• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 425 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 425
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  1. May 23, 2016
    Não vi nada demais no Blue Neighbourhood. A voz do Troye Sivan é muito bonita e sexy, mas as músicas soam repetitivas, todas parecem a mesma coisa, salvando-se as exceções "Wild", "Youth" e "Swimming Pools".
  2. Apr 30, 2016
    Normally I don't like male singers, but Troye actually has a nice, soothing, sexy voice. Blue Neighbourhood is a surprisingly mature album considering how young he is. The production is nice and the music doesn't cater towards kids with ADD like everything else does these days. That being said, pretty much every song on this album is a ballad, and it really drags on, especially if you'reNormally I don't like male singers, but Troye actually has a nice, soothing, sexy voice. Blue Neighbourhood is a surprisingly mature album considering how young he is. The production is nice and the music doesn't cater towards kids with ADD like everything else does these days. That being said, pretty much every song on this album is a ballad, and it really drags on, especially if you're listening to the deluxe version (which I would recommend, since the added songs are better than the ones on the standard edition). Anyway, I think Troye definitely shows off some amazing talent and potential with this album, but Blue Neighbourhood is far from perfect.

    Standout tracks: THE QUIET, for him., BLUE
  3. Aug 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Debió de trabajar mas en la letra, su voz queda atrás con el sonido puesto, repetitivo. Troye Sivan no tiene mucho que aportar a la música. Es bueno, le falta mejorar, tiene para hacerlo. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jan 14, 2016
    It is difficult to find fault with Blue Neighbourhood--it does what it does so well.
  2. Jan 14, 2016
    It's exciting to hear someone so young and confident on the cusp of greatness.
  3. Jan 14, 2016
    Blue Neighbourhood features soft-touch synths and booming drum machines worthy of the next Lorde or Taylor Swift record.