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  1. Apr 25, 2017
    People often forget that this is Kendrick's 4th studio album not his 3rd. Lyrically Kendrick brings his usual material which is fantastic. Instrumentally this album is all over the place. TPAB had better instrumentation for sure. Thematically there is no real central theme either which makes me feel that I want more from this collection of singles.
  2. Apr 16, 2017
    I really don't like the subject matter of this album. In spite of how solid the production is, if you made an album about how you wanted to kill everyone would it even matter?
  3. Jul 6, 2019
    to pimp a butterfly is better .
  4. Apr 14, 2017
    Favorite songs are Fear, Humble, Feel, & Duckworth. I could leave the rest of the album behind, and I find this to be K dots weakest album so far. I do think the quality of the writing and delivery from K dot are superb but the production on most of the songs just falls flat. Definitely a huge step down from TPAB even though I can understand the desire to go for a minimalist production here.
  5. Jul 17, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar- Damn
    Damn is way easier to listen to than To Pimp a Butterfly was, the moment Humble came online is was an absolute hit, and every other song in this album is totally enjoyable as well.
    That being said i find TPAB way more interesting to listen to, lyrically is more complex and i think that the experimental sound that it had brings more to it that this one. However, this
    Kendrick Lamar- Damn
    Damn is way easier to listen to than To Pimp a Butterfly was, the moment Humble came online is was an absolute hit, and every other song in this album is totally enjoyable as well.
    That being said i find TPAB way more interesting to listen to, lyrically is more complex and i think that the experimental sound that it had brings more to it that this one.
    However, this album has some really imaginative and cool tracks that will stick to you, personally, i enjoy ELEMENT the most, New Kung Fu Kenny!
  6. Apr 19, 2017
    Damn is Kendrick's most inconsistent project to date. The message of this album is scattered and often times incoherent, and sonically this album is all over the place. Kendrick provides a couple of excellent bangers on this project, such as DNA or XXX; but he also provides very sensitized, pop-y songs that feature very lackluster singing such as LOVE or GOD. Although this isn't a badDamn is Kendrick's most inconsistent project to date. The message of this album is scattered and often times incoherent, and sonically this album is all over the place. Kendrick provides a couple of excellent bangers on this project, such as DNA or XXX; but he also provides very sensitized, pop-y songs that feature very lackluster singing such as LOVE or GOD. Although this isn't a bad album by any means, Kendrick has proved time and time again that he is capable of making excellent projects such as To Pimp a Butterfly, and Damn never manages to reach the same level as any of his past projects did. This is without a doubt Kendrick's most inconsistent project, and I would venture to say his worst project as well. I'm feeling a light to decent 7 on this one. Expand
  7. Aug 25, 2018
    I feel like I'm missing something but this project just really doesn't click for me as much as Kendrick's others. It still has some great singles and good themes, but I can't help but feel this is a step down from what "To Pimp a Butterfly" and "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" achieved. It is still a Kendrick project though so objectively it's still great.
  8. Jun 12, 2017
    i like this album ranked from best to worse i'd go
    DUCKWORTH. 10/10
    DNA. 10/10
    HUMBLE. 10/10
    LOYALTY. 7/10
    FEAR. 7/10
    XXX. 7/10
    FEEL. 6.5/10
    ELEMENT. 6.5/10
    LOVE. 5/10
    YAH. 3/10
    LUST. 2/10
    GOD. 2/10
    PRIDE. 0/10
  9. Apr 16, 2017
    Its a good album. Its not a ''Butterfly'' album but its a straight up beat, original and aggressive album. Kendrick says a lot on this album. A good composition, kind of jazzy in some parts. Its not what I was expecting from Kendrick but I respect his work. He is already on the top.
