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  1. Apr 18, 2017
    First time I heard this album it blew my mind on the different style he has now come to use. I was pretty skeptical but after listening to it more I realized Kendrick made a masterpiece.
  2. Apr 19, 2017
    It's more disjointed than usual, and you really have to listen to it a few times to get the feel he's going for. But in the end, I actually feel like it's more cohesive and tells a complete story like very few albums out there, and the fact that he does it which such a disjointed theme between songs makes it that much more impressive.

    And to the people who give it a 0 just because other
    It's more disjointed than usual, and you really have to listen to it a few times to get the feel he's going for. But in the end, I actually feel like it's more cohesive and tells a complete story like very few albums out there, and the fact that he does it which such a disjointed theme between songs makes it that much more impressive.

    And to the people who give it a 0 just because other people give it a higher score than you want to give it, that's retarded. Rate it how you want to, don't give it a 0 because of others' reviews.
  3. Apr 22, 2017
    kung fu kenny's best album, hands down. lyrically and sonically complicated but modern, easy but meaningful. this is how you're supposed to make rap albums.
  4. Aug 16, 2017
    Is there such a thing as a rap album that does not resort to the same old dumbed down conversation about nheegaz and guns? Surely guys? The music is good at times, but it seems there is an expectation in the audience that is negatively affecting the music. It s too often downbeat, negative, victim orientated and cliche'd lyrically. Lamar is much better than most but still not something IIs there such a thing as a rap album that does not resort to the same old dumbed down conversation about nheegaz and guns? Surely guys? The music is good at times, but it seems there is an expectation in the audience that is negatively affecting the music. It s too often downbeat, negative, victim orientated and cliche'd lyrically. Lamar is much better than most but still not something I could listen to. Way over-rated IMO, as is most rap. Expand
  5. May 16, 2017
    This album is in my TOP 5 best rap albums ever. Great, masterpiece. 9.9/10.........................................................................................................................................
  6. Apr 15, 2017
    I don't know what else to say other than it's another good Kdot album. This album definitely meets and sometimes exceeds expectations.
    What I can say about this album is that it feels very "of the moment," almost as if it were a mixtape. This is probably spurred on by the fact that the album only came out 2 years after TPAB and only 1 year after Untitled Unmastered, but also because it
    I don't know what else to say other than it's another good Kdot album. This album definitely meets and sometimes exceeds expectations.
    What I can say about this album is that it feels very "of the moment," almost as if it were a mixtape. This is probably spurred on by the fact that the album only came out 2 years after TPAB and only 1 year after Untitled Unmastered, but also because it feels like a reflection of what Lamar feels right now. His previous 2 full length albums were recollections of his past- GKMC was a retelling of Lamar's youth and TPAB was a retelling of Lamar accepting himself as a black man. Damn is Lamar providing music set for and is for the here and now, which explains why it would draw comparisons with Section.80; Lamar has not provided this level of spontaneity in a long time.
    Damn also shows the clear reasons why Lamar is constantly regarded as the best rapper right now- amazing lyricism mixed with fantastic production.
    If I were to compare this album to the rest of Lamar's discography, I would put this over GKMC(slightly!) and Section.80, but definitely does not have the earth-shattering impact that TPAB had. But to be fair, TPAB is an extremely hard record to beat and DAMN does not seek to have the same impact. Kendrick has already cemented his reputation as one of the greatest rappers of our time, and this record only strengthens that.
  7. Apr 17, 2017
    Once again, Kendrick successfully switches up his style without compromising. Kendrick chose to go with a more commercial sound, most likely to cater to the fans that found TPAB too intense. However, Kendrick still manages to produce a unique sound with DAMN. The production is mostly minimalist. DAMN draws from soul, psychedelic, and gritty electronic influences to allow Kendrick's voiceOnce again, Kendrick successfully switches up his style without compromising. Kendrick chose to go with a more commercial sound, most likely to cater to the fans that found TPAB too intense. However, Kendrick still manages to produce a unique sound with DAMN. The production is mostly minimalist. DAMN draws from soul, psychedelic, and gritty electronic influences to allow Kendrick's voice to be the sole focus of each track. He pushes the limits of his voice, using falsettos and tone-changing flows, while maintaining his masterful lyricism. DAMN is obscure compared to Kendrick's other works; Kendrick expresses himself more subtly in this album. There is a coherent theme in the album though. While TPAB dealt with societal issues, DAMN is more intimate and allows us to see Kendrick deal with the emotional conflicts that have followed him from childhood to stardom. The thesis of the album is stated in the first song, BLOOD. "Is it wickedness? Is it weakness?" This issue is explored through the album with contrasting tracks. Do we sin because of our wickedness, or are we forced to by our weakness? Are the wicked actually the weak acting in self-defense? Kendrick dives into issues such as these, using himself as a template. He juxtaposes each track with the next to illustrate each side of the issue. For example, the smooth, introspective PRIDE is followed by the explosive, braggadocious HUMBLE. No track is out of place, and each track transitions perfectly to the next. With DAMN, Kendrick Lamar again creates an album that transcends rap. Expand
  8. Apr 15, 2017
    I love this album. Not as great as To Pimp a Butterfly, but still great. Also, there are two songs on here that a just straight garbage. Those songs are Love and God. other than that, every song here is great. some of his best songs yet on here.
  9. Apr 20, 2017
    Kendrick display his mindset in a dark scary tone. DAMN. mad touched alot of people I have spoken with and that's speaks volumes of his art. When its and done I believe Kendrick will be spoken with GOAT status. But in todays watered down hip hop industry he is the best hands down.
  10. Apr 15, 2017
    9 out of the 14 songs in this album are a really good listen, the album itself doesn't really touch on a catchy upbeat type of music, most of the album is slow-ish and low beat, but Kendrick's lyrics never cease to amaze, as each song is given brilliant bars and clever rhymes as well as quick to slow changes- brilliant rap verses. The chorus of most songs are very good as well and catchy9 out of the 14 songs in this album are a really good listen, the album itself doesn't really touch on a catchy upbeat type of music, most of the album is slow-ish and low beat, but Kendrick's lyrics never cease to amaze, as each song is given brilliant bars and clever rhymes as well as quick to slow changes- brilliant rap verses. The chorus of most songs are very good as well and catchy to an extent. Overall the highlight of the album is Kendrick's lyrical brilliance, the beat and pace is well used and satisfactory- the entire album also has meaning as messages can be drawn from each song as it is clear Kendrick is up to his old tricks; playing deep and meaningful with his bars Expand
  11. Apr 15, 2017
    Not quite as good as To Pimp A Butterfly, but considering how perfect that album was, I was never expecting it to be.

