a problem with this song, but sometimes I end up skipping over FEAR., whiter its just started or I'm halfway through it. The fact that its 7 minutes long makes it very repetitive or boring to listen to. This is my third least favoritism song in the album, but I usually don't have a problem with it
  55. Apr 29, 2018
    DAMN. the album with Kendrick's absolute top-notch songs, but also his first songs that are actually 'bad'. And adding on the criticism, the meaning of the whole album lacks in a couple songs. The two halves this album is split up in are completely different, but I honestly see that as a good thing, as it compares and contrasts against each-other in a perfect way. Day and night. ButDAMN. the album with Kendrick's absolute top-notch songs, but also his first songs that are actually 'bad'. And adding on the criticism, the meaning of the whole album lacks in a couple songs. The two halves this album is split up in are completely different, but I honestly see that as a good thing, as it compares and contrasts against each-other in a perfect way. Day and night. But honestly, songs like 'XXX.', 'DUCKWORTH.', and 'PRIDE.' completely make up for it, making the album sit nicely in my 'taste dubs'. Although it's not as good as his previous albums, it's another win for K. Dot. Expand
  56. Jun 5, 2018
    Hip hop as a genre and culture has been around for 30+ years. Throughout all the years, with the many artists, the many albums and all the songs, throughout all the changes and movements... Hip hop the culture and genre of music as we know it has come to an absolute peak with the release of 2017's "DAMN." by Kendrick Lamar.
    It is the culmination of everything that hip hop has been through
    Hip hop as a genre and culture has been around for 30+ years. Throughout all the years, with the many artists, the many albums and all the songs, throughout all the changes and movements... Hip hop the culture and genre of music as we know it has come to an absolute peak with the release of 2017's "DAMN." by Kendrick Lamar.
    It is the culmination of everything that hip hop has been through over the last 30+ years. Telling a twisting tail of death, damnation, violence, love, pride, and fear through the eyes of the African American, we get a personal glimpse into the psyche and lyrical prowess of one of the greatest living hip hop artists. With Kendrick's vocal changes that keeps your mind racing, stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, beats that make you question whether to dance or lock your doors, and a vision more vivid and real than an oil painting, Kendrick's fourth album is exactly what the music world needed. Lyrically, visually, musically, compositionally, culturally, and historically, "DAMN." is the pinnacle hip hop music crafted by the premier musical artist of today's generation.

    "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" (2012) is about the life of a black man growing up and living in Compton, CA.
    "To Pimp A Butterfly" (2015) is about a black man living in a turmoiled America.
    "DAMN." tells the story of a black man from Compton living in America in its most vulnerable state.

    All hail King Kendrick.
  57. Mar 3, 2018
    Kendrick Lamar makes his comeback in 2017 after his 2015 album To Pimp A Butterfly with trap elements that work better than most other trap songs and get his biggest mainstream success he definitely deserves.


    Worst: GOD
  58. Mar 13, 2018
    As a modern day rapper/Hip-Hop artist, I've always admired Kendrick Lamar out of a very mixed bag of modern-day artists from mumble rappers to the cringe-worthy once. Lamar has always seemed focused and he is definitely a lyricist.

    This might not be the first successful album that Kendrick Lamar has released to the public, but it is by far the most commercial/accessible project of his
    As a modern day rapper/Hip-Hop artist, I've always admired Kendrick Lamar out of a very mixed bag of modern-day artists from mumble rappers to the cringe-worthy once. Lamar has always seemed focused and he is definitely a lyricist.

    This might not be the first successful album that Kendrick Lamar has released to the public, but it is by far the most commercial/accessible project of his to date. I think he gained a new league of fans that might not necessarily listen to Hip Hop outside of whatever makes it on the Billboard top 100.
    While To Pimp a Butterfly & Good Kid mAAD city were both superior albums in my humble opinion, one cannot deny that they are primarily conceptual records and might not appeal to everyone. DAMN on the other hand doesn't have this problem. the tracks stand out on their own you can easily skip through them without listening to the entire album at once, each track focuses on a specific theme such as (pride, lust, love, god, loyalty etc..) each theme and its polar opposite is presented in this album in a way in which Kendrick tries to express or present his thoughts on each one without claiming to have the full answers to everything. In a way, it is an album about his struggles as a human which makes it relatable to the listener.

