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  1. Oct 2, 2022
    Disappointing and entirely predictable. For a group that's over 6 years old and rarely releases music, I expected high quality and perhaps some evolution, but was let down. The album didn't progress from their debut releases. I actually think their earlier songs showed potential, but they still haven't reached that potential with Born Pink. The beats and the themes are recycled from theirDisappointing and entirely predictable. For a group that's over 6 years old and rarely releases music, I expected high quality and perhaps some evolution, but was let down. The album didn't progress from their debut releases. I actually think their earlier songs showed potential, but they still haven't reached that potential with Born Pink. The beats and the themes are recycled from their earlier songs and other groups. Expand
  2. h4n
    Sep 18, 2022
    Once again formulaic, only this time there was no continuity. Was hoping for something that was cohesive (like Nayeons IM NAYEON) and instead got this.
  3. Sep 26, 2022
    this is all they could do after a 2 year hiatus? extremely disappointed but not surprised.
  4. Sep 25, 2022
    well… what can I say.

    I liked “the album”, there were a few songs that I didn’t like but the ones I did like I like them a lot so it’s understandable to say I had expectations for some musical growth and I ended up really disappointed because there’s absolutely no growth, this album is more of the same formula blackpink have been using for SIX years but more boring, none of the songs made
    well… what can I say.

    I liked “the album”, there were a few songs that I didn’t like but the ones I did like I like them a lot so it’s understandable to say I had expectations for some musical growth and I ended up really disappointed because there’s absolutely no growth, this album is more of the same formula blackpink have been using for SIX years but more boring, none of the songs made me feel anything, no the sad ones or the hype ones. It was just
  5. Oct 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Repetitive, dumb lyrics, bland and boring. They used dirty tricks to promote this album too Expand
  6. Sep 28, 2022
    No evolution from the first album just more of the same. Was expecting much more from the press releases about "never been done before" some carchy parts but lacks any artistry or depth sonically or lyrically.
  7. Sep 16, 2022
    for a group that talks about revolution, they are always in the same style of music. do not innovate the concept. for 2 years on hiatus, releasing a "Full album" of 8 songs is ridiculous.
  8. Sep 17, 2022
    was disappointed that there’s no artistic development. The album sounds like it was a last minute decision with scrapped old songs. No new things. 2 years hiatus and this is the only thing they’ve come up with? Don’t know what “quality over quantity” some are talking about because they have neither. Lovesick girls was at least a fresh sound but shut down (and to not even speak about thewas disappointed that there’s no artistic development. The album sounds like it was a last minute decision with scrapped old songs. No new things. 2 years hiatus and this is the only thing they’ve come up with? Don’t know what “quality over quantity” some are talking about because they have neither. Lovesick girls was at least a fresh sound but shut down (and to not even speak about the mess pink venom was) was a big disappointment with messy production and lack of memorable and meaningful lyrics. It’s the same “we’re hot, rich and badass and you’re not” which is starting to become dull and is giving pick me. Not even the b-side is doing it for me. (happiest girl was cute but a snooze, the lyrics for typa girl were cringe, yeah yeah yeah was okay only because it sounded like a recycled aiiyl, thw rest was just… there) Had high expectations for “their biggest cb” with “the biggest mv budget” (which most definitely was a lie because the mv looked cheap) but the lack of growth in their music and artistry is disappointing. I expected better and they need to get rid of teddy and that sexist and racist writer danny chung. Expand
  9. Sep 19, 2022
    very boring and generic album. it feels like it was rushed, but then I searched how long was it in the making and saw that it was almost 2 years. no way this took 2 years. the songs sound boring and the lyrics are mostly dumb onomatopoeia.
  10. Sep 20, 2022
    Expected so much from them after the 2 year hiatus! But they literally bring the same kind of music to the table every single time. Disappointed!
