• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Apr 26, 2005

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Paste Magazine
    The two discs offered here brim with ideas, some more navel-gazing than others. [#16, p.143]
  2. A 93 minute-long nervous breakdown that offers few concessions to the needs of the listener to be entertained.
  3. Minus the instrumentals (eight), tracks featuring guest stars (three), and songs whose only redeeming quality is their cool title (at least five, including "Son of a Bitch," "I’m Going to Stop Pretending I Didn’t Break Your Heart," and "Whatever Happened to Soy Bomb"), you’re really only left with a handful of bonafide Eels tunes.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 121 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 121
  1. Dec 12, 2011
    A very ambitious record from Mr E. For the most part's it's very successful and some of it is up with his best. Like many double albums, IA very ambitious record from Mr E. For the most part's it's very successful and some of it is up with his best. Like many double albums, I think this could have been a 10 out of 10 16-18 track album. Some of the stuff on here we could do without. Not much mind you, but definitely some. But Mr E is an artist in every sense and it's not a surprise that he went for a 33 tracker here. Too many highlights to mention - I would highly recommend adding this record to your collection. Full Review »
  2. BillyH
    Apr 28, 2008
    An intelligent progression and evolution of a man called E this album shine new light on the eels perspective when you listen to the album An intelligent progression and evolution of a man called E this album shine new light on the eels perspective when you listen to the album from front to back you realize that everything is going to be ok. Full Review »
  3. AndrewM
    Jan 17, 2008
    This record could be one of the best I've ever listened to. It's much, much more melancholy than something like Souljacker. While This record could be one of the best I've ever listened to. It's much, much more melancholy than something like Souljacker. While the lyrics are possibly stronger than they have ever been, most tracks are enjoyable just listening to how it sounds. Given that E spent 7 years creating the material on this album, the album is obviously going to be long. Not "bloated". As for it being self-indulgent, E's music is more a form of personal therapy than material for platinum records. "Electro-Shock Blues", the last magnum opus, was in response to family tragedies. Not to sell a lot of albums. Recovery. For a large part, the people who can enjoy this album are the ones who can sit back and listen to the beauty of E emptying his head. And it's entirely worth it. Full Review »