• Record Label: DTP
  • Release Date: Mar 9, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. While the album’s momentum sags in its R&B-heavy final third, Ludacris remains an underrated lyricist with unparalleled verbal dexterity.
  2. 80
    Luda may not have evened the playing field, but he certainly created an excellent musical forum for the sexes to air out their differences.
  3. Ludacris, the ever-underrated Atlanta MC, offers another good-humored album, this one aimed at the vexing relationships between men and women.
  4. Yet with its rowdy gang vocals and efficient club beats, Battle of the Sexes is ultimately more concerned with partying than with politics.
  5. Most of these aren't exactly new subjects for Luda, but as ?always his gymnastic flow and irrepressible personality redeem more tracks than not.
  6. Some of the production work feels slapdash, as in the sopping-synth "I Know You Got a Man," and aside from the undeniable banger "How Low," it's hard to hear the next obvious hit on "Battle." But the album is another welcome occasion to listen to Luda enjoying the real love of his life--the sound of his own voice.
  7. Limited and a little patched together, but if cheap thrills are what you’re after, this one puts the dirty back in dirty south.
  8. The beats are solid enough, if not as universally banging as circa Luda '01. The album flows well, has some replay value and tries a few little tricks here and there.
  9. While a hip-hop album that’s not a complete kielbasa festival is refreshing, Luda’s feminist intentions are horribly misguided.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 37
  2. Negative: 9 out of 37
  1. Aug 15, 2011
    "How Low" can YOU go, luda? mildly entertaining but i hope luda can cut his losses on this one and move on to better, more sincere albums (ie."How Low" can YOU go, luda? mildly entertaining but i hope luda can cut his losses on this one and move on to better, more sincere albums (ie. circa 2001, 2003). this one is both a reflection of the current as well as a warning of the future commercialization/ sellout corruption of hip hop. Can all the blame be on club culture? no, the activity is fine but i think there's a major problem when songs that sing "my name is k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k" or "how low" appear on the top 10 of the mainstream garbage network and what not. Quit selling out you guys. get back to the days of BDP and KRS1. Full Review »
  2. Mar 29, 2011
    Ludas always been the truth, i ve listened to him ever since coming to america. one of my favorite rappers, even till this date. but battle ofLudas always been the truth, i ve listened to him ever since coming to america. one of my favorite rappers, even till this date. but battle of the sexes just didnt feel like his best. never the less, luda did hit hard like he always does. still not a bad album Full Review »
  3. Feb 18, 2011
    Always the showman who sounds technically superior to most rappers but ultimately an artist whose craft is exposed to the mercy of fashion.Always the showman who sounds technically superior to most rappers but ultimately an artist whose craft is exposed to the mercy of fashion. Ludacris is generally one to follow rather than lead but he is still a true champion when writing hip-hop records. There is great enjoyment to be taken from his performance and his talent appeals to both 'ignorants' and 'intellectuals however the beats on this record are slightly lightweight no matter how loud the bass booms. 83/100' Full Review »