  11. Sep 17, 2022
    Honestly…. I have no words. I can’t believe we got this after 2 years and probably won’t get anything else until after the tour. Not to mention the contract renewal before it ends in 2023. The title track felt like a goodbye song. A bit tired of the repetitive lyrics about being pretty, skinny, rich, and everyone wants to be them. I thought this was going to be the start of a new chapterHonestly…. I have no words. I can’t believe we got this after 2 years and probably won’t get anything else until after the tour. Not to mention the contract renewal before it ends in 2023. The title track felt like a goodbye song. A bit tired of the repetitive lyrics about being pretty, skinny, rich, and everyone wants to be them. I thought this was going to be the start of a new chapter in their music but I guess that’s what happens when you have a 40 something year old write all your songs and a terrible label. At this point they know the music is not what people are staying for, it’s their image. Just disband and become full time instagram influencers already because I am done. Expand
  12. Sep 17, 2022
    I tried again, but its not for me, BP are super pretty and they all seem kind, but the songs are too simple and shallow
  13. Sep 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I unstanned because of this disappointment. The main single Shut Down should’ve been called Let Down the way it crushed all of the hopes we accumulated over their hiatus of 2 years. The album is only 8 songs long with 2 being pre releases, and uninteresting ones at that. The rest are incomprehensible English songs speckled with a few Korean words. They all have the same I’m a boss **** with brand deals lyrics over a heavy edm/techno beat however which made it seem like they’re all the same song. Most of them are American artists’ rejects as well. There’s also a random English solo by the main vocalist which could’ve easily been on her album that was released last year. So in reality the album is 3-4 new songs :/ It feels like Blackpink lost their identity with this release and lost most of their fans too. Hopefully they disband soon and are freed from the shackles of their company. Expand
  14. Sep 30, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. love the title track but pink venom was horrible, too noisy for me and the ratata part was just garbage. Honestly I expected way more for them after 2 years.
    Yyy, RFL and tally are skips for me , loved htl and the happiest girl . Type girl really catchy but some of the lyrics are cringe.
    Overall kind of mediocre album , kinda sick of the shallow lyrics and the “I’m rich and pretty” concept.
  15. Oct 11, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Only giving it one star just because they released something. The first problem is Pink Venom which has the same teddy sound their other music does. The song is also just 20 seconds of ratatat another repetitive lines. The rap sections of the song are cringey and full of blaccent in that is similar in sound to how nicki Minajraps and sounds when she talks. Shut down seems like a half hearted attempt to be nostalgic in the music video but the actual song is just Blackpink talking about the same shallow things; money, other girls copying them. The instrumental they sam and le in shut down is just the same thing over and over.its full of repetitive words that makes it get annoying really quick. The rap parts a not any better in this song either. The bsides to the album are all various degrees of dissatisfaction and no real musical evolution. The random solo thrown into the album seems like an odd choice and throws off the whole balance of the album. Not much of this album is worth listening to again. Expand
  16. Sep 20, 2022
    In between the groups main writer and producer, Teddy, using his famed, archaic ‘Blackpink formula’, second hand, throwaway songs from western artists, which have had almost zero personal touches made to separate them from their origin into being a ‘Blackpink song’ and the rest of the album being generic, unremarkable songwriting, which could have been sung by any artist out there… I thinkIn between the groups main writer and producer, Teddy, using his famed, archaic ‘Blackpink formula’, second hand, throwaway songs from western artists, which have had almost zero personal touches made to separate them from their origin into being a ‘Blackpink song’ and the rest of the album being generic, unremarkable songwriting, which could have been sung by any artist out there… I think it’s fair to say that, as always, the excruciatingly long wait was not based on quality vs quantity, as much as it was a ploy to starve dedicated fans into being grateful for anything being released, regardless of the quality. As we’ve come to expect from Blackpink, this album is rife with the “I’m better than you” lyrics, which at this point are starting to seem like a desperate cry for validation that this is in fact the case, rather than it being a sure, yet cocky statement. We also have the ever present misogyny dressed up as empowerment and feminism. The “I’m not like other girls at all” (seriously, they use that exact line in the song ‘Typa Girl’) really just pushes this album into the murky depths of tearing other women down in order to lift themselves up.

    Sonically, the album is passable and generic at best, and at worst, is an example of questionable production, poor vocals and recycled, tired material. It sounds like it was thrown together in a couple of weeks, a month at most. It is certainly not a great product to come out of a whole two years of inactivity. Maybe avid fans can reach to the heavens, and wring out something positive from ‘Born Pink’ due to it being the only offering they’ll likely get for another couple of years. However, from the perspective of an unbiased music lover, I must say, this is a way below average release and possibly one of the most disappointing albums I’ve heard in a long time.