    That being said, DAMN. is still excellent and a solid 9/10. Many of the songs on here are great, a couple are just ok, and GOD. is kinda crap. Kendrick is definitely shooting for a more mainstream sound like Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City was, and I'm not massively enthusiastic
    Not quite as good as To Pimp A Butterfly, but considering how perfect that album was, I was never expecting it to be.

    That being said, DAMN. is still excellent and a solid 9/10. Many of the songs on here are great, a couple are just ok, and GOD. is kinda crap. Kendrick is definitely shooting for a more mainstream sound like Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City was, and I'm not massively enthusiastic about that, considering how great the Neo-soul, funk type sound of To Pimp A Butterfly and Untitled Unmastered sounded. I understand however that Kendrick needs to move on sonically rather than just keep doing the same thing album after album. So while my opinion on this new sound isn't as happy as some other people have been about it, I highly commend Kendrick for trying something new.

    Lyrically though, Kendrick is still on top. He is far more introspective about himself than on To Pimp A Butterfly and Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City, albums that were more about Kendrick's surroundings, that being Compton in GKMC and this new Hollywood life on TPAB. DAMN. has Kendrick thinking about himself, his own insecurities and dualities, and his continued faith in God.

    Overall, DAMN. doesn't top the masterpiece that was To Pimp A Butterfly, but it does succeed at following it up with a different sound with flying colours.

    Favourite songs:
  12. Apr 16, 2017
    DAMN, is an interesting album. It begins with a narrative, and is a lot more personal than any of Kendrick's other albums. the album focuses on the nature of the person, and it begins and ends with a simple tale. He changed up his sound greatly, with production on this album being a lot more scarce, and in some ways scattered compared to the heavy sound that TPAB had. The track listing isDAMN, is an interesting album. It begins with a narrative, and is a lot more personal than any of Kendrick's other albums. the album focuses on the nature of the person, and it begins and ends with a simple tale. He changed up his sound greatly, with production on this album being a lot more scarce, and in some ways scattered compared to the heavy sound that TPAB had. The track listing is extremely strong, with only a few duds - "Love" and "God". Overall, DAMN is a solid follow-up to TPAB, and better, at least in my opinion. However, I'm also in the minority that thinks that GKMC is better than TPAB - obviously in the minority. Expand
  13. Apr 16, 2017
    I don't know if this is a masterpiece, I don't know if this is a classic, all I know is after six listens (which included a read through) the only track I'm not 100% down with is humble. It's still a good track though.
  14. Apr 18, 2017
    Kendrick has once again blessed us with an amazing album, for the 4th time in a row. This album switches from hard hitting tracks full of bars like DNA (best track on the album IMO), and slow, emotional tracks like FEEL. and LOVE., which once again shows Kendrick's musical versatility. This is a must listen for any hip-hop fan. Unfortunately, not as cohesive as TPAB or GKMC, which is why IKendrick has once again blessed us with an amazing album, for the 4th time in a row. This album switches from hard hitting tracks full of bars like DNA (best track on the album IMO), and slow, emotional tracks like FEEL. and LOVE., which once again shows Kendrick's musical versatility. This is a must listen for any hip-hop fan. Unfortunately, not as cohesive as TPAB or GKMC, which is why I gave an 8. Expand
  15. Apr 19, 2017
    Kendrick changed up his sound and approach, and brought a fresh, punchy delivery. Some of the concepts on this album come through clearer than ever due to his more aggressive delivery, simpler and clearer writing style and beats to match. It doesn't make your head spin with wonder and confusion like TPAB... it packs its own punch. The only thing that disappointed me was the plain soundingKendrick changed up his sound and approach, and brought a fresh, punchy delivery. Some of the concepts on this album come through clearer than ever due to his more aggressive delivery, simpler and clearer writing style and beats to match. It doesn't make your head spin with wonder and confusion like TPAB... it packs its own punch. The only thing that disappointed me was the plain sounding "Loyalty" and "Love", which both came through with luke-warm emotions for me. Don't get me wrong, I think they're decent tunes, and were probably great career moves, but the lyrics and hooks felt like pandering to radio.

    A lot of fans lost interest in Kendrick because TPAB was too intellectual and didn't have enough bangers. All in all, I think this is an awesome album, and was the album Kendrick needed to stay relevant, win back some of his basic B*tch fans, and prove that he can still rap hard as Sh*t
  16. Apr 20, 2017
    The best album yet... The best parts of GKMD and To Pimp A Butterfly - he bodies a few rappers without having to get personal, and pours his heart out through insane raps over crazy beats. Fave rapper ever.

    Fave tracks in order of most liked:
    Element, DNA, Feel, Loyalty, XXX, Duckworth
  17. Apr 21, 2017
    Why Damn is his best album:

    DNA is his best song up to date.

    Duckworth, Fear, Lust, and XXX are also in his Top 20 songs (XXX is a work of art)

    Yah and Element are such woke songs.

    Humble is fire.

    Love is gonna get so much radio play. Loyalty is good as well.

    I like Pride too.

    10/10 on lyricism, production, creativity, delivery,
  18. Apr 30, 2017
    Another amazing album by Kendrick Lamar. DNA, Humble, Loyalty, LOVE. & XXX are my favourites.
    One word to describe this album (PERFECT). In this album, as usual Kendrick Lamar proving that he is "the King" of Hip-Hop and ready for any competition. This album is totally different from his previous album "To Pimp a Butterfly" that incorporates elements of free jazz, funk, soul, spoken word,
    Another amazing album by Kendrick Lamar. DNA, Humble, Loyalty, LOVE. & XXX are my favourites.
    One word to describe this album (PERFECT). In this album, as usual Kendrick Lamar proving that he is "the King" of Hip-Hop and ready for any competition. This album is totally different from his previous album "To Pimp a Butterfly" that incorporates elements of free jazz, funk, soul, spoken word, and the avant-garde and explores a variety of political and personal themes concerning African-American culture, racial inequality, depression, and institutional discrimination. Kendrick Lamar presents his most episodic and expansive project "DAMN." Beat switch in XXX. & DNA is the best moment to me as music producer and listener, usually as listener, you don't expect this type of switch. Lyrically, Kendrick Lamar is 100 % and really like his storytelling and mainly in his song that title as "Duckworth", this is the strongest song on the whole album that tells us how Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith (his record label owner) who had planned to rob a local KFC where Kendrick’s father, Ducky, was working. The robbery could have resulted in Ducky’s death, but his generosity caused Top Dawg to refrain from committing the robbery. This happened many years before Top Dawg would coincidentally sign a 15-year-old Kendrick to his label Top Dawg Entertainment.
  19. May 5, 2017
    Not as raw as Section.80
    Not as elevated as good kid, m.A.A.d city
    Not as deep and creative as To Pimp a Butterfly

    Not his best album by any means. That doesn't take anything away from this record though. K-Dot has shown the world that when does something, he does it with style.

