
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2021
    A lugubrious but fresh, genre-bending take on modern club music. [Nov 2021, p.91]
  2. Sep 10, 2021
    Hye Jin refines her sound, pulling from trap and boom-bap, not to mention dubstep and techno, to turn out a coming of age hip-house album. Before I Die is the clearest artistic vision we've heard from Hye Jin.
  3. Sep 9, 2021
    Before I Die firmly establishes Hye Jin’s multifaceted sound and crafts a mood that feels very of the moment.
  4. Park Hye Jin has crafted an affecting multi-layered debut that, rather than reaching a conclusion of fulfilment, manages to find happiness in just being alive.
  5. 80
    Park Hye Jin has single-handedly constructed a safe and supportive space for the introverted, sad, and disillusioned — a purely compassionate space put together by a single and inevitably singular talent for other lonesome souls to dance their sadness away.
  6. Sep 14, 2021
    A fairly unique record that shape-shifts through electronic tones all while giving us a clear view of her inner monologue.
  7. Sep 14, 2021
    Every song has something to do with the track that came before it but is also treated as its own memorable experience.
  8. Sep 9, 2021
    Her self-produced full-length debut feels more elaborate than her EPs while also seeming impulsive and off-the-cuff.
  9. Sep 14, 2021
    At its best, the album explores the contours of an emotional journey in space and time. Occasionally, though, scattered moods and unfocused songwriting blunt the record’s impact.

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