  17. Sep 20, 2022
    Las canciones del álbum tienen el mismo concepto, les faltó más originalidad. Blackpink debe salir de su zona de confort. Ojalá, para el siguiente álbum mejoren. De todos modos, es un buen grupo, pero ojalá mejoren.
  18. Sep 16, 2022
    This is the worst album i've ever heard in a while. Very boring and no creativity whatsoever. I regret listening to it.
  19. Sep 16, 2022
    I did not wait 2 years for this review. So sad that this will be their last album. Good for a disbandment album tho.
  20. Sep 17, 2022
    I don’t know why it always takes them years to release the same cheap noise fest like not only do they exhibit no musical growth with this one they also sucked the life out of their signature sound at this point it’s not fun and cool like their earlier work anymore it’s just bland
  21. Sep 17, 2022
    After 2 years I thought I would get something better. They spent 2 years on hiatus and came back with a "full album" with 8 songs. All the songs on this album give me chills.
  22. Sep 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s too basic like I don’t like the concept cause it’s the same thing every year Expand
  23. Oct 22, 2022
    Seriously we need to stop artists from releasing mediocre autotune yelling music. This was a horrible album. Why even bother releasing an album full of noise and yelling. Make it stop.
  24. Sep 19, 2022
    The lyrics don’t make sense!!! Also production wise was quite disappointing
    The rap parts were random and unpleasant
  25. Sep 18, 2022
    felt like they're doing the same sound every time. it was underwhelming

    they should thread into different genres
  26. Sep 19, 2022
    very disappointing… waited two years for this crap??? releasing 8 songs on an “album” after 2 years that all sound like all their other music. soo bored and done with them.
  27. Sep 19, 2022
    A waste of time. More of the same stuff since their debut, I thought they will take a risk this time but, what can we wait from a bunch of girls that just wait for what their label wants to give them?
  28. Sep 19, 2022
    im not gonna lie im so disappointed. the album below mid. nothing new at all. i expect too much i guess
  29. Sep 20, 2022
    Absolute flop album for the biggest girl group.. After 2 years of break its normal for people to expect a smash hit like d4 or ktl but pink venom was way lower then our expectations.. it seemed like visuals and mv set were the main only focus of this comeback. Lyrics were cringy with the same old empty clapbacks. The producer sampled so many songs for this one it felt like they are just soAbsolute flop album for the biggest girl group.. After 2 years of break its normal for people to expect a smash hit like d4 or ktl but pink venom was way lower then our expectations.. it seemed like visuals and mv set were the main only focus of this comeback. Lyrics were cringy with the same old empty clapbacks. The producer sampled so many songs for this one it felt like they are just so many patches or part joined together to make the song and the lyrics felt like someone was trying so hard to come up with rhymes.. the rattatatataa part was so extra. Shut down was worse then pink venom. That beat and chorus the lyrics everything felt so messy. The keep repeating shut down, shutting down, in your area, bp in your area throughout the songs as if the producer's made whole album under a month.. ready to love being in the album was itself a bad decision . Tally, typa girl were again the same old recycled concept. Happiest girl and yeah yeah yeah were only good songs but yg lacked creativity for naming the second one as usual. Ready to love was a good song itself but being the only solo song on album felt weird. Over all, the album wasn't something you should be expecting from a very successful group. Expand
  30. Sep 20, 2022
    poor quality with songs just being rejected demos from other artists. half the lyrics are sampled and dont even blend together. a 2 year wait but the amount of disappointment felt by fans was not worth the anticipation
  31. Sep 20, 2022
    I expected more from the biggest girl group in the world. Their main producer needs to be fired. New blood is needed because what is this bland, boring and basic music?