    DAMN. has everything you can ask for in a millennial rap album.
  20. May 16, 2017
    Creativity to its top! Again we can see that message of the struggle that certain feel in the society and the mass approved. I personally see some Grammys coming. Why not the "Album of The Year"
  21. May 20, 2017
    Don't listen to any of these fake kendrick fans. This album has it all. The flow & vibe of section 80, the intensity and story telling in GKMC, the message and spoken word of TPAB, while also having enough room to give us something new. The people that are giving this album bad reviews, are new explorers of his music who didn't like it, and the TPAB fanatics. He spoke of this in TPAB.Don't listen to any of these fake kendrick fans. This album has it all. The flow & vibe of section 80, the intensity and story telling in GKMC, the message and spoken word of TPAB, while also having enough room to give us something new. The people that are giving this album bad reviews, are new explorers of his music who didn't like it, and the TPAB fanatics. He spoke of this in TPAB. Saying if things happen that doesnt sit right with you(with his music change, news & media trying to assassinate his character etc)will you still be a fan? Now we know who aren't true fans and are just using his name as some sort of compliment to their intelligence. Someone who they can name dropped in hiphop discussions to try to gain some sort of credibility. They will try to distort your views by saying that "their not following the hype" as if believing this album is great is soo bad. They might even use words like "bandwagon" and "casuals" as if its impossible for long time fans of kendrick to really like this album. These aren't fans of kendrick, these are fans who are fans of themselves. They will say stuff like "Im a long time kendrick fan" or "just because i didnt like this album, doesnt mean im not a real fan. Im just not following the hype" or my favorite "people always think someone is hating when they dont like something you like" . No you're not a hater for that, you're haters for creating accounts to purposedly give 0 rating to an album thats worth far more than that, simply to lower its overall under your favorite kendrick project. That is what makes you a hater, that is what makes you a 1 project fanatic. Yall wanted him to be a one trick pony, and wanted to keep him to yourselves. But music is meant to be shared amongst everyone, and everyone deserves to hear his message. Not just us long term fans. This album open doors for kendrick and expanded his demographic of people. His music is finally getting plays and recognized by many. All of this while not sacrificing himself or his message. Its easy to be a one trick pony and please the same students over again. But its takes talent and knowing how to utilize your knowledge to be able to reach the entire class. Sure they'll be some students upset about not getting the one on one attention they've grown used to, but its not just all about yall.

    Im sure yall noticed by now, that this isnt a review for DAMN, but a review of the false fans. The same fans that use to tell fans of Section 80 and GKMC, to open their minds to TPAB. But who are now closed minded by any kendrick project thats not TPAB. To you all, i give a rating score of 0. For your arrogance, closed mindedness, narcissism, and for being hypocrites.

    Stay away from kendrick future work, and go live in a basement with TPAB
  22. Aug 8, 2018
  23. Jun 10, 2020
    DAMN! is an enigmatic album difficult to comprehend to its fullest for those who might be non religious.The subject matter shifts towards the “self” narrative rather than rushing to provide change for the outside world.Incredible album!
  24. Apr 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Unlike that **** who gave this album a 3 and **** for a few minutes in a way that basically showed that he knew absolutely nothing about hip hop, I gave this album a 8. I was pretty pleased with this album and felt that it was another great album from a great artist. However, I wasn't completely content with this album as it got a very low score in comparison to my 10/10 for "To PImp a Butterfly." I list the bad first to get it out of the way and then go through all of the good.

    The Bad:
    -The U2 Song. I'll admit that I being somewhat of a U2 fan was happy to see the effort on Bono and the gangs' part to try and bring their talents to a new genre. However, that attempt honestly fell flat and this was by far the least memorable and direct track on the entire LP.
    -The Kid Capri **** I respected Kendrick's attempt to honor the greats, but Capri's vocal parts are kinda annoying. The **** at the beginning of yah is unbearable and I found myself skipping him in subsequent listens. Definitely a dumb production decision.
    -This isn't really a bad thing necessarily, but I can complain anyway. Unlike on Buttefly (for short), I felt constantly that my lack of understanding about Christianity (I'm Jewish) and my lack of hip hop history was a negative. I don't really think this is necessarily a bad thing, but I felt as if I couldn't enjoy the album as much as the easily accessible (at least idea wise) as well as educational "To Pimp a Buttefly"

    Okay! Now that thats over, lets get onto everything I loved and boy was there a lot.

    The Track Blood- My god was this a way to open this album. Kendrick seems to be really good at opening an album with untraditional ideas and this track certainly is very out there. The Gun shot at the end of the song and fox news sample were so perfect and I loved how he constantly dissed them throughout the whole album. This track vocals and all is **** amazing. SO AWESOME

    DNA- This track is one of the first times that Kendrick has really spoken proudly about his Black Heritage and I loved every minute of it. I personally prefer the political message stuff that Kendrick puts out and this song did that really well. Again just loving the fox news bashing going on here

    YAH- I really wasn't that big of a fan of this track. However, I liked how Kendrick decided to go somewhere different with it and it keeps the fox bashing going strong.

    ELEMENT- I was pretty pleased with this track. I think that the chorus was a jab at Drake who I happen to dislike strong and I liked the feel. It was sorta easy to connect with although I felt like he lost me at some points.

    FEEL- For an emotional Kendrick song, I was actually kinda fond of this track. He looked into his isolation and out came a beautiful message. Not much else to say but good job.