  10. Apr 19, 2017
    Good Album but incredibly overrated, there is nothing new nor revolutionnary on this album and while it is a good rap album it doesn't nearly come close from deserving a 10/10
  11. Apr 24, 2017
    El trabajo de Lamar siempre s sido un trabajo de excelencia, innovando tanto en sonido como en expresión artística, en este álbum lo sentí un tanto incómodo y no tan seguro de lo que estaba haciendo como en sus anteriores discos, el sonido sigue siendo impecable y experimental, pero siento que algunos interludios no están bien logrados y algunas canciones tampoco. Es un buen disco peroEl trabajo de Lamar siempre s sido un trabajo de excelencia, innovando tanto en sonido como en expresión artística, en este álbum lo sentí un tanto incómodo y no tan seguro de lo que estaba haciendo como en sus anteriores discos, el sonido sigue siendo impecable y experimental, pero siento que algunos interludios no están bien logrados y algunas canciones tampoco. Es un buen disco pero está lejos de sus trabajos anteriores. Expand
  12. Apr 24, 2017
    On this album, Kendrick gives everyone something. He gives the common fan an easily accessible project. He gives his fans who love him for his complex story telling and introspection many things to think about. There are a few throwaway tracks, but overall this is not a misstep by King Kendrick. Hopefully this album ages as well as his previous projects.
  13. May 23, 2017
    This was by far Kendrick's most commercially successful project. And there are some intriguing moments on this album like "fear" "love" and "duckworth" but overall, this is Kendrick's most scattered album both in a sonic sense and a story telling sense. This is the easiest and most available album to listen to out of any of his projects and by far the least politically driven. Much of theThis was by far Kendrick's most commercially successful project. And there are some intriguing moments on this album like "fear" "love" and "duckworth" but overall, this is Kendrick's most scattered album both in a sonic sense and a story telling sense. This is the easiest and most available album to listen to out of any of his projects and by far the least politically driven. Much of the success of this album i feel is owed to the step back from r&b and the step towards mainstream ex: DNA, Loyalty, Humble. But in comparison to his discography, i believe DAMN. lands just above Section .80. But that's just my opinion. Expand
  14. Jun 23, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar's weakest is stronger than most rapper's best, but his weakest is still what it is. Too much pop woven into a record by an artist who has thrived away from the Top 40 and found his greatest inspiration in the shadows away from the radio airwaves, and within the realms of deeper political commentary and jazz fusion.. Less Rihanna features, more Thundercat and Kamasi Washington.
  15. Aug 25, 2017
    I thoroughly think that the crutch that this album possesses is that Kendrick has so many different topics going on throughout the record that it winds up feeling cluttered and over-thought thematically. There are a lot of really good tracks on here from the very aggressive and boisterous "HUMBLE" to the very reflective and borderline meditative "FEAR". I got a lot out of this album, II thoroughly think that the crutch that this album possesses is that Kendrick has so many different topics going on throughout the record that it winds up feeling cluttered and over-thought thematically. There are a lot of really good tracks on here from the very aggressive and boisterous "HUMBLE" to the very reflective and borderline meditative "FEAR". I got a lot out of this album, I just don't perceive it being as well groomed or as perfectly laid out as To Pimp a Butterfly or Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City. Expand
  16. Nov 16, 2020
    Easily Kendrick's worst album yet. Quite inconsistent and features songs that I genuinely hate (LOYALTY. & LOVE.). Of course, there are some fantastic tracks in here, such as ELEMENT., PRIDE., XXX. & DUCKWORTH. but overall, I have pretty mixed feelings about it.
  17. Jun 8, 2020
    When I first watched Anthony "The internet's busiest music nerd" Fantano's review of DAMN. and he gave it a 7, I was shocked. How could he give Kendrick such a low score? Then I realized that it makes perfect sense for a couple of reasons. First of all: the production is a lot weaker compared to his other albums, the story, and overall songs as well. But the biggest thing is that thisWhen I first watched Anthony "The internet's busiest music nerd" Fantano's review of DAMN. and he gave it a 7, I was shocked. How could he give Kendrick such a low score? Then I realized that it makes perfect sense for a couple of reasons. First of all: the production is a lot weaker compared to his other albums, the story, and overall songs as well. But the biggest thing is that this album is not as good as TPAB or GKMC (10s), UU (9) or S80 (8), which means that the only fair score to give this thing is a 7. The production, features, flows, lyrics and concept are all weaker on DAMN. I still like this album quite a bit, but it's nothing compared to the rest of his discography. I hope his next album is great though. Expand
  18. Aug 17, 2019
    DAMN IS A 7.

    Best Tracks:Humble,DNA,Blood,Element, Loyalty,Love,XXX,
    Worst Tracks:Pride,Lust,
  19. Nov 2, 2019
    Overrated. Songs like YAH, FEAR, and GOD are really boring and HUMBLE is bad and gets on my nerves. ELEMENT, DUCKWORTH, FEEL and DNA are really, really good but those 4 songs aren't enough to carry this album past an unimpressive 7. To Pimp A Butterfly and Good Kid, Maad City are much better albums.