  32. Sep 17, 2022
    Analisando as faixas é possível concluir que as músicas se repetem na sua mensagem, em que na totalidade não passam de um amontoados de onomatopeias, somados a gemidos. As intérpretes como podemos assim dizer não produziram a sua própria arte o que reduz a uma análise mais profunda, pois são meras reprodutoras de frases que só querem lacrar sem transmitir emoções, sentimentos, histórias,Analisando as faixas é possível concluir que as músicas se repetem na sua mensagem, em que na totalidade não passam de um amontoados de onomatopeias, somados a gemidos. As intérpretes como podemos assim dizer não produziram a sua própria arte o que reduz a uma análise mais profunda, pois são meras reprodutoras de frases que só querem lacrar sem transmitir emoções, sentimentos, histórias, que a música tem o papel de transmitir. Uma discografia que não passa emoção, só dá uma irritabilidade auditiva. Enfim, não inovaram em nada. Expand
  33. Sep 16, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Realmente muy repetitivo todo, son como pistas de músicas de su álbum pasado mezclados, y bueno, salió esto, los conceptos bastantes superficiales, incluso sin sentido, varios intentos de raps pero... su productor debería de variar más los conceptos y las pistas, ya no más de lo mismo porque abuurre Expand
  34. Sep 17, 2022
    Sem graça, esperava bem mais depois de 2 anos. Não entregaram absolutamente nada!
  35. Sep 17, 2022
    i expected from blackpinkthe songs all bad I didn't likethe cover very simple
  36. Sep 19, 2022
    most songs are bought and already known, it is very regrettable this kind of artists.
  37. Sep 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's not good, really, they tried to change the concept in "The Happiest Girl", but in general, all the songs have the same feel as the previous ones. I know that Black Pink's brand is a girl crush concept, strong and sexy, but nothing goes beyond that. Too generic. Expand
  38. Sep 16, 2022
    The album is close to be perfect! If it wasn't for "Hard to love", it would be awesome. Don't know why they gave rosé a solo song in the album :(
  39. Oct 3, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ..
    I gave the album one degree for Rose and for the effort that the girls made. But the truth is that he deserves the zero degree .All songs are similar to their style in previous albums. The distribution of lines is also unfair in the main tracks. All the topics are about love or self-vanity and this is not suitable for a global band And we can't forget the scandal because of the quotation of several passages from international songs . They are also not good at composing and all the songs they write themselves do not receive much popularity among fans And let's not forget the biggest scandal because of the theft of the concept of the bts song and no one can deny it They were absent. for two years and did not create a new concept and did not bother themselves with searching for new topics؟! It's a big farce.
  40. Sep 16, 2022
    The biggest girlband of the world, blackpink is the revolution. This album is so perfect
  41. Sep 25, 2022
    It’s bad I’m sorry … nothing new, nothing better the same old beats and the same bad lyrics
  42. Oct 30, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sounds, production and lyrics so empty. Nothing new. Even using the name of big artists in the lyrics to make a little emotion in the song, they still rejecting being involved in the lyrics and music, they only do interpretation. Expand
  43. Nov 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tanked really hard,worst album of the decade,they cant release a good song for gods sake 0/10 Expand
  44. Dec 6, 2022
    Same music, same song ...boring as hell. Tiktok song actually all those are!
  45. Dec 7, 2022
    Gross... Bored, the same and the same and the same, sample wings it's too hard to explain
  46. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I've been waiting for something more from BlackPink since 2017... I'm just genuinely sorry for how they still have misogynistic men working for them while they preach about female empowerment... and their lyrics are so shameful towards other womens... all written by MALES i can't stand them. Expand
  47. May 28, 2023
    Es un álbum genérico, cantantes si a eso se le puede llamar a las intérpretes, no saben cantar rapear, vocales flojas, producido por teddy, simplemente 0 recomendable
  48. Sep 17, 2022
    Waiting almost 2 years for an album, you'd expect them to release some amazing songs that would leave you in shock. And yet, every single song on this album is severely lacking. All songs on this album are just a worse copy of the songs they released for their last album, which is disappointing to say the least. The beats are annoying, the lyrics made no sense... Just a very bad album overall
  49. Apr 17, 2023
    again, they take years to do an album and when realeased it's a full of nothing. taking the trash of American productions, changing three words to make a Korean album in english? why? even the sound doesn't help, just boring.
  50. Apr 16, 2023
    People who like the group will like the album, but I am not one or those people. Like Time said, “There’s no growth and no new sounds.” personally I think it’s trashy.