    Loyalty- This **** track. Rhiana is kinda like raps good luck charm as everything she does seems to be amazing. This track is such an amazing track.
  25. May 13, 2017
    A breath of fresh air from both Kendrick and 2017 so far. From start to finish, you can really tell that K dot was intentional on this album. There was a story being told and the songs fit together in a cohesive way and yet were still distinct. I've already bought my tickets for his show and i'm so excited to see how he performs this live and brings this vision to life.
  26. Apr 20, 2017
  27. Apr 20, 2017
    This is kendrick at his lyrical best, damn is the best album yet from him... Many might say he left hes sound and its not as good as TPAB i beleive this is better. TPAB came when the community needed it was perfect for what was happening then with Black Lives Matter police brutality and with all the things happening in the world today DAMN is what we need now
  28. Apr 22, 2017
    Kendrick continues to astonish with his lyrics, concepts, rhyme and flow. Damn is another new direction sonically that once again shows how versatile and creative he is as an artist.
  29. Apr 29, 2017
    DAMN. is definitely going down in history as one of Kendrick's greatest albums. I personally was not a fan of To Pimp a Butterfly, but his new release delivers a punch with it's lyrical input and vibes.
  30. Apr 21, 2017
    Perhaps the most overrated album of the year. I'm pretty sure most of the media had this as their album of the year before listening to a single song. Kendrick's flow precise, however almost everything else is flat which I think journalists may confuse for raw. While it's unfair to compare an artists to his former accomplishments, I do believe he is still riding the wave of accolades hePerhaps the most overrated album of the year. I'm pretty sure most of the media had this as their album of the year before listening to a single song. Kendrick's flow precise, however almost everything else is flat which I think journalists may confuse for raw. While it's unfair to compare an artists to his former accomplishments, I do believe he is still riding the wave of accolades he received with TPAB. Expand
  31. Apr 14, 2017
    Sonically outstanding, another great album that needs to be meditated on. Lyrically one of his best with themes and undertone messages threaded from Blood to Duckworth. If Nation is released in 2-3 more days get ready!
  32. Apr 16, 2017
    Its a good album. Its not a ''Butterfly'' album but its a straight up beat, original and aggressive album. Kendrick says a lot on this album. A good composition, kind of jazzy in some parts. Its not what I was expecting from Kendrick but I respect his work. He is already on the top.
  33. Apr 19, 2017
    Good Album but incredibly overrated, there is nothing new nor revolutionnary on this album and while it is a good rap album it doesn't nearly come close from deserving a 10/10
  34. Apr 27, 2017
    Needless to say this is a very strong album. This is actually my favourite Kendrick Lamar album. Incredibly unique beats. What Kendrick succeeds so well on this album is that he always sounds different than the rest of hip hop. I especially liked the deep lyrics on Feel, and the classic hip hop sounding beat in Humble. Other tracks that are a must listen: DNA, Loyalty, Love, XXX.
  35. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick offers another fantastic album. Despite not having TPAB's unique sound or not being as fresh sonically as GKMC when it came out in 2012, DAMN. offers a more accessible and easier listen to his music. Kendrick's lyrics, different voices and flows remain as good as ever. It lacks the cohesion that had TPAB but as a result the album shows a great variety of moods. However, some ofKendrick offers another fantastic album. Despite not having TPAB's unique sound or not being as fresh sonically as GKMC when it came out in 2012, DAMN. offers a more accessible and easier listen to his music. Kendrick's lyrics, different voices and flows remain as good as ever. It lacks the cohesion that had TPAB but as a result the album shows a great variety of moods. However, some of the more commercial appealing songs like LOYALTY or LOVE feel kinda out of place, maybe for their position in the tracklist, or like if Kendrick was not really convinced of which direction this project would take in terms of sound. This is more remarkable in the song GOD., probably the only low point I've found. Maybe not as well defined as his last one, but equally ambitious, and with this album his discography one of the most acclaimed and well received by any musician, ever in history. Expand
  36. Apr 20, 2017
    While TPAB cemented him as our generation's prophet, DAMN proves that Kendrick Lamar is our generation's artistic master. DAMN. explores more diverse sounds than its predecessor and it is his best work in a lyrical sense. Even though many people will always rightfully claim TPAB as his magnus opus, because of what an important work of art is was and still is to our time, I think DAMN.While TPAB cemented him as our generation's prophet, DAMN proves that Kendrick Lamar is our generation's artistic master. DAMN. explores more diverse sounds than its predecessor and it is his best work in a lyrical sense. Even though many people will always rightfully claim TPAB as his magnus opus, because of what an important work of art is was and still is to our time, I think DAMN. proves Kendrick's range and ability to evolve as an artist and human being. DAMN. gets better with every play. Expand
  37. May 9, 2017
    DAMN. is a classic. This album is near flawless. It is however one of Kendrick's darker albums. He sounds more depressed and talks more about his personal life instead of politics like his previous album. Nevertheless amazing, beautiful album
  38. Jan 29, 2018
    Being a big fan of his previous work I was really disappointed with this album. Not nearly as experimental as TBAB or GKMC and the production just kinda bores me. Fav Tracks: PRIDE and ELEMENT
  39. Jul 5, 2017
    Damn is definetly kendricks strongest project to date fluent telling life stories not heard from gkmc and his others big step from untitled unmastered a compilation and defiently the best of best he has prove tht he can make a solid album with contextual lyrical jabs and replay value he can expand now to more longevity and play
  40. Aug 6, 2017
    so bad. cover is so sad to look at. Americans make trash not music these days its very sad. qualitty is bad. it is even hip hop?. he is not that good rapper to have album with over 70 Score. sad
  41. Oct 17, 2017
    this album is okay i guess... i mean i don't really like the song humble on this album. i mean seriously Kendrick why would you put this lyric give me something natural like give me an ass with some stretch marks. What?
  42. Apr 18, 2017
    Very well done album. Kendrick' lyricism is good per usual, the difference being that the beats on this project add a bit more energy and are more interesting than TPAB or Untitled. There's a couple forgettable tracks, but overall a very solid album.
  43. May 3, 2017
    To be fair, I am not a Lamar fan, and I barely listen to new hip-hop, but for what it's worth, this is what I think about DAMN.
    I found the tracks lacking in style and substance. I found this album to be very passable, some of the beats are nice, the chorus' get tiresome quick.
    Lamar's rhymes are either nonexistent or lack impact with delivery. He can talk fast but he can't rhyme fast,
    To be fair, I am not a Lamar fan, and I barely listen to new hip-hop, but for what it's worth, this is what I think about DAMN.
    I found the tracks lacking in style and substance. I found this album to be very passable, some of the beats are nice, the chorus' get tiresome quick.
    Lamar's rhymes are either nonexistent or lack impact with delivery. He can talk fast but he can't rhyme fast, it's almost like he's too anxious when he's rapping.
  44. Apr 17, 2017
    JOHNNY DON"T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL NO MORE... Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly was a huge disappointment for me after the stellar Good Kid MAAD City. After learning the album dropped over the weekend I gave it a listen and was blown away. This is the Kendrick I came to love years ago and this album is simply amazing. He won me back with an emotional and powerful album that highlights currentJOHNNY DON"T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL NO MORE... Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly was a huge disappointment for me after the stellar Good Kid MAAD City. After learning the album dropped over the weekend I gave it a listen and was blown away. This is the Kendrick I came to love years ago and this album is simply amazing. He won me back with an emotional and powerful album that highlights current events and the state of the United States. I was never a fan of singers talking about the country but Kendrick does it masterfully. YAH. will be one of my all time favorites for years to come! Expand
  45. Apr 18, 2017
    Another masterpiece, with Kendrick showing more vulnerability on this record than ever before. A challenging hip hop record for the listener with it's complexity and easily Kendrick's most daring release to date, 2017's best.
  46. Apr 15, 2017
    This album production is top tier and hearing Kendrick continually change his style is appreciated, however some of the songs near the end don't quite live up to what Kendrick is capable of. Many of these reviews are typical die hard Kendrick fans who would give him a 10 or 9 no matter what he put out. He seems to always get inflated scores simply because it's new Kendrick.
  47. Apr 14, 2017
    Favorite songs are Fear, Humble, Feel, & Duckworth. I could leave the rest of the album behind, and I find this to be K dots weakest album so far. I do think the quality of the writing and delivery from K dot are superb but the production on most of the songs just falls flat. Definitely a huge step down from TPAB even though I can understand the desire to go for a minimalist production here.
  48. Apr 15, 2017
    It may not sit on the same level as To Pimp A Butterfly, but it certainly delivers up to my expectations. Great storytelling, and good catchy tracks. Only track that was not really memorable was God.
  49. Apr 17, 2017
    This album was a mix of the sounds of GKMC and TPAB/UU with a twist and is amazing! IS IT WICKEDNESS OR IS IT WEAKNESS? YOU DECIDE. ALBUM ON SUNDAY???
  50. Apr 18, 2017
    Definitely not a bad project. But not Kendricks best either. A bit to inconsistent and underwhelming. Instrumentally it's kind of one dimensional. While they are enjoyable. I know they won't age very well.
  51. Apr 18, 2017
    This album is not perfect and is inferior to "To Pimp A Butterfly". The beats on songs like loyalty are forgetable. I felt like there were corners cut with some of these song's. Dont get me wrong there are bangers on this album, songs like DNA and Humble are some of the best songs on the album.
    I didn't really enjoy some of these samples taken and things reversed and Kendrick's singing is
    This album is not perfect and is inferior to "To Pimp A Butterfly". The beats on songs like loyalty are forgetable. I felt like there were corners cut with some of these song's. Dont get me wrong there are bangers on this album, songs like DNA and Humble are some of the best songs on the album.
    I didn't really enjoy some of these samples taken and things reversed and Kendrick's singing is some of the worst on any of his albums.
  52. Aug 10, 2017
    I was shocked to see this so highly rated amongst critics. I thought about it for a while, talked to friends about the album, and came to this conclusion: The rap industry is so dry and yearning for more content, that even what would be mediocre albums a decade or more ago will pass, in fact be glorified as hip hop fans tell themselves that there's still good music being made.