  20. Sep 8, 2021
    This is a very good album. I loved Feel, DNA and Humble. Some of musical experiments on this weren't really good though.
  21. Mar 19, 2020
    I like it. I think it has some of his best standalone songs. But as a project, it feels half baked. The themes and motifs seem like they're thrown in last minute, and it's just not tight and concise like TPAB and Good Kid are. He's like the smart student in class who threw together a project the night before the deadline and because he's talented, it still turned out pretty good. Even theI like it. I think it has some of his best standalone songs. But as a project, it feels half baked. The themes and motifs seem like they're thrown in last minute, and it's just not tight and concise like TPAB and Good Kid are. He's like the smart student in class who threw together a project the night before the deadline and because he's talented, it still turned out pretty good. Even the cover is half baked. I can't help but feel it was 3 more months away from being a certified Kendrick masterpiece Expand
  22. Jun 6, 2020
    I think I'm going to give this album a 7 because I love the production including the sound of punk, reggae, disco, R&B with the hip hop sound. His rap skills are incredible. This album, for me, is powerful and strong. And in my opinion, this album, is way better than his previous album, "To Pimp A Butterfly". I saw something new in this record. I love the sound. My favorite tracks on thisI think I'm going to give this album a 7 because I love the production including the sound of punk, reggae, disco, R&B with the hip hop sound. His rap skills are incredible. This album, for me, is powerful and strong. And in my opinion, this album, is way better than his previous album, "To Pimp A Butterfly". I saw something new in this record. I love the sound. My favorite tracks on this album, "HUMBLE", "DNA", "Feel", "LOVE". Expand
  23. Kmi
    Sep 10, 2020
    This is my second review of this album, and I'll start off with saying it hasn't aged that well. I dislike it more than when it came out. Before this album was a 9/10 to me. Now it's a 7. The album's good, with some great tracks like DNA., ELEMENT., and PRIDE., but overall it just doesn't blow you away. With Kendrick's previous efforts, I'm always surprised at how good they are whileThis is my second review of this album, and I'll start off with saying it hasn't aged that well. I dislike it more than when it came out. Before this album was a 9/10 to me. Now it's a 7. The album's good, with some great tracks like DNA., ELEMENT., and PRIDE., but overall it just doesn't blow you away. With Kendrick's previous efforts, I'm always surprised at how good they are while listening for the 2nd, 3rd, or 2235th time. DAMN. gets old quick, but I can still enjoy the tracklist enough to where it's still a good album. Expand
  24. Nov 5, 2022
    i can't help but feel disappointed a little bit. however i feel that kendrick made mr. morale and the big steppers to better highlight the themes here because both albums made me feel the same things but to differing severities with myself being more connected to mr morale
  25. Mar 26, 2022
    "is it wickedness?" is is weakness? you decide. are we gonna live? or die?"
    incredibly written album lyrically, much like kendrick's other work, but lacks in production in a chunk of its tracks.

    best song: pride

    worst song: fear
  26. Oct 2, 2022
    Many amazing songs on this album but the tone gets lost for me in some parts. Hearing Kendrick try to get more radio plays is distracting at times.