    Not Kendrick's best effort but still enjoyable and far superior to most mainstream Hip-Hop albums that were released in 2017.

    Favorite tracks: HUMBLE, DNA, BLOOD, XXX

    Least Favorite: LUST, LOYALTY
  59. 4za
    Aug 13, 2018
    A year ago I would've gave this a 7, I was severely disappointed with this album, but overtime it has grown on me. I set incredibly high standards for this album after 'To Pimp A Butterfly' was my favourite album of all time, so I was obviously disappointed, but now I can see that DAMN. is a perfectly good pop rap album. Songs like FEEL. and DUCKWORTH. are standouts as what you wouldA year ago I would've gave this a 7, I was severely disappointed with this album, but overtime it has grown on me. I set incredibly high standards for this album after 'To Pimp A Butterfly' was my favourite album of all time, so I was obviously disappointed, but now I can see that DAMN. is a perfectly good pop rap album. Songs like FEEL. and DUCKWORTH. are standouts as what you would expect from Kendrick, but he also delivers songs like DNA. which are completely different for his discography. The bangers on here are incredible alongside the more concsious tracks. As always, the production is tremendous, obviously not being as rich as 'To Pimp A Butterfly' or 'untitled unmastered.', but still great. One of few albums that changed my opinion so greatly over time. Expand
  60. May 21, 2018
    Kendrick Lamar released his attempt at trap music with 'DAMN.' and it is incredible. It really makes you wonder what the sonic limit to this man is. He's viable and adaptable, witty and wordy; everything current rap music needs.
  61. Dec 21, 2018
    It's one of the best rap albums I've heard, the critics fit perfectly into the songs and their compositions are incredible. The mixes of the songs, are completely perfect and without details and would say that it is one of the best albums of this generation. Amazing!
  62. May 22, 2018
    oh my gooosh..............................................................................
  63. Jun 1, 2018
    Not as good as To Pimp A Butterfly and not as meaningful, but I would be lying if I said i didn't like this album. The new direction Kendrick takes is fire af. Lots of great tracks (DNA, FEAR, HUMBLE, LOVE, XXX), though a couple of meh songs do bring it down a little for me (GOD and DUCKWORTH)
  64. Jun 2, 2018
    Try to be two things at once while pulling at each other. Feels more messy with its message compared to pimp or good
  65. Jun 11, 2018
    Its like a big journey. This will be one of the big classics of the 2010s (just like the two Kendrick LPs before) This is one of that albums I'd like to show my kids one day so I can be sure that they are gonna listen to great timeless music!
  66. Dec 3, 2018
    A good, but not great album. Kendrick submits to the pop culture and goes more mainstream than we are used to, but still provides us a high quality album. Kendrick Lamar still impresses with his impeccable flow and manipulation of his voice to express diffferent tones to match the beats he is rapping over.
  67. M64
    Jul 23, 2018
    This album has a unique sound that makes it very enjoyable and fresh. K-Dot really did well with this one, despite having some flaws in this album.
  68. Jul 6, 2018
    Amazing storytelling, and it just shows Lamar's overall thoughts of modern day issues. "DNA", "ELEMENT", and "XXX" all shows Lamar speaking up of current problems with an intense tone of rapping. Extremely diverse and a must listen.
  69. Nov 16, 2020
    Easily Kendrick's worst album yet. Quite inconsistent and features songs that I genuinely hate (LOYALTY. & LOVE.). Of course, there are some fantastic tracks in here, such as ELEMENT., PRIDE., XXX. & DUCKWORTH. but overall, I have pretty mixed feelings about it.
  70. Jan 22, 2020
    Bljhhhghgggf hj jjjh. Uhuuuuuu fdstyui yyghhjjjjj ffghhjj ffdddtiii sftujkjjhhddr drghuuuu fftyyyy gguigfd rruimng drikkhft yyikkk
  71. Sep 21, 2018
    DAMN. is certainly a feat of immense focus strength from Kendrick Lamar. It delivers on commercial success tracks such as HUMBLE., and more thoughtful tracks such as ELEMENT. and LUST.. With features from Rihanna, U2 and Zacari adds diversity in voculs, but unfortunately these songs are probably the least impressive on the album. Kendrick could have definitely pulled off what J Cole hasDAMN. is certainly a feat of immense focus strength from Kendrick Lamar. It delivers on commercial success tracks such as HUMBLE., and more thoughtful tracks such as ELEMENT. and LUST.. With features from Rihanna, U2 and Zacari adds diversity in voculs, but unfortunately these songs are probably the least impressive on the album. Kendrick could have definitely pulled off what J Cole has done three times, and get an album to platinum without any features.

