
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mar 18, 2011
    This album, Mark Ronson's "imaginary follow up to Rio that never was", is their best for 18 years.
  2. Dec 20, 2010
    All You Need Is Now isn't Son of Rio, but it's the best album Duran Duran has released since then, a collection that manages what their best material always has, blending art with grand gestures and popcraft.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 6, 2011
    So much more than the original boy band. [March 2011, p. 106]
  4. Mar 22, 2011
    All You Need Is Now is unlikely to win over any new fans, but it might reignite or validate forgotten guilty pleasures and, for Duranies, it's an album to sit alongside its older relatives with pride.
  5. Mar 18, 2011
    Full of tunes and pizzazz, it's unexpectedly good fun.
  6. Mar 18, 2011
    Déjà vu almost overwhelms The Man Who Stole a Leopard and Leave a Light On's echoes of The Chauffeur and Save a Prayer respectively, but this is Duran sounding as good as people remember.
  7. Dec 20, 2010
    As a group of former heartthrobs with something to prove, Duran Duran are both a product of its time and a band with its eye on the future -- and they've finally managed to capture the titular sense of Now.
  8. Dec 20, 2010
    Simon LeBon's still sturdy voice soars over coolly funky backdrops and the grooves are some of the group's most urgent in years.
  9. Mar 22, 2011
    Flaunting his [Ronson's] knack for organic, melodic dance music-and clearly harnessing his own childhood nostalgia for Duran Duran's early-'80s heyday-Ronson nudges Simon LeBon and crew toward the same supple grooves and frosty hooks they once all but owned.
  10. Apr 4, 2011
    More vintage sound than classic album, All You Need Is Now won't revive any careers, theirs or Ronson's.
  11. 70
    Producer Mark Ronson does an astounding job of taking them back to the Fab Five glory days of Rio.
  12. Mar 22, 2011
    The once bold, sometimes shameless Simon Le Bon sounds a bit tentative in this post-Killers world, and when compared to the tight, original, nine-track version of the album previously made available via digital download, this final, fatter version borders on "too much of a good thing." Fortunately, the emphasis will be on "good thing" for longtime Duran fans or anyone with a taste for melodic, synth-driven pop/rock.
  13. Dec 21, 2010
    Duran's Mark Ronson-produced 13th disc is a return to roots for a band that's all implants - which is part of the album's charm.
  14. Mar 22, 2011
    Not everything is worth making the journey; indeed, it's hard to know why the band bothered adding five new songs to the superior nine-track version of "All You Need Is Now" that Duran Duran released through iTunes late last year. But with their sleek keyboard lines, trebly guitar chatter and frontman Simon Le Bon's swooping vocal melodies, taut neo-New Wave gems like "Being Followed" and "Girl Panic!" make a strong argument for the lasting utility of these hitmakers' original formula.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 54
  2. Negative: 2 out of 54
  1. Dec 21, 2010
    Far and away their best album in at least 20 years. Girl Panic alone is the best song they've done since Notorious ... the new songs willFar and away their best album in at least 20 years. Girl Panic alone is the best song they've done since Notorious ... the new songs will easily slide in with their classics on the upcoming tour. Really pretty astonishing - 50-somethings are not supposed to have this kind of album left in them. Full Review »
  2. Jan 16, 2011
    as badgerfan21 said "Really pretty astonishing - 50-somethings are not supposed to have this kind of album left in them".the great 80s areas badgerfan21 said "Really pretty astonishing - 50-somethings are not supposed to have this kind of album left in them".the great 80s are back for real! Full Review »
  3. Dec 24, 2010
    easily their best album since the fab five days of the mid-80s. the album's fantastic, not a single weak song on it. stand-outs for me areeasily their best album since the fab five days of the mid-80s. the album's fantastic, not a single weak song on it. stand-outs for me are being followed and the man who stole a leopard. Full Review »