• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. 90
    Every listen yields new life oozing from each beat - above all, Anywhere But Here feels like an album that will weather excellently as Sorry go onwards.
  2. Oct 4, 2022
    Fuelled by rapturous and disjointed guitar work and bittersweet lyricism, this record will easily be in the running for one of the best records out of the UK this year.
  3. Dec 22, 2022
    Much of this album sounds like a bleary-eyed afterparty, or the grey winter afternoon that follows, where your mind wanders back to an ex. It isn’t perfect, but it’s reflective, honest, funny. And Sorry only seem to be getting better.
  4. Dec 6, 2022
    The result is a batch of songs that feel like they’re poking at rock and pop conventions without being a full-on piss-take against rock music. This approach means Anywhere But Here is more rewarding the more it’s listened to.
  5. 80
    The album’s inability to communicate with itself – each song an island – does bring some drag to the album’s runtime. Nevertheless, elegiac and anthemic, each song has spark.
  6. Oct 6, 2022
    The stories being told match in tone, driven forward through a tantalising mix of urgency and despondency – mirroring the detached hustle of England’s capital.
  7. Mojo
    Oct 4, 2022
    Deceptively light on first hearing, Anywhere But Here possesses a vulnerability and depth its predecessor lacked. [Nov 2022, p.93]
  8. At its core, the record continues the thing that made them so exciting in the first place – chaotic, brilliant curveballs that capture the confusion and commotion of life right now.
  9. Dec 8, 2022
    To some, their experimentalism may verge on grating and their pessimism may become tired, but Sorry’s sophomore effort proves that the band’s got dynamism and ambition, and plenty of it.
  10. Oct 12, 2022
    Where 925 was thrillingly inventive, but often kept the listener at a cautious remove, Anywhere But Here uses deeply felt storytelling and intimate vocals to usher us much closer.
  11. Uncut
    Oct 4, 2022
    Louis O'Bryen and Asha Lorenz paint a drunker, more heartbroken picture of twentysomething romance on this downbeat sequel. [Nov 2022, p.36]

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