    About the
    I was shocked to see this so highly rated amongst critics. I thought about it for a while, talked to friends about the album, and came to this conclusion: The rap industry is so dry and yearning for more content, that even what would be mediocre albums a decade or more ago will pass, in fact be glorified as hip hop fans tell themselves that there's still good music being made.

    About the album.. I listened to it. "Humble" is the only good track end to end. "DNA" is good until the final minute when it switches tune completely and sounds like a robot going into self destruct mode -- just all over the place, if that makes sense. The rest of the songs are utterly forgettable, nothing that will be remembered in five years by anyone but the most die-hard Kendrick Lamar fans.
  53. Apr 21, 2017
    Gosh, the most overrated album of 2017 has arrived. Basically the two dope "mainstream" tracks are DNA and HUMBLE. The rest is "experimental" crap, which is basically the same stupid raps only instead of an energetic/chill beat in the background they are set to some completely not melodic unlistenable ugly sounds.
  54. Apr 20, 2017
    WE WUZ JEWS N SHIET: The album by Alex Kendrick Jones

    1 good song, 4 decent songs and 9 garbage songs. But at least the Israelite and God delusion makes for amusing entertainment.
  55. Apr 16, 2017
    YAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementionedYAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementioned songs, for the listener who enjoys deep, cerebral looks into life, politics, and the rapper himself, and a second album for songs you want to blast in your car, full of braggadocio and bravado. Those songs feel a bit to radio friendly and at odds with the other songs. 9/10 on those few songs, the rest is sub par. LOVE feels like emotional Drake, XXX is Kendricks odd take on trap. I was skeptical if it would be possible to top the genre bending wizardry of TPAB, and sadly, I was proved right. Expand
  56. Apr 16, 2017
    I really don't like the subject matter of this album. In spite of how solid the production is, if you made an album about how you wanted to kill everyone would it even matter?
  57. May 26, 2019
    Don't understand why Kendrick Lamar is put on this platform of "one of the best to ever do it" this guy is overrated garbage when it comes to playback quality and just overall rap ability. just a constant feed for people who know nothing about hip hop to listen too. straight garbage and yet this album still has a high score because people will give it good reviews just because it's KDot.
  58. Apr 17, 2017
    Really boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry butReally boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry but no, I am not buying it, you're all wrong. Expand
  59. Apr 18, 2017
    Very Overrated album, its way too short to have that many skippable songs. Kendrick continues to use beats that have no place in music and often doesn't flow on them well and I find the narrative that he is an all time great laughable
  60. Apr 16, 2017
    A record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort fromA record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort from one of the best rappers in the business. Expand
  61. Apr 17, 2017
    Yeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that triesYeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that tries to be nuanced but doesn't have any real meaning or value, certainly not too common folk. I also found it fairly amusing how the editors on rap genius try to symbolize this garbage with the Lady Justice. This gave me more laughter than an entire Amy Schumer special. Maybe if I was a four year, or dropped out of middle school I could find some intrinsic value from the song but **** it, it was only an intro song so I just moved on. So I'm listening song after song and I'm finding little meaning with the lyrics but decency with the beat. YAH, HUMBLE, and LOYALTY are exempt from this critique as I found they were all decent from a beat perspective and good also lyrically. However, I found DNA, ELEMENT, and FEEL to hold a certain level **** lyrically that I doubt many other artists could replicate such poor lyrical talent and still earn such respect and credibility from their listeners. When Kendrick raps women flock to him and his camels increase and I sit and wonder why? Put on Nas Put on Eminem Put on B.I.G. Rakim, or Andre 3000. **** even Lil Dicky has more lyrical thought than Kendrick it's depressing what rap fans find good these days. Expand
  62. Sep 7, 2019
    BAD BAD BAD really bad album never listen this bayly album cuz it's really blowing here of this shti
  63. Apr 18, 2017
    Lyrically a very good Hip-Hop album but musically it is poor. From my point of view middle of the road (en vogue) sound stripped for real innovation (just something I have heard a lot lately).
  64. Apr 21, 2021
    Listen to the Dissection of this album. I have listened to this album back to back multiple times since it's release. The dissection opened my mind up to ways of looking at this album in a different light. Mind blowing.
  65. Apr 19, 2017
    This is Kendrick Lamar's darkest album yet. Filled with his insecurities, fears and what he think is wrong in modern America. Lyrically he displays angst throughout the entire album that wasn't present in his previous two albums. This is by far Kendrick's most inconsistent and disjointed album sonically to date but still a solid a album indeed. The inconsistency doesn't take away from theThis is Kendrick Lamar's darkest album yet. Filled with his insecurities, fears and what he think is wrong in modern America. Lyrically he displays angst throughout the entire album that wasn't present in his previous two albums. This is by far Kendrick's most inconsistent and disjointed album sonically to date but still a solid a album indeed. The inconsistency doesn't take away from the strong underlying message that is placed within the album. Kendrick Lamar's Versatility is apparent on this LP, definitely worth a listen. Expand
  66. Apr 17, 2017
    If he was to give up being melodic, he should at least explore rhythm a lot further.
    On DAMN. he mostly sounds simplistic rather than minimalistic and experimental.

