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Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21

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  1. gregg.
    Oct 10, 2007
    On the whole, the Cult--in particular Ian A--has produced some of the worst, nonsensical lyrics in all of rock. I will often turn down the music in the car so that my wife won't hear how bad some of the Cults lyrics are. Nevertheless, the Cult sound and its occasionally interesting choruses have made them one of my favorites. I was truly hoping that the new album would redeem them On the whole, the Cult--in particular Ian A--has produced some of the worst, nonsensical lyrics in all of rock. I will often turn down the music in the car so that my wife won't hear how bad some of the Cults lyrics are. Nevertheless, the Cult sound and its occasionally interesting choruses have made them one of my favorites. I was truly hoping that the new album would redeem them after their collapse following Sonic Temple. Born Into This had so much potential but it never quite got off the ground; however, after listening the cd a couple of times, it starting to grow on me a little. The problem is that their music just does not have the "feel" that made their music distinctive. Also, the recording just sounds grubby and the riffs are hard to discern. Ian A's voice sounds good but is hard to pin down a melody. Oddly the bonus CD is much better than the actual CD--the remix and demo recordings on the bonus are much better than the main album. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Aside from the occasional flourish of their post-punk gothic past, most of the record is the dirtiest and heaviest hard rock they've recorded since the '80s.
  2. Astbury's voice is just as deep and earnest as it ever was and comes through like gangbusters on opener Born Into This, while Billy Duffy's guitar work is still as raw and dirty as it should be--clear indicators that the whole album doesn't give itself time for ego or pointless filler.
  3. With few real rockers, Born is more disappointing than it had to be.