  27. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  28. May 6, 2017
    A solid follow-up to "To Pimp A Butterfly". However, there are too many inconsistent, and sometimes just downright bad, tracks on this album. Thematically, "DAMN." goes deeper into Kendrick's psyche than his listeners have ever heard before. But I wasn't as big on this release as I have been on every other release he's had so far. If Kendrick cut some tracks, and didn't sing as often, thisA solid follow-up to "To Pimp A Butterfly". However, there are too many inconsistent, and sometimes just downright bad, tracks on this album. Thematically, "DAMN." goes deeper into Kendrick's psyche than his listeners have ever heard before. But I wasn't as big on this release as I have been on every other release he's had so far. If Kendrick cut some tracks, and didn't sing as often, this would've been a winner. Rather, we have an 'I Ran A Race' album. Expand
  29. Apr 14, 2017
    Such a goddamn powerful record that takes the best from his previous work and gives new it a new twist. The lyrics are powerful, the different experimental elements are unexpected and fun and the mixing and production is flawless. My only gripe with it is that some of the tracks feel like they were designed for repetitive radio play (LOVE. & LOYALTY.) and although I can tolerate them onSuch a goddamn powerful record that takes the best from his previous work and gives new it a new twist. The lyrics are powerful, the different experimental elements are unexpected and fun and the mixing and production is flawless. My only gripe with it is that some of the tracks feel like they were designed for repetitive radio play (LOVE. & LOYALTY.) and although I can tolerate them on the first couple of plays, I know I will eventually get sick of them. This is something Kendrick's past albums didn't have too much of. Still a fantastic effort overall Expand
  30. Aug 15, 2017
    this is the first kendrick's album that i listen in full and its diferent of what i expected. i liked, its a great album but i dont know why is so overrated, i cant see this WOW that the media and the people are giving to the album because there are bad songs like "loyalty"
  31. Apr 16, 2017
    YAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementionedYAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementioned songs, for the listener who enjoys deep, cerebral looks into life, politics, and the rapper himself, and a second album for songs you want to blast in your car, full of braggadocio and bravado. Those songs feel a bit to radio friendly and at odds with the other songs. 9/10 on those few songs, the rest is sub par. LOVE feels like emotional Drake, XXX is Kendricks odd take on trap. I was skeptical if it would be possible to top the genre bending wizardry of TPAB, and sadly, I was proved right. Expand
  32. Apr 17, 2017
    This album sees Kendrick going in a more consumable and pop-driven direction, while still keeping a good selection of the songs that are as conscious as we would come to expect from him. Too many repeated flows and lyrics stop this from being phenomenal and his newly-sung vocals & falsettos come across half of the time as forced and the other half beautiful. Concept and energy are grandThis album sees Kendrick going in a more consumable and pop-driven direction, while still keeping a good selection of the songs that are as conscious as we would come to expect from him. Too many repeated flows and lyrics stop this from being phenomenal and his newly-sung vocals & falsettos come across half of the time as forced and the other half beautiful. Concept and energy are grand and it really carries this album, but compared to what he has delivered in the past this is a slight disappointment and journey into a more accessible path.

    6.8 / 10
  33. Apr 18, 2017
    Good Album will probably be the best this year. However overhyped and reviewed. To be a 97 on meta critic it must be one of the greatest albums in hiphop history which it isn't. Kendrick will probably go down as top ten Greatest Of All Time but in my opinion will never break top 5 (Naz, Em, Jay Z, Big, Pac)
  34. Apr 18, 2017
    I'm being a bit unfair - 7 out of 10 would be nearer the mark. But like another reviewer, I was somewhat incensed by all of the ridiculously high marks this album is getting. 'Judge every album on its own merits, not in comparison to an artist's other albums...' Fair enough. To Pimp a Butterfly was unsurpassable anyway. But Damn just is not a classic album by any standards. A great openingI'm being a bit unfair - 7 out of 10 would be nearer the mark. But like another reviewer, I was somewhat incensed by all of the ridiculously high marks this album is getting. 'Judge every album on its own merits, not in comparison to an artist's other albums...' Fair enough. To Pimp a Butterfly was unsurpassable anyway. But Damn just is not a classic album by any standards. A great opening few tracks, and a couple of provocative ones at the end.. but the middle? Sorry, but there's little remarkable going on there, just some seemingly mandatory guest appearances. I'm just hoping this isn't the groove he'll settle into now. Expand
  35. Joz
    Nov 4, 2017
    At its best, this album is a constantly changing, snappy piece of production, with a near-flawless Kendrick backing it up. At it worst, this album is an exercise in **** Here we can find songs that are so shamelessly positioned to climb up the billboard charts that they really hold the album back from Kendrick's more impassioned projects, like Madadadad. City and TPAB. That being said itAt its best, this album is a constantly changing, snappy piece of production, with a near-flawless Kendrick backing it up. At it worst, this album is an exercise in **** Here we can find songs that are so shamelessly positioned to climb up the billboard charts that they really hold the album back from Kendrick's more impassioned projects, like Madadadad. City and TPAB. That being said it had so many surprising and enjoyable moments that it ended up coming out as a positive experience for me. Humble is a great, (albeit production-wise, underwhelming) single, and Kung-Fu Kenny is a funny addition. Not Kendrick's best project, but it had his signature polish nevertheless. -2/10 Expand
  36. Jun 2, 2018
    Try to be two things at once while pulling at each other. Feels more messy with its message compared to pimp or good
  37. Apr 6, 2019
    Album was great. Not gonna lie. It could had been better, it could had been TPAB level but ehh.. I didn't really mind this album. What I could mention about this album, that it's overrated as **** It's one of his worst in his discography. It could had been better honestly. Kendrick is a great rapper, he's up there with the GOATS. But I tried liking this album, I really did. But nah, thisAlbum was great. Not gonna lie. It could had been better, it could had been TPAB level but ehh.. I didn't really mind this album. What I could mention about this album, that it's overrated as **** It's one of his worst in his discography. It could had been better honestly. Kendrick is a great rapper, he's up there with the GOATS. But I tried liking this album, I really did. But nah, this ain't it.