    The repercussion of this album is like valuing hype over content. A good album by an outstanding rapper that's going to be overrated as people are still wooing over To Pimp a Butterfly.
  67. Apr 17, 2017
    So many standout tracks on yet another extremely impressive release by Kendrick. This is definitely far from TPAB, but not in its grand scale, powerful lyrics, soulful instrumentals, and awesome features. Highlights are "Pride", "Fear", "DNA", "Lust", "God", and "XXX". This album has a lot to offer and cements Kendrick as truly the greatest rapper alive.
  68. Jun 12, 2017
    i like this album ranked from best to worse i'd go
    DUCKWORTH. 10/10
    DNA. 10/10
    HUMBLE. 10/10
    LOYALTY. 7/10
    FEAR. 7/10
    XXX. 7/10
    FEEL. 6.5/10
    ELEMENT. 6.5/10
    LOVE. 5/10
    YAH. 3/10
    LUST. 2/10
    GOD. 2/10
    PRIDE. 0/10
  69. Apr 20, 2017
    Great album, but not as good as GKMC or TPAB imo. I have a feeling that the hype around this album will die out much faster, unlike the previous two.

    Best to worst tracks:
  70. Apr 15, 2017
    This is a flashback to the Section 80/Good Kid-Maad City K-dot. With a more religious theme it still holds up to the last Project ''To Pimp a Butterfly'', even though ''Damn'' is a lot more straight forward, which doesn't make it bad but it just seems unusual for Kendrick. Great Project.
  71. Apr 15, 2017
    This album was great for sure. However I feel it was not better than TPAB or GKMC. Some of the songs sound like they are inspired by artists like Anderson .Paak or Jonwayne. Overall good album with high replay value because of songs like Humble and DNA. Only songs I didn't really like were Yah, and God.
  72. Apr 16, 2017
    Glad to see Kendrick coming back to his harder verses and beats with the likes of DNA and HUMBLE, along with the beginning of XXX. My personal favorite type of KDot songs. The only reason I don't give it a 9 or 10 is because I feel as though he needs to move away from the receptiveness of his inner turmoil of living in Compton, I get that it's where he's from and all, I would just like toGlad to see Kendrick coming back to his harder verses and beats with the likes of DNA and HUMBLE, along with the beginning of XXX. My personal favorite type of KDot songs. The only reason I don't give it a 9 or 10 is because I feel as though he needs to move away from the receptiveness of his inner turmoil of living in Compton, I get that it's where he's from and all, I would just like to here more personal forward thinking on his part from Compton now, rather than dwelling in the past. Also, nothing can top Good Kidd Maad City for me.... Expand
  73. Apr 18, 2017
    Good Album will probably be the best this year. However overhyped and reviewed. To be a 97 on meta critic it must be one of the greatest albums in hiphop history which it isn't. Kendrick will probably go down as top ten Greatest Of All Time but in my opinion will never break top 5 (Naz, Em, Jay Z, Big, Pac)
  74. Apr 19, 2017
    Overall, excellent album. Great use of tracks to accompany the masterful flow and lyricism shown by K., not to mention the deep meaning behind the 14 (13 not including the intro, BLOOD.) tracks. An 8 awarded to the album, with a true rating of 81.5/100 from me, coming from an average of the total scores awarded to each track, these scores consisting of the Hype, Lyrics, Beat and EngagementOverall, excellent album. Great use of tracks to accompany the masterful flow and lyricism shown by K., not to mention the deep meaning behind the 14 (13 not including the intro, BLOOD.) tracks. An 8 awarded to the album, with a true rating of 81.5/100 from me, coming from an average of the total scores awarded to each track, these scores consisting of the Hype, Lyrics, Beat and Engagement of the song. With the results in mind, HUMBLE. holds the highest score of 100 and FEAR.+BLOOD. hold the lowest tied with 60/100. I'd say DAMN. is on par, if not better than To Pimp a Butterfly, and is slightly above Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. Here's to hoping that K. keeps this inhuman streak of releasing great music going. Expand
  75. Apr 19, 2017
    The most ambitious and different album Kendrick has produced. Showcases themes that Kendrick has tackle before but embraces more pop-ier sound. While some tracks feel like Kendrick is not reaching to his fullest, there are others that challenge the listener and add more layers to Kendricks prolific rapping. Not a perfect album by any mean. Fav. songs : DNA, Element, Humble, Lust, XXX,The most ambitious and different album Kendrick has produced. Showcases themes that Kendrick has tackle before but embraces more pop-ier sound. While some tracks feel like Kendrick is not reaching to his fullest, there are others that challenge the listener and add more layers to Kendricks prolific rapping. Not a perfect album by any mean. Fav. songs : DNA, Element, Humble, Lust, XXX, Fear. Least Fav. : Loyalty, Love. Expand
  76. Jun 23, 2017
    Kendricks 4th Album delivers an catchy and personal album which has a more mainstream sound, but is still a worthy follow up to his perfect discography where even the B-sides are worth gold. On getting a score for this project i was not sure if it deserves a 9, cause even though DAMN. is a very good Album its not as good as TPAB or good kid maad city with songs like YAH. and GOD.Kendricks 4th Album delivers an catchy and personal album which has a more mainstream sound, but is still a worthy follow up to his perfect discography where even the B-sides are worth gold. On getting a score for this project i was not sure if it deserves a 9, cause even though DAMN. is a very good Album its not as good as TPAB or good kid maad city with songs like YAH. and GOD. destroying the perfect listen of the Album, still his flow and songwriting ability together with the concept of the Album making it still a strong 8/10 for me with bangers like DNA. and HUMBLE. and thought full and interesting songs like FEAR. BLOOD. DUCKWORTH. and XXX. making the Album overall an solid listen.
    Worst Songs:GOD.,YAH.
    Recommendation: yes
  77. Oct 21, 2018
    truly a masterwork in music. from the creepy intro track BLOOD. all the way to the fast paced story of DUCKWORTH. this album doesnt miss a beat. the only track that is less than amazing is LOYALTY. but that one is still good. my favorite tracks would have to be PRIDE.,XXX.,YAH.,DUCKWORTH.,FEEL.,FEAR., and DNA. but HUMBLE.,ELEMENT.,LUST., and GOD. are still incredible my favorite of thosetruly a masterwork in music. from the creepy intro track BLOOD. all the way to the fast paced story of DUCKWORTH. this album doesnt miss a beat. the only track that is less than amazing is LOYALTY. but that one is still good. my favorite tracks would have to be PRIDE.,XXX.,YAH.,DUCKWORTH.,FEEL.,FEAR., and DNA. but HUMBLE.,ELEMENT.,LUST., and GOD. are still incredible my favorite of those being LUST. Production throughout this album sounds great my favorite beats being the ones for LUST.,DNA.,LOYALTY.,GOD.,HUMBLE., and YAH. this isnt my favorite album from kendrick (my fav would probably be good kid maad city) but it is close and an incredible project from an incredible artist Expand
  78. Jul 20, 2019
    Uma verdadeira obra de arte. Talentoso e extremamente Lendário, faz tudo impecavelmente. Através dos seus conceitos raciais que retratam a vida cotidiana.
  79. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Over rated albums every one say its ok but its not good enough.they all media say its good but dont listen Expand
  80. Jan 22, 2020
    Trash!!!!!!!!!!!! His fans are toxic and need to grow up. Making multiple accounts to bring ratings down is pathetic
  81. Jun 8, 2020
    3 years later this is arguably one of the best albums ever made.The only problem I have found with people is that they were anticipating the same formula he used on his last LP.For someone who has read the bible whether you are religious or just reading as a form of literature you will understand the masterpiece at work on the album.Contains one of the best lyrical expressions ever by a3 years later this is arguably one of the best albums ever made.The only problem I have found with people is that they were anticipating the same formula he used on his last LP.For someone who has read the bible whether you are religious or just reading as a form of literature you will understand the masterpiece at work on the album.Contains one of the best lyrical expressions ever by a rapper with vivid concepts, storytelling and out of the ordinary rhyming schemes.