  51. Sep 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Han sido dos años esperando y no suena acaso igual que el álbum anterior? Creo que Teddy necesita vacaciones, sigue repitiendo los mismos sonidos, claro, ahora incorporaron algunos nuevos pero sigue sonando igual. Expand
  52. Apr 17, 2023
    Every song sounds exactly the same as every other album Blackpink have come out with. No creativity or versatility in this album just the same generic EDM beats covered with onomatopoeia lyrics none of which were written by the members themselves. Seriously, Blackpink need to dump Teddy. The only song I actually kind of liked was Yeah Yeah Yeah mostly because that song was actually inEvery song sounds exactly the same as every other album Blackpink have come out with. No creativity or versatility in this album just the same generic EDM beats covered with onomatopoeia lyrics none of which were written by the members themselves. Seriously, Blackpink need to dump Teddy. The only song I actually kind of liked was Yeah Yeah Yeah mostly because that song was actually in Korean compared to 70% of the album which is in English. Disappointing album. Expand
  53. Sep 19, 2022
    Лирика их песен для тупых. В некоторых песнях проскальзывает мизогиния. Я ждала большего и лучшего. Разочарована. То что сами исполнительницы не пишут свои песни огромный минус. Джису очень сильно обделяют. Столько рекламы из-за пустоты.Лирика их песен для тупых. В некоторых песнях проскальзывает мизогиния. Я ждала большего и лучшего. Разочарована. То что сами исполнительницы не пишут свои песни огромный минус. Джису очень сильно обделяют. Столько рекламы из-за пустоты.
  54. Sep 16, 2022
    Repetitive concept and lyrics which doesn't make sense. As a blink i am disappointed. Lyrically the worst album.
  55. Sep 17, 2022
    This was such disappointment i have ever been in bp career . Im og blink don’t get me wrong i love this blink but this album humiliate and insulted us for been waiting for 2 years . No choreo , no lyrical meaning , mv being useless bp you are senior you need to so better im begging
  56. Sep 23, 2022
    stop stealing black culture, its actually **** disgusting. never male music agian
  57. Dec 4, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album was a step down from Black Pink's first "full" album. First, Born Pink seems to have no thought of what tracks would cohesively go together. There is also the fact that only 8 tracks are actually on the album. Why wouldn't they put more song? It was know that Ryan Tedder wrote songs with Jennie and Rose, but those songs aren't on the album. The whole "a new sound from BP is coming" was a literal lie that YG pushed. Sadly Pink Venom, a pre-release single, followed the same formulaic style of previous releases. The song also has entirely to many "interpolations". Jennie's opening rap was okay, but the raps that Lisa did and Jennie's second rap where awful. The blaccent that Lisa uses is not uncommon but Jennie's was a bad surprise. The rap also didn't seem to flow well with the rest of the song. Lisa's singing part were better but still seemed strained and not sung in her usual comfortable range. Rose and Jisoo we're largely left out of this song and it wasn't the best idea. The music video seemed to jump around a lot and was hard to follow. The ever present repeated phrases and onomatopoeias where also part of the song. The annoying part wasn't the anti-drop, it was the empty chorus and ratatat ending of the song. Fans want actually lyrics not empty space. Shut Down, the title track, was slightly better only because they all had parts in the song. It's still formulaic and had the teddy producer stamp all over it. The whip whip whip part of the song was disappointing. Again Lisa's rap were sub par and full of blaccent but less noticable than Pink Venom. Jennie's raps were ok but nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing against the two because they don't write their own raps, fans are just tired of the same formulaic raps that they're given. Jisoo seemed to shine a little brighter than the rest on this particular song, in part because it seems to be in her vocal range, which is a rarity for a BP song. Shut down, unfortunately, was not of any real subsistence and was their basic flaunting of riches, being pretty, and people trying to be them. Nothing different than most of the songs put out by their label. The rest of the album was severely lacking also. Ready for Love was a well know song prior to it release for PubG; it was seen in their documentary in 2018 and was thought to be scraped by YG. It's seemed like a filler song thrown in to replace a different unknown song. It was released this year in August for collab with PubG. It seems like an under handed way to cut cost of production. Typa Girl is, at best, a shallow pick me girl song. It's full of blaccent and aave. It's writing credits is mainly Bekah Boom, who is a well know white lady who masquerades as the stereotypical black woman. With liberal use of aave and blaccent in her writing style, it makes any song she is the main contributor for, poor quality. It's song that most would consider a that but other woman down even tho some fans call it a women empowerment song. Tally and The Happiest Girl are by far the best songs because they were originally demos for other artists and writing by others outside of YG. Tally was originally song that was written for BeBe Rexha that