    Least Favorite: LUST
  38. Feb 14, 2022
    Great lyrics and story-telling as it is always with Kendrick. However the beats and production falls flat when you compere them with his previous projects. The songs are pretty good for the most part but nothing here really SOUNDS that unique in my opinion.
  39. Apr 16, 2017
    A record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort fromA record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort from one of the best rappers in the business. Expand
  40. Apr 21, 2017
    Is Kendrick talented? No question. Is his messaging powerful? Absolutely. Would I listen to any track on this album more than once? Not likely.

    I must be missing something because not a single song made me want to listen to it again.
  41. Jan 29, 2018
    Being a big fan of his previous work I was really disappointed with this album. Not nearly as experimental as TBAB or GKMC and the production just kinda bores me. Fav Tracks: PRIDE and ELEMENT
  42. Oct 17, 2017
    this album is okay i guess... i mean i don't really like the song humble on this album. i mean seriously Kendrick why would you put this lyric give me something natural like give me an ass with some stretch marks. What?
  43. Jan 22, 2020
    Bljhhhghgggf hj jjjh. Uhuuuuuu fdstyui yyghhjjjjj ffghhjj ffdddtiii sftujkjjhhddr drghuuuu fftyyyy gguigfd rruimng drikkhft yyikkk
  44. Feb 17, 2019
    DAMN. is a lot different than Kendrick's previous work. The album, in general, is a bit too forgettable, sure you can say that there are good songs here and there. Overall this album is pretty average. Most of the album is pretty same-ish. The only standout songs are FEEL., DUCKWORTH., XXX., HUMBLE. and DNA. the rest of the album is really repetitive and not that interesting. TheDAMN. is a lot different than Kendrick's previous work. The album, in general, is a bit too forgettable, sure you can say that there are good songs here and there. Overall this album is pretty average. Most of the album is pretty same-ish. The only standout songs are FEEL., DUCKWORTH., XXX., HUMBLE. and DNA. the rest of the album is really repetitive and not that interesting. The instrumental in all of the songs like usual is good, that's for sure, but with the lyrics, Kendrick doesn't bring his A game, sure I couldn't expect another TPAB or Good Kid. I am glad that Kendrick tried something new for his newest album but in my opinion, he failed. People say that this album is great but I don't understand how. It definitely isn't a 0/10 but it also isn't a 10/10. I think that Kendrick could have done a lot better with this album than he did, and I hope that his next album doesn't fail to meet peoples expectations like this one. 5/10 Expand
  45. Aug 16, 2017
    Is there such a thing as a rap album that does not resort to the same old dumbed down conversation about nheegaz and guns? Surely guys? The music is good at times, but it seems there is an expectation in the audience that is negatively affecting the music. It s too often downbeat, negative, victim orientated and cliche'd lyrically. Lamar is much better than most but still not something IIs there such a thing as a rap album that does not resort to the same old dumbed down conversation about nheegaz and guns? Surely guys? The music is good at times, but it seems there is an expectation in the audience that is negatively affecting the music. It s too often downbeat, negative, victim orientated and cliche'd lyrically. Lamar is much better than most but still not something I could listen to. Way over-rated IMO, as is most rap. Expand
  46. Jun 10, 2017
    I don't find this album the best of this year. Maybe one of the most tedious. The music is definitely good, but his voice is ruining everything. Good try to stay relevant. Not that good for the music.