    Kendrick is talented enough to be regarded as one of the best of this generation, but with the amazing success of To Pimp a Butterfly and untitled unmastered, there was a lot to live up to. Unfortunately DAMN. doesn't quite live up to its predecessors, but it comes very close.
  72. Feb 17, 2019
    DAMN. is a lot different than Kendrick's previous work. The album, in general, is a bit too forgettable, sure you can say that there are good songs here and there. Overall this album is pretty average. Most of the album is pretty same-ish. The only standout songs are FEEL., DUCKWORTH., XXX., HUMBLE. and DNA. the rest of the album is really repetitive and not that interesting. TheDAMN. is a lot different than Kendrick's previous work. The album, in general, is a bit too forgettable, sure you can say that there are good songs here and there. Overall this album is pretty average. Most of the album is pretty same-ish. The only standout songs are FEEL., DUCKWORTH., XXX., HUMBLE. and DNA. the rest of the album is really repetitive and not that interesting. The instrumental in all of the songs like usual is good, that's for sure, but with the lyrics, Kendrick doesn't bring his A game, sure I couldn't expect another TPAB or Good Kid. I am glad that Kendrick tried something new for his newest album but in my opinion, he failed. People say that this album is great but I don't understand how. It definitely isn't a 0/10 but it also isn't a 10/10. I think that Kendrick could have done a lot better with this album than he did, and I hope that his next album doesn't fail to meet peoples expectations like this one. 5/10 Expand
  73. Apr 23, 2019
    This is one of the best hip hop albums of all time not kendrick's best but I would put it below good Kid Maad city but it's really amazing good bars and punchlines and also the beats are on point.
  74. Nov 10, 2018
    i love this album. would've rather had the heart part 4 on here then love which seems out of place but besides that its amazing. fear duckworth dna element and pride are the best songs. i think more people will grow on this album before the end of the decade. the only people giving it 7s are those brain washed by anthony fatonao. the same guy who gave my beautiful dark twisted fantasy a 6i love this album. would've rather had the heart part 4 on here then love which seems out of place but besides that its amazing. fear duckworth dna element and pride are the best songs. i think more people will grow on this album before the end of the decade. the only people giving it 7s are those brain washed by anthony fatonao. the same guy who gave my beautiful dark twisted fantasy a 6 lol. this especially after the Pulitzer win is a classic album. he did a great job fusing pop witch conscious Expand
  75. Jun 7, 2022
    Kdots most commercial album sonically contrast the dense cosmic jazz rap of his game changing opus,"TPAB". It felt very relevant then in 2017 amidst the turmoil of the trump administration, police brutality cases and political landscape post 2016. Unfortunately it's just as relevant now as the transition to the Biden administration proves fruitless and the negligence of the police led toKdots most commercial album sonically contrast the dense cosmic jazz rap of his game changing opus,"TPAB". It felt very relevant then in 2017 amidst the turmoil of the trump administration, police brutality cases and political landscape post 2016. Unfortunately it's just as relevant now as the transition to the Biden administration proves fruitless and the negligence of the police led to more black death. It tackles death, love,money ,ego and so much more with 0 to no effort. The heady "ELEMENT "&"PRIDE" are the nearest we get to the funk of TPAB. Other diverging track's move into fresh yet still familar territory. The searing "DNA" feels like more of a take down than a political anti-colonialism banger it it. "HUMBLE " takes an egotistical look in the mirror as Lamar takes his earned seat at the rap parthenon. His storytelling as always never takes a break from the detached killing in "XXX " or the woozy "YAH" and epic "DUCKWORTH" . A Peabody winning record setting achiever keeps you entertained and thinking throughout ,stays familiar but grows enough to surprise. The production is off the hook. Im so enamoured by this record. Ppl are tempted to critique this record as "not up to par" due to it being less dense or more pop than the previous two albums but that's what draws me to it most. It has it's own personality that sets it apart from it's siblings. Favourites:literally every song Expand
  76. Dec 9, 2018
    Another great album from K Dot. Songs like HUMBLE, ELEMENT, DNA, XXX, LOYALTY, LOVE ME are masterpieces. Congrats!
  77. Mar 20, 2020
    Nearly three years later, DAMN. is still a delightfully magnificent album which stands strong in Lamar’s discography.
  78. Apr 6, 2019
    Album was great. Not gonna lie. It could had been better, it could had been TPAB level but ehh.. I didn't really mind this album. What I could mention about this album, that it's overrated as **** It's one of his worst in his discography. It could had been better honestly. Kendrick is a great rapper, he's up there with the GOATS. But I tried liking this album, I really did. But nah, thisAlbum was great. Not gonna lie. It could had been better, it could had been TPAB level but ehh.. I didn't really mind this album. What I could mention about this album, that it's overrated as **** It's one of his worst in his discography. It could had been better honestly. Kendrick is a great rapper, he's up there with the GOATS. But I tried liking this album, I really did. But nah, this ain't it.