    I would suggest visiting dissect podcast’s in-depth review of the album they pretty much covered every aspect of the album.”I can’t sugarcoat the answer for you this is how I feel”
  82. Nov 9, 2020
    This album is a more shallow, popularized version of to pimp a butterfly. It explores all of the same ideas with a sound that Kendrick knew would make him some serious dough. I still think it does a great job addressing the growing racial issues in America with more anger than his previous album. Overall, the anger of this album definitely strikes you and there are may catchy songs on theThis album is a more shallow, popularized version of to pimp a butterfly. It explores all of the same ideas with a sound that Kendrick knew would make him some serious dough. I still think it does a great job addressing the growing racial issues in America with more anger than his previous album. Overall, the anger of this album definitely strikes you and there are may catchy songs on the album that are very enjoyable. Overall, a few misses, but the good definitely outweighs the bad, overall a huge fan. Expand
  83. Dec 22, 2020
    look im a huuuge Kendrick fan but this was hot garbage to me. i only liked 2 songs from the whole project...
  84. Mar 26, 2022
    "is it wickedness?" is is weakness? you decide. are we gonna live? or die?"
    incredibly written album lyrically, much like kendrick's other work, but lacks in production in a chunk of its tracks.

    best song: pride

    worst song: fear
  85. Dec 20, 2017
    Upon first listen, the album is unconditionally amazing. A Grammy-award type album. On further listens and now months later, I'm pretty confident that this is on the of the greatest albums ever made. He is on top of the lyrical game in hip-hop, and really, in all of music. His beats are transcendent and fit perfectly well with his lyrics. I can't say enough good things about this album.
  86. Mar 15, 2018
    Not a rap or hip-hop fan by any means, but picked up this album on a whim. I was not disappointed. Experimental, emotional, and an over-all solid concept album. Favorite song is, "FEEL." there are heavy inspirations by Black Paris 86, an experimental instrumental electronica group. I love how dark and moody this is. Definitely worth a buy.
  87. Jul 23, 2017
    Just a brilliant album from start to finish. I keep going back and forth which which song is my favorite. Somehow Kendrick keeps raising the bar, without ever selling out.
  88. Oct 24, 2018
    This is a great album. While it certainly is more accessible than his previous albums, he still shows nearly unlimited potential.
  89. Jul 10, 2018
    Sounds more homogenic than To Pimp a Butterfly. A bit less epic, but it isn't a demerit, because the beats are still tastefull, lyrics increasingly sincere and confessional, but still squandering lyricism on perfect flows and beats, that, by the way, sound very modern and tasteful, with pitchs of trap. Such a perfect discography has Kendrick Lamar.
  90. Feb 27, 2018
    While it may have not lived up to the excellence of TPAB or even GKMC, it is still a masterful album. For one, it's Kendrick's most personal album. It helps you understand him so much that you can tell that he's unusually depressed. With his popularity skyrocketing, Kendrick is literally a king at this point and he's reached the top, but this seems to be where the road ends and KendrickWhile it may have not lived up to the excellence of TPAB or even GKMC, it is still a masterful album. For one, it's Kendrick's most personal album. It helps you understand him so much that you can tell that he's unusually depressed. With his popularity skyrocketing, Kendrick is literally a king at this point and he's reached the top, but this seems to be where the road ends and Kendrick doesn't know where else to go from there. Kendrick expresses his many feelings throughout this album on heavily personal level. While there are a few upbeat tracks like HUMBLE and ELEMENT, a majority of this album is low-fi and dark, and Kendrick's storytelling and lyricism is flawless. The craziest thing about the album, is that every song has a connection to one another, which was made even more clear on the final track DUCKWORTH. I even read that Kendrick and one of his producers scrapped many tracks from the album to make this happen. Overall, while DAMN is not Kendrick's best project, it is still an amazing accomplishment in hip-hop music conceptually, and is indeed a must-listen.