she recorded but never used. The writers then sold the song to YG. Rexha fans had heard it during a live that a the singer had. The Happiest Girl was a song by Teddy Sinclair aka Natalia Kills in which she had previously released her demo on to her YouTube channel. She never used it in an official capacity and ended up selling to YG. The problem with the songs is the fact that they sound exactly like the demos. This could lead people outside the fandom to believe they were covers. BP once said that they didn't just get a song and record it, they would tweek and change things to their liking. This apparently doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Yeah Yeah Yeah has the makings of being a really good song but unfortunately it's incredibly short; in a where's the rest kind of way and not short and sweet kind of way. It's very reminisce of Love Sick Girls and seems to show the other side of the girls that feels more genuine. There just needs to be more of it. Finally Hard to Love seems to be a really good song but out of place on this album. The song is only sung by Rose. Which by itself is not bad but hasn't been done by the group ever. With such a lengthy time between albums, nearly 2 years wait between the group works, fans weren't off put by the appearance of the solo track. The biggest problem being that Jisoo is the only member yet to release a solo song. If the song was for Rose in the beginning, why bother to put it on the album. Why not let Rose release it with her other solo works. Overall Born Pink had the potential to be Black Pink's best work but lack in the number of tracks and the quality of the entire album. Expand
  58. Sep 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ¿El “mejor girl group” nos hizo esperar 2 años para esto?
    Literalmente es lo mismo que siempre, no hay evolución, no hay buena producción, composición o algo que destacar.
  59. Sep 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the album itself doesn't have anything out of what has been done before, the instrumentals are similar, it reminded me of Justin Bieber's album changes in terms of quality, it seems that they just took it Which should probably be discarded and thrown into an "album" Expand
  60. Apr 17, 2023
    Not good mahn .. ............................................. ...... The members really need to learn a lot of things to be an idol. They have talent but they are focusing on something else . This album is really medicore.
  61. Sep 20, 2022
    worst album i’ve ever listened to. they cannot write their own songs and the only ones that they do sing are ratatata boom boom im pretty lalalala and half the time they’re completely lying. lyrics are absolutely childish and not creative at all these girls must be allergic to a proper chorus with real lyrics and not just random words thrown together repeated 10 times. it just does notworst album i’ve ever listened to. they cannot write their own songs and the only ones that they do sing are ratatata boom boom im pretty lalalala and half the time they’re completely lying. lyrics are absolutely childish and not creative at all these girls must be allergic to a proper chorus with real lyrics and not just random words thrown together repeated 10 times. it just does not make sense and they haven’t earned bragging rights, talking abt what they’ve accomplished and all they can say is “i’m prettier than you” don’t even get me started on the obvious wannabe “ghetto” black american culture vulture energy the lisa girl gives off. constant appropriation and now a jamaican accent while she raps? tops the **** cake. just ridiculous and absolutely not surprising that 18 versions for $5 are being sold, the company are close to bankruptcy, these girls are not paying their bills. an utter embarrassment to the music industry, they will be disbanding after their new tour. good riddance. Expand
  62. Sep 19, 2022
    These reviews seem a little biased to me. Listening to the album all I could think of is the lack of character or depth it had. There was no consistency or harmony whatsoever it’s like they compiled a bunch of songs and put them all in one album and called it a day. You don’t listen to it and think “ah yes it all makes sense they’re born pink” no because the title gets you excited for aThese reviews seem a little biased to me. Listening to the album all I could think of is the lack of character or depth it had. There was no consistency or harmony whatsoever it’s like they compiled a bunch of songs and put them all in one album and called it a day. You don’t listen to it and think “ah yes it all makes sense they’re born pink” no because the title gets you excited for a poorly executed album. Very disappointing overall and just feels insincere which is a shame for a group that is supposed to claim the “best girl group” and to be the “revolution”. The only revolutionary thing about this album is how incredibly disappointing it is with nothing to stand out except maybe “happiest girl” which by itself I found out was an unreleased song for another artist and that sounded exactly like that demo with no changes or personal touches, but it still sounds the best between all records unfortunately. Expand
  63. Sep 21, 2022
    The beat is just copy paste ... nothing new. Seriously hire a better producer. I was expecting something new after waiting for 2 years but I was disappointed. Rosé and Lisa's album was far better than this .