    Least Favorite: LUST
  79. May 2, 2019
    Masterpiece in every single way, I love how he keeps defying every expectation you can have of him, How he reinvents his music and it's worthy to mention I wasn't a Kendrick's fan before this.
  80. Nov 19, 2019
    Awesome Album waiting on the next one. Kendrick Lamar one of the best new artist blowing breathe on the Mic.
  81. May 28, 2019
    This album solidifies Kendrick's place as the greatest ever. Coming up with more topics to talk about really shows how philosophical he is. He is great. The best.
  82. Sep 9, 2019
    DAMN. (in my opinion) is my least favorite K-Dot's album but it doesn't mean I hate this album, it's just that I'm not that interested than his other 3 albums. I would agree that this is in my top 5 hip-hop albums of 2010s, the production in this album is great, this album is dark and kinda political, the track HUMBLE. in my opinion is not meant for this album since it's mainstream and isDAMN. (in my opinion) is my least favorite K-Dot's album but it doesn't mean I hate this album, it's just that I'm not that interested than his other 3 albums. I would agree that this is in my top 5 hip-hop albums of 2010s, the production in this album is great, this album is dark and kinda political, the track HUMBLE. in my opinion is not meant for this album since it's mainstream and is no way near the subject about the album.

    BLOOD. - 7/10
    DNA. - 10/10
    YAH. - 6/10
    ELEMENT. - 9/10
    FEEL. - feel like this is a 8/10
    LOYALTY. - 8/10
    PRIDE. - 8/10
    HUMBLE. - 8/10
    LUST. - 9/10
    LOVE. - 7/10
    XXX. - 9/10
    FEAR. - 10/10
    GOD. - 6/10
    DUCKWORTH. 10/10

    DAMN. is still one of my favourite album, even in my top 10 rap albums list.
  83. Jun 29, 2019
    Pretty great album. This album is filled with bangers and is still quite enjoyable even a couple years later.
  84. Jul 11, 2019
    Leaner and cleaner, this is a fine album. I don't think it is as experimental, groundbreaking or surpising as TPAB, but it is still good.
  85. Aug 17, 2019
    DAMN IS A 7.

