• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Jul 8, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. 83
    Cheetah is still his best release since his return to the music scene. If you’re looking for something groundbreaking, you’re probably going to be disappointed, but this is still one of 2016’s best electronic releases, and a worthy addition to the Aphex Twin canon.
  2. Jul 7, 2016
    Crucially, with his beats less busy, it has left James more room to focus on spine-tinglingly rich tunings and timbres. And that’s where Cheetah really stands out: To sink into it, preferably on good headphones or better speakers, is to be immersed in woozy, viscous frequencies far more vivid than you’ll find almost anywhere else.
  3. Jul 14, 2016
    There’s not a single weak track, so the bottom line is that if there’s been a better EP released this year, I haven’t heard it.
  4. Jul 7, 2016
    The record hews especially close to a strain of plush acid, albeit with Aphex Twin's inimitable charm. But a short change of pace arrives from the dissonant "CHEETA1b ms800" and "CHEETA2 ms800," which seem to be brief tests of rich, textured patches from the Cheetah. These tracks complete a record that finds inspiration and style from obstacles and restrictions.
  5. Jul 8, 2016
    The producer once again succeeds with delivering music that’s intricate and forward-thinking while still landing within listeners’ grasp.
  6. The Wire
    Aug 19, 2016
    Those nostalgic for the Aphex sounds of old may find them here, but served up rotten and misshapen, as an agreeably queasy warning that nostalgia can only get you so far. [Aug 2016, p.46]
  7. Jul 13, 2016
    It's quite an enjoyable listen. It's all possibly about as boxed and pared down as Richard D James has sounded.
  8. Jul 8, 2016
    Cheetah is warm, rudimentary (lotsa 808s), and demurely catchy--making it the poppiest record of this career phase by default.
  9. Jul 7, 2016
    Aphex Twin has made a good move here by giving a similar feel throughout the EP, but instead of having a few so-so tracks alienated by a standout one, the entire release ends up being fine but unremarkable, especially when pitted against the behemoths of his back catalogue.
  10. Jul 7, 2016
    The EP is fine, by all means, but it's definitely not the Aphex release to reach for if you're expecting to be challenged or blown away by something utterly unique or exciting.
  11. Cheetah isn’t bad, but it could be the work of lesser producer.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 30
  2. Negative: 1 out of 30
  1. Jul 9, 2016
    The first half is certainly the strongest in terms of hearing a new sound for Richard's fans, and although he definitely plays around with theThe first half is certainly the strongest in terms of hearing a new sound for Richard's fans, and although he definitely plays around with the Cheetah in an interesting and pretty soothing way, it's just an experiment. Obviously he doesn't care at all about pleasing the critics, he's just having fun and this EP is still conducted by the most skillfull hands in electronic music for sure. The first two tracks are at least worth listening. Full Review »
  2. Feb 4, 2017
    RDJ dares to venture out of his comfort zone, and uses his tremendous experience and drum 'n' bass sound to good use on the CHEETAH EP.RDJ dares to venture out of his comfort zone, and uses his tremendous experience and drum 'n' bass sound to good use on the CHEETAH EP. Although hardline fans may shun the more mainstream tack taken by the Electronic Producer, we can still see that this is very much James at his rave-commanding, face-warping, acid-techno-ing best. Full Review »
  3. Jan 20, 2017
    Great album with some great tracks, a lot of weak ones too, but it's all very solid. A lot slower then your typical aphex album. All in allGreat album with some great tracks, a lot of weak ones too, but it's all very solid. A lot slower then your typical aphex album. All in all one of the best Ep's of 2106. Not as good as Syro but still a good follow up along with that single he realeased Full Review »