  64. Sep 16, 2022
    Literally their worst album, with the same "I'm not like the other gorls" concept as a blink I'm so disappointed sorry...also teddy needs to retire caz what the hell are those lyrics??
  65. Sep 21, 2022
    I mean honestly. There is no growth or maturing with their albums. No direction into the future nor do I expect things to change. 6 years into their career and this album is nothing special. The lead track fails to capture or prove why they are so popular. Popularity doesn't always mean good music. I am so disappointed
  66. Oct 13, 2022
    No upgrade since their debut. Teddy must be challenged himself for this group
  67. Sep 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não se tem evolução nenhuma. O full álbum contém míseras 8 muiscas, algo ridículo para quem esperou 2 anos por um retorno triunfal, das 8 músicas, uma é uma reciclagem e promovida como música de jogo, apesar de ser divulgada como música em coreano, quase não se vê o hangul na title, apenas em poucas linhas. Opinião sincera ,decepcionante. Expand
  68. Sep 17, 2022
    blackpink peca de solo usar al mismo writer y producer en todas sus canciones. Esto solo provoca que TODAS suenen idénticas. RItmos pegadizos que con el paso del tiempo solo queda la poca coherencia de sus letras y los vacios ritmos. No otorgan nada, solo ads con las marcas de ropa y ya
  69. Apr 16, 2023
    Some songs were alright, but overall a very boring album. I'm not a fan of the group, but all the girls are really beautiful and talented but they don't show any passion. It's kinda confusing to me how they have such dedicated fans because the group itself doesn't seem to care about the fans lol. Talented girls, but none of that talent was put into this album.
  70. Sep 16, 2022
    The easiest way to get an ear cvncer is by listening to this album. Also what the he*ll is with this lyrics??!!
  71. Sep 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 2 años para esto, es una burla, dependen totalmente de que le escriban las canciones Expand
  72. Sep 21, 2022
    It sounds like some generic game and ad songs. The only song that deserved to be considered real music is "Hard to love".
  73. Sep 20, 2022
    What kind of crap is this. Apart from that ' yeah yeah yeah ' everything else is just **** The lyrics are dumb as **** Can't believe there are people are willing to hear this bs.
  74. Sep 16, 2022
    the album, for the lack of word, is messy as always. the title track "shut down" used sample from campanella but instead of utilizing it creatively, they just keep use the same run repeatedly that just kills the entire vibe of the song. the b-sides features their vocals and an attempt to explore different genres but unfortunately, the mid-level production is clearly evident. in gwneral,the album, for the lack of word, is messy as always. the title track "shut down" used sample from campanella but instead of utilizing it creatively, they just keep use the same run repeatedly that just kills the entire vibe of the song. the b-sides features their vocals and an attempt to explore different genres but unfortunately, the mid-level production is clearly evident. in gwneral, born pink suppose to introduce the listeners to the "new" blackpink sound but failed. Expand
  75. Sep 16, 2022
    I liked their previous album way more I have no clue where this generic sound came from this group is usually cohesive with their release but this felt bland and boring and you want me to believe they worked on this for two year I’m a loyal fan but I will not lie I didn’t enjoy this album
  76. Sep 16, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente após 2 anos um álbum com 8 músicas bem genéricas quase sem composições próprias, não vão se sustentar por muito tempo desse jeito acho até um desrespeito com nós fãs isso fora que 4 em inglês eu gosto de BP pq não tinham se rendido a industria pelo jeito não tinham... Expand
  77. Sep 16, 2022
    Muy repetitivo, tocan las mismas temáticas una y otra vez, amor, desamor, fronteo q se siente vacío, nada personal, no hay sentimiento ni experiencias propias,no hay amor y corazón en esto, cero originalidad, ese álbum tendrá una cierta relevancia solo por ser un grupo conocido si no lo fueran no resaltaría y quedaría en el montón de kpop decadente
  78. Sep 16, 2022
    Titletracks get worse and worse. Not understandable for me how many people brainwashed themselves into thinking that this group releases good music..
  79. Sep 16, 2022
    As a blonk since 2019, I have to admit, this album is trash. I developed permanent ear damage after listening to Jisoo's dying goat voice and my fave nasalist's, Rosé's vocals. Someone should donate her a vicks because I fear her nose is clogged permanently. I have to admit, my faves tanked and and they should disband.