  47. Apr 17, 2017
    Really boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry butReally boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry but no, I am not buying it, you're all wrong. Expand
  48. Apr 18, 2017
    Very Overrated album, its way too short to have that many skippable songs. Kendrick continues to use beats that have no place in music and often doesn't flow on them well and I find the narrative that he is an all time great laughable
  49. Aug 6, 2017
    so bad. cover is so sad to look at. Americans make trash not music these days its very sad. qualitty is bad. it is even hip hop?. he is not that good rapper to have album with over 70 Score. sad
  50. May 3, 2017
    To be fair, I am not a Lamar fan, and I barely listen to new hip-hop, but for what it's worth, this is what I think about DAMN.
    I found the tracks lacking in style and substance. I found this album to be very passable, some of the beats are nice, the chorus' get tiresome quick.
    Lamar's rhymes are either nonexistent or lack impact with delivery. He can talk fast but he can't rhyme fast,
    To be fair, I am not a Lamar fan, and I barely listen to new hip-hop, but for what it's worth, this is what I think about DAMN.
    I found the tracks lacking in style and substance. I found this album to be very passable, some of the beats are nice, the chorus' get tiresome quick.
    Lamar's rhymes are either nonexistent or lack impact with delivery. He can talk fast but he can't rhyme fast, it's almost like he's too anxious when he's rapping.
  51. Apr 18, 2017
    Lyrically a very good Hip-Hop album but musically it is poor. From my point of view middle of the road (en vogue) sound stripped for real innovation (just something I have heard a lot lately).
  52. Apr 17, 2017
    Yeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that triesYeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that tries to be nuanced but doesn't have any real meaning or value, certainly not too common folk. I also found it fairly amusing how the editors on rap genius try to symbolize this garbage with the Lady Justice. This gave me more laughter than an entire Amy Schumer special. Maybe if I was a four year, or dropped out of middle school I could find some intrinsic value from the song but **** it, it was only an intro song so I just moved on. So I'm listening song after song and I'm finding little meaning with the lyrics but decency with the beat. YAH, HUMBLE, and LOYALTY are exempt from this critique as I found they were all decent from a beat perspective and good also lyrically. However, I found DNA, ELEMENT, and FEEL to hold a certain level **** lyrically that I doubt many other artists could replicate such poor lyrical talent and still earn such respect and credibility from their listeners. When Kendrick raps women flock to him and his camels increase and I sit and wonder why? Put on Nas Put on Eminem Put on B.I.G. Rakim, or Andre 3000. **** even Lil Dicky has more lyrical thought than Kendrick it's depressing what rap fans find good these days. Expand
  53. Aug 10, 2017
    I was shocked to see this so highly rated amongst critics. I thought about it for a while, talked to friends about the album, and came to this conclusion: The rap industry is so dry and yearning for more content, that even what would be mediocre albums a decade or more ago will pass, in fact be glorified as hip hop fans tell themselves that there's still good music being made.

    About the
    I was shocked to see this so highly rated amongst critics. I thought about it for a while, talked to friends about the album, and came to this conclusion: The rap industry is so dry and yearning for more content, that even what would be mediocre albums a decade or more ago will pass, in fact be glorified as hip hop fans tell themselves that there's still good music being made.

    About the album.. I listened to it. "Humble" is the only good track end to end. "DNA" is good until the final minute when it switches tune completely and sounds like a robot going into self destruct mode -- just all over the place, if that makes sense. The rest of the songs are utterly forgettable, nothing that will be remembered in five years by anyone but the most die-hard Kendrick Lamar fans.
  54. Dec 22, 2020
    look im a huuuge Kendrick fan but this was hot garbage to me. i only liked 2 songs from the whole project...
  55. Sep 9, 2023
    Deserves no higher than a three maybe, his worst project to date to be sure. Not even acknowledging his latest disaster.
  56. Apr 21, 2017
    Gosh, the most overrated album of 2017 has arrived. Basically the two dope "mainstream" tracks are DNA and HUMBLE. The rest is "experimental" crap, which is basically the same stupid raps only instead of an energetic/chill beat in the background they are set to some completely not melodic unlistenable ugly sounds.
  57. Apr 20, 2017
    WE WUZ JEWS N SHIET: The album by Alex Kendrick Jones

    1 good song, 4 decent songs and 9 garbage songs. But at least the Israelite and God delusion makes for amusing entertainment.
