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Mixed or average reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 41
  2. Negative: 12 out of 41
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  1. May 8, 2015
    WATTCAOPAM was literally my favorite album of 2013. But unfortunately I have to join the minority here and declare that this was an enormous step backwards... and perilously close to complete suckitude. Yes, the genre influences here are different and less to my liking, but it's totally expected that a band like Foxygen would experiment that way. I don't hold that against them at all.WATTCAOPAM was literally my favorite album of 2013. But unfortunately I have to join the minority here and declare that this was an enormous step backwards... and perilously close to complete suckitude. Yes, the genre influences here are different and less to my liking, but it's totally expected that a band like Foxygen would experiment that way. I don't hold that against them at all.

    What really surprises and disappoints me is that I feel like most of their energy and crazy songwriting style was chucked out the window. Gone are the awesome wacky mid-song tempo and mood shifts that were their modus operandi their first two efforts. Instead we're left with needlessly messy, often sleepy, unexciting glammy lounge music.

    I really hope this is just a failed experiment and not a sign of things to come.
  2. Sep 9, 2016
    It's not awful, but it's also not good. The album lacks of sense and meaning. Perhaps some songs like How Can You Really save the album, but in a full analysis, it is just not consistent and enjoyable at all.
  3. Dec 25, 2016
    This is one of the worst albums I've heard this decade. I've never been a huge Foxygen fan (or just a Foxygen fan), but I've got to enjoy some of their creations in the past. Their 2012 EP was interesting, and kept me interested to see what they would do in the future. Their 2013 album (that has a long title that I cannot bother to write here) was decent. I liked it, but not as much asThis is one of the worst albums I've heard this decade. I've never been a huge Foxygen fan (or just a Foxygen fan), but I've got to enjoy some of their creations in the past. Their 2012 EP was interesting, and kept me interested to see what they would do in the future. Their 2013 album (that has a long title that I cannot bother to write here) was decent. I liked it, but not as much as their 2012 EP. The album still showed some hope in Foxygen, and still kept me excited for the future.
    Now this album almost drains every hope that I had in this band away. From overstretched ideas, huge chunks of filler, forgettable songs and horrendous songwriting, this album is truly dreadful. The best track in this album is the seventeeth track here, which kicks off with a lo-fi vocal sample and then proceeds to a noisy drone piece. And that drone piece is actually the best moment in the entire album. The entire track isn't great, since its start is rocky and its ending is not the greatest as well. But it is certainly the best track here.
    The rest of the album is absolutely horrendous. It is one of those albums that is so bad that it's intriguing. You should not listen to it. I don't recommend you to listen to it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Mojo
    Nov 6, 2014
    Their star power indeed might be largely borrowed, but they wear it well. [Nov 2014, p.98]
  2. Oct 21, 2014
    An 82-minute combo plate of half-finished songs, choruses unmoored from verses, bursts of skyscraping beauty and long passages of sonic murk, all vaguely redolent of the Rolling Stones and Jesus Christ Superstar.
  3. Oct 16, 2014
    Star Power overwhelms with its personality, one that takes on a wildly different but equally zealous form every three minutes, one that’s exciting for a long while before suddenly making you want to shelve it for a longer while.