  80. Sep 16, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Most of the songs are just copy and sampled from western Artist. No originality with same beats, overused chorus and disappointing vocals. Expand
  81. Sep 16, 2022
    If g@rbage had a sound it will sound like this album. Not only the music and the vocals are @wful but the lyrics downgrade women and encourage them to be men's sl@ves. I'm done with this group.
  82. Sep 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's not that what I expected..We wanted a better album.. The title track also was not my cup of tea.. Expand
  83. Sep 17, 2022
    They copied this tune and it didn't just hit and what the hell is that rap ?? It's doesn't hit
  84. Sep 17, 2022
    My daughter listen to them so she asked me to listen too. After I did I took her phone away.
  85. Sep 17, 2022
    songs are not good enough after 2 years hiatus. slow ones are better than others
  86. Sep 17, 2022
    To wait 2 years for this return, it is unfortunate the rhythm of the album, only 8 tracks, it does not provoke emotion, they are the same rhythms of all their songs, very bad.
  87. Sep 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    Esperaram tanto pra isso? Pior álbum do SÉCULO
  88. Sep 17, 2022
    Very bad, the songs are all similar nothing innovative, tiring to listen to just like the previous albums.
  89. Sep 17, 2022
    Achei meio xoxinho, a title Shut Down é a mais fraca do BLACKPINK e é uma música muito ruim, as únicas que eu realmente gostei foram a solo da Rosé, Yeah Yeah Yeah e Typa Girl, mas nada muito incrível. No geral o album é chatinho de ouvir
  90. Sep 17, 2022
    Not big surprises on this album, overhyped just like the group. One track sounding similar to Pretty Savage of their previous album, a solo song being putted on tracklist from nowhere... there's a lot of kpop groups doing better music.
  91. Sep 17, 2022
    Bad vocals and Most of the songs seem like songs rejected by many artists I I listened to a song happiest girl demo ver and it was much better than the current version
  92. Sep 18, 2022
    It's too bad for an album after 2 years, they jammed the song just for the full album and we already knew the 2 songs in the album
  93. Sep 18, 2022
    El álbum más lleno de Sample que vi en mi vida y las letras parece que las escribió una criatura.
    Un horror...
  94. Sep 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Decepcionada de que el productor sea de nuevo Teddy, las chicas tienen tanto talento pero Teddy siempre esta ahi para robar todo. Cansada de YG honestamente Expand
  95. Sep 18, 2022
    very poor music and production quality. i expected more. do better YG entertainment
  96. Sep 18, 2022
    Es más de los mismo, la letra no tiene nada de inspiración, también me di cuenta que una de sus canciones es una copia de una canción de hace 2 años, no es nada nuevo e innovador
  97. Sep 18, 2022
    The album is not that good and not on my taste. The beat is a bit off and the lyrics doesn't mean anything at all. Just pure background song without meaningful lyrics
  98. Sep 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. PV did not meet my expectations as a blink who has waited for two whole years.. it’s dated, borrows a lot from black music and black culture.. they need to get rid of Teddy asap Expand
  99. Sep 18, 2022
    'Born Pink' feels more like an 'album' made to break a few records and please a few fans, as well as a rehash of an already used structure misused and where the songs are not entirely original.
  100. Sep 18, 2022
    I am not expecting this at all :( I’m so disappointed right now! YG and Teddy did them dirty. They deserve better than this!!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. 50
    The execution itself often falls frustratingly flat, lacking originality and a clear-cut focus. With its limited scope of musical conceptions, Born Pink, therefore, sounds strangely restricted, as if detained in a confined space wherein it longs to escape.
  2. 60
    On ‘Born Pink’, BLACKPINK tread familiar thematic territory for pop music, but the imagery – finding solace from heartbreak at the bottom of a bottle (‘The Happiest Girl’), boasting about being the type of girl you take to your “mama house” (‘Typa Girl’) – isn’t particularly novel, though they have effectively applied a personal touch in the past (see Jennie’s ‘Solo’).
  3. Sep 22, 2022
    “Born Pink” is occasionally galvanic, and occasionally iterative. When the group does push into new territory — or more accurately, unshackles itself from familiar ground — it doesn’t leave much of an impact.