    Least favorite track: LOYALTY, GOD
  91. Oct 8, 2017
    "DAMN." is a major deviation from his previous work, 'To Pimp A Butterfly'. Jazz and soul have been replaced by a sound best put in the category of 'modern hip hop'. TPAB's cohesive storytelling was traded in for a collection of songs, each meant to convey Lamar's emotions. DAMN. is a worthwhile attempt of creating an introspective work of art. Unfortunately, the cohesiveness that we know"DAMN." is a major deviation from his previous work, 'To Pimp A Butterfly'. Jazz and soul have been replaced by a sound best put in the category of 'modern hip hop'. TPAB's cohesive storytelling was traded in for a collection of songs, each meant to convey Lamar's emotions. DAMN. is a worthwhile attempt of creating an introspective work of art. Unfortunately, the cohesiveness that we know Lamar for (from both GKMC and TPAB) has been sacrificed for -a more anthology-like album exploring the creator's psyche.

    I really, really like this album. But there's also plenty of things I miss. Perhaps what bothers me the most, is that for me personally it sounds less original than Lamar's previous efforts. TPAB reminded me of no other artist, but unfortunately, when listening to DAMN. various rappers come to mind. 'LOVE.', a collaboration with Zachary, is undoubtedly influenced by modern pop rap. Even when intended as a satirical effort, DAMN. still makes Lamar the influenced, whereas in 2015 he proved himself the influencer without question.
  92. Sep 30, 2020
    It has been 1 265 days since this absolute chungus of an album was released! :D I love you Mr. Lamar, and I still listen to every song when I decide to listen to the entire album.
  93. May 6, 2017
    A solid follow-up to "To Pimp A Butterfly". However, there are too many inconsistent, and sometimes just downright bad, tracks on this album. Thematically, "DAMN." goes deeper into Kendrick's psyche than his listeners have ever heard before. But I wasn't as big on this release as I have been on every other release he's had so far. If Kendrick cut some tracks, and didn't sing as often, thisA solid follow-up to "To Pimp A Butterfly". However, there are too many inconsistent, and sometimes just downright bad, tracks on this album. Thematically, "DAMN." goes deeper into Kendrick's psyche than his listeners have ever heard before. But I wasn't as big on this release as I have been on every other release he's had so far. If Kendrick cut some tracks, and didn't sing as often, this would've been a winner. Rather, we have an 'I Ran A Race' album. Expand
  94. Aug 21, 2017
    Interesting beats and deep lyrical meanings, but lacks a bit of the continuity we have come to expect from Kendrick. Less cohesive than GKMC and not as off the wall as TPAB, Damn doesn't do anything particularly new or interesting that Kendrick hasn't already done better somewhere else. It is a good album, and has definitely grown on me since release, but it is his weakest major release toInteresting beats and deep lyrical meanings, but lacks a bit of the continuity we have come to expect from Kendrick. Less cohesive than GKMC and not as off the wall as TPAB, Damn doesn't do anything particularly new or interesting that Kendrick hasn't already done better somewhere else. It is a good album, and has definitely grown on me since release, but it is his weakest major release to date in my opinion. If anyone else had released this album, it would most likely be the best they ever made, but for Kendrick, good isn't good enough anymore. I enjoy the themes of morality and tackling the subject of celebrity, but it doesn't match the gripping storytelling or sharp satirical tongue of his previous efforts. Damn is definitely quite good and for sure worth heavy listening and analysis, but it is a subpar effort from an exceptional artist. A good showing, but not a fantastic one. Expand
  95. Jun 10, 2017
    I don't find this album the best of this year. Maybe one of the most tedious. The music is definitely good, but his voice is ruining everything. Good try to stay relevant. Not that good for the music.
  96. Apr 28, 2017
    This album is nowhere near as thematically strong or ambitious than his last two studio albums but Kenny comes through with a more widespread-appealing record that, bar a few songs, sees Kendrick create a narrative artistically and focuses on creating some great songs. You may be disappointed but the album still proves of Kendrick's lyrical prowess and his versatility. The features areThis album is nowhere near as thematically strong or ambitious than his last two studio albums but Kenny comes through with a more widespread-appealing record that, bar a few songs, sees Kendrick create a narrative artistically and focuses on creating some great songs. You may be disappointed but the album still proves of Kendrick's lyrical prowess and his versatility. The features are used to a substantial effect and the instrumentation is nice. It's his weakest yet, but is still great compared to other records, proving he is the GOAT.
    BEST SONGS: HUMBLE, DNA, LOYALTY, FEAR (other songs still good)
    WORST SONGS: LOVE, GOD (he lost it a bit)
  97. Apr 25, 2017
    People often forget that this is Kendrick's 4th studio album not his 3rd. Lyrically Kendrick brings his usual material which is fantastic. Instrumentally this album is all over the place. TPAB had better instrumentation for sure. Thematically there is no real central theme either which makes me feel that I want more from this collection of singles.
  98. Feb 17, 2018
    Kendrick displays his dominance in this album as the best rapper of the modern generation. It's so clear that an immense amount of thought and effort was put into this album, it's so different to what we're used to and that's what makes it so excellent.
    Least Favourite Tracks: LOYALTY.
  99. May 1, 2022
    From the opening tracks shocking final seconds you are both aghast and transfixed,,,,,for the remaining 53 minutes expect to be totally blown away......this is taking a genre and turning it into high art.....after 3 masterpieces in a row I now think we have confirmation that a new musical genius is in our midst!
  100. Jul 6, 2019
    to pimp a butterfly is better .

Universal acclaim - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    A less deranged response to celebrity than Kanye West’s Yeezus, more imaginative than Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP or Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter III, it shares with the former an economy of form, and with the latter two the giddy energy of an artist coming into perfect sync with their audience. It’s also a sumptuous sounding pop record, polite streamlined mass market psychedelia. [Jun 2017, p.64]
  2. Jul 5, 2017
    The beats are heavy, spare, and hard. Lamar demonstrates the versatility of his flow.
  3. May 25, 2017
    DAMN. sees the rapper make a 180 degree turn from the sprawling jazz/funk/hip-hop odyssey of TPAB to deliver 14 taut, tough and wise cutting-edge examples of what’s possible in hip-hop today. ... Essential stuff.