  58. Apr 21, 2017
    Perhaps the most overrated album of the year. I'm pretty sure most of the media had this as their album of the year before listening to a single song. Kendrick's flow precise, however almost everything else is flat which I think journalists may confuse for raw. While it's unfair to compare an artists to his former accomplishments, I do believe he is still riding the wave of accolades hePerhaps the most overrated album of the year. I'm pretty sure most of the media had this as their album of the year before listening to a single song. Kendrick's flow precise, however almost everything else is flat which I think journalists may confuse for raw. While it's unfair to compare an artists to his former accomplishments, I do believe he is still riding the wave of accolades he received with TPAB. Expand
  59. Apr 21, 2021
    Listen to the Dissection of this album. I have listened to this album back to back multiple times since it's release. The dissection opened my mind up to ways of looking at this album in a different light. Mind blowing.
  60. May 1, 2017
    I'm not sure what the hell happened to hip hop over the years, but this is over rated in the extreme. I'd say it's complete rubbish but I guess some of the beats are cool. I cannot stomach the sound of this guy though, what is in the water of the critics? :/ Stop start, all over the shop riddled with auto tuning and some of the crappiest lyrics I've heard in decades. I honestly feel likeI'm not sure what the hell happened to hip hop over the years, but this is over rated in the extreme. I'd say it's complete rubbish but I guess some of the beats are cool. I cannot stomach the sound of this guy though, what is in the water of the critics? :/ Stop start, all over the shop riddled with auto tuning and some of the crappiest lyrics I've heard in decades. I honestly feel like people rate this because they think they should. Expand
  61. Apr 18, 2017
    Ive always wondered what kendrick would do after his classic tpab. Will he really go experimental, will he go trap, his style on gkmc or he would continuehis jazz sound? And we got this. Probably the most overrated rap album oat. Not only by fans but also by critics. You know what? I felt like a 5 but when i saw a damn 97 my jaw dropped to the floor. Like are you for real? Lmao ill neverIve always wondered what kendrick would do after his classic tpab. Will he really go experimental, will he go trap, his style on gkmc or he would continuehis jazz sound? And we got this. Probably the most overrated rap album oat. Not only by fans but also by critics. You know what? I felt like a 5 but when i saw a damn 97 my jaw dropped to the floor. Like are you for real? Lmao ill never take reviewers seriously if they overrate it so much and this album ends up having a 90+ not even 75 should get. It doesnt feel done or finished, yes ik its a concept album but he didnt make a good job this time. In no nonno way this is better than good kid maad city no. It has kennys WIRST and poppiest songs he ever made like loyalty and that annoying song love, the banfers are pretty meh, and the overall theme feels not finished. Kendrick ur one of my favourites but this album is your first flaw Expand
  62. Sep 7, 2019
    BAD BAD BAD really bad album never listen this bayly album cuz it's really blowing here of this shti
  63. May 26, 2019
    Don't understand why Kendrick Lamar is put on this platform of "one of the best to ever do it" this guy is overrated garbage when it comes to playback quality and just overall rap ability. just a constant feed for people who know nothing about hip hop to listen too. straight garbage and yet this album still has a high score because people will give it good reviews just because it's KDot.
  64. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Over rated albums every one say its ok but its not good enough.they all media say its good but dont listen Expand
  65. Jan 22, 2020
    Trash!!!!!!!!!!!! His fans are toxic and need to grow up. Making multiple accounts to bring ratings down is pathetic
  66. Dec 20, 2022
    big dicks big dickcs big dicks big dicks big dicks big dicks big dicks big dikcs
  67. Dec 20, 2022
    this album is an ass, worse than Ferris Buller's big day off xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  68. Aug 4, 2023
    nice aaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssss albuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

Universal acclaim - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    A less deranged response to celebrity than Kanye West’s Yeezus, more imaginative than Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP or Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter III, it shares with the former an economy of form, and with the latter two the giddy energy of an artist coming into perfect sync with their audience. It’s also a sumptuous sounding pop record, polite streamlined mass market psychedelia. [Jun 2017, p.64]
  2. Jul 5, 2017
    The beats are heavy, spare, and hard. Lamar demonstrates the versatility of his flow.
  3. May 25, 2017
    DAMN. sees the rapper make a 180 degree turn from the sprawling jazz/funk/hip-hop odyssey of TPAB to deliver 14 taut, tough and wise cutting-edge examples of what’s possible in hip-hop today. ... Essential stuff.