• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. All in all, for The Clientele this is another great album in what’s getting to be a long line of great albums.
  2. Bonfires On The Heath continues one of the most remarkable winning streaks in alt-pop, in which each Clientele album has sounded like a welcome refinement of what came before.
  3. Their finest and most expansive collection to date, and one of the finest pop offerings of 2009, this album takes all their strengths--haunting and sublime.
  4. That flash of a golden moment in between something sparking in the air and fading quickly away is all The Clientele are living for in this batch of heart-breakingly beautiful tunes, and its what Bonfires on the Heath seems to hold in the center of its heart.
  5. For those who cherished the late, great Go-Betweens, Galaxie 500 and The Zombies, take heart--here is your new favorite album, filled to bursting with shivering tremolo guitars, surrealist poetry and the sort of melodies that made the kids’ knees buckle whenever “Time of the Season” graced the airwaves.
  6. The warmth it conveys is immense, and along with the happiness it provides, the album also shows that the Clientele continue to be one of the best pop bands around in the 2000s.
  7. Alasdair MacLean's impressionistic imagery doesn't always justify his fondness for repeating himself and, chiefly, it's the wispy guitar and delicate piano surrounding these hushed tales of lost love and half-forgotten reminiscences that renders them mesmerising.
  8. They all contribute to the consistency of atmosphere that makes the album in itself such a distinctively satisfying listen, and one in which anybody who makes the initial effort can immerse themselves entirely.
  9. Q Magazine
    Unashamedly English with a slightly mysterious undertow, the likes of Harvest Time and Graven wood recall Pink Floyd at their most pastoral. [Jan 2010,p. 126]
  10. Uncut
    Like Felt Before them, The Clientele have completed a commercially neglected yet conceptually immaculate decade, mapping, across four albums and a couple of compilations, a twilit suburb of English pop, as though a young TS Eliot had fronted The Zombies. [Jan 2010, p. 105]
  11. While moments off Bonfires have already proven hugely worthwhile, predominantly because of the textures Mel Draisey adds, it still lacks the cohesiveness, the clarion voice, of a band singularly in control of a well-tread sound.
  12. The Clientele aren't vain or foolish enough to try rocking out for a whole album. And even the ersatz shit sounds lush as hell.
  13. 72
    The music’s sharp focus, peppered with gallantly chirping "Forever Changes" brass and sometimes slipping into a Floyd-like coast of silvery slide guitar, is the solid ground on which ghosts tread.
  14. Bonfires on the Heath is another shrewd effort for the London based band.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. PJD
    Oct 10, 2009
    Remi T., your last comment made no sense. It was like you were trying really really hard to sound like a professional critic but you just Remi T., your last comment made no sense. It was like you were trying really really hard to sound like a professional critic but you just sound ridiculous. Oh yeah, also this is a pretty good cd. It'll grow on you. Full Review »
  2. RemiT.
    Oct 9, 2009
    If you are prepared and willing to go inside yourself for a while, than you will get a huge kick out of this album. If not, you will look at If you are prepared and willing to go inside yourself for a while, than you will get a huge kick out of this album. If not, you will look at it from the outside and think that most of it is depressing as hell. If you tend for the first option, get prepared to feel the warmth of a lovely room on a rainy thursday afternoon that's filled with talking portraits and revealing memories as a gentle cloud of opium drifts about. Probably their best since Strange Geometry. Full Review »