    Best Tracks:Humble,DNA,Blood,Element, Loyalty,Love,XXX,
    Worst Tracks:Pride,Lust,
  86. May 9, 2020
    “What they hear from me make em highlight my simplest lines” Unfortunately, to know the true amazing glory of this album that’s exactly what you have to do. DAMN brilliant. Top 5 Best Tracks: FEAR, DUCKWORTH, FEEL, XXX, PRIDE
  87. Aug 31, 2019
    This is by far one of the most outstanding records I heard in years. Not only the single 'Humble' is pure perfection
  88. Sep 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Vocals - na Flow - 10/10
    Lyrics - 9/10
    Production - 9/10
    Features - 8/10
    Album Artwork - 10/10
  89. Oct 14, 2019
    DAMN is very different from Lamar's previous album TPAB. That doesn't mean it's for the worse, Kendrick's lyrics are great as usual and the production isn't something to forget either. This album is to a more mainstream side compared to TPAB and GKMC and it isn't as conceptual as those albums either. But that doesn't make DAMN a bad album. It's the opposite, it's a breath of fresh air inDAMN is very different from Lamar's previous album TPAB. That doesn't mean it's for the worse, Kendrick's lyrics are great as usual and the production isn't something to forget either. This album is to a more mainstream side compared to TPAB and GKMC and it isn't as conceptual as those albums either. But that doesn't make DAMN a bad album. It's the opposite, it's a breath of fresh air in the hip-hop scene. Expand
  90. Nov 2, 2019
    Overrated. Songs like YAH, FEAR, and GOD are really boring and HUMBLE is bad and gets on my nerves. ELEMENT, DUCKWORTH, FEEL and DNA are really, really good but those 4 songs aren't enough to carry this album past an unimpressive 7. To Pimp A Butterfly and Good Kid, Maad City are much better albums.
  91. Nov 2, 2019
    Kendrick Lamar hits hard with some of the best lyrical showcasing in modern hip-hop.
  92. Nov 3, 2019
    Kendrick is great he shows off good flows,and tells meaningful messages. The production on the album is very good,but not as experimental as his other works. This is probably his most commercial work to date, but great none the less. Totally worth a listen!
  93. Dec 7, 2019
    This is a Classic. When you listen all tracks with lyrics you will understood what i’m saying.
  94. Sep 7, 2020
    Seen by some as the worst album in Kendrick's discography, this album shows this artist ability to write a catchy but intelligent track. Definitely not his worst and definitely not his best either, DAMN. proves once again who one of the best lyricist in music is today. Catchy flows, beautiful beats and instrumentals, a wonderful collection of features paired with the uniqueness ofSeen by some as the worst album in Kendrick's discography, this album shows this artist ability to write a catchy but intelligent track. Definitely not his worst and definitely not his best either, DAMN. proves once again who one of the best lyricist in music is today. Catchy flows, beautiful beats and instrumentals, a wonderful collection of features paired with the uniqueness of Kendrick's lyrics and vocals make this album one of the best albums of the last decade. Expand
  95. Apr 10, 2021
    Perfect, a work of art without hesitation. A rich album with liberating expression. Kendrck's best work
  96. Jan 22, 2020
    The most punchline-ing album from Kenny, playin with trap beats and changing the tone and agressivity like he only do
  97. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album great art work from kendrick. Most underrated album deserves more credit Expand
  98. Sep 8, 2021
    This is a very good album. I loved Feel, DNA and Humble. Some of musical experiments on this weren't really good though.
  99. Feb 11, 2020
    great great great great great great great great great great great great great great
  100. Feb 27, 2020
    This album is incredible, Kendrick's lyrical ability is unmatched by any of his piers, this album takes several listens to even understand the full meaning of the lyrics on this album. This album is full of some of the best songs that I've ever heard. Some of these songs are XXX, DUCKWORTH, LUST, PRIDE, and FEAR. There are also a few bangers on this album such as HUMBLE and DNA. Although,This album is incredible, Kendrick's lyrical ability is unmatched by any of his piers, this album takes several listens to even understand the full meaning of the lyrics on this album. This album is full of some of the best songs that I've ever heard. Some of these songs are XXX, DUCKWORTH, LUST, PRIDE, and FEAR. There are also a few bangers on this album such as HUMBLE and DNA. Although, this album does have a few subpar Kendrick songs such as LOYALTY, YAH, and GOD but these songs are by no means terrible or unlistenable. Overall, this album is a masterpiece but not as good as GKMC or TPAB. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    A less deranged response to celebrity than Kanye West’s Yeezus, more imaginative than Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP or Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter III, it shares with the former an economy of form, and with the latter two the giddy energy of an artist coming into perfect sync with their audience. It’s also a sumptuous sounding pop record, polite streamlined mass market psychedelia. [Jun 2017, p.64]
  2. Jul 5, 2017
    The beats are heavy, spare, and hard. Lamar demonstrates the versatility of his flow.
  3. May 25, 2017
    DAMN. sees the rapper make a 180 degree turn from the sprawling jazz/funk/hip-hop odyssey of TPAB to deliver 14 taut, tough and wise cutting-edge examples of what’s possible in hip-hop today. ... Essential stuff.