• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 38
  2. Negative: 4 out of 38

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  1. XavierF
    Jan 11, 2005
    It's not often that I rate an album a 10. It needs to be beautiful from beginning to end. Perfect. Sarah did it somehow, and my music collection thanks her.
  2. JohnO
    Jan 7, 2005
    I rate things thusly: If I can only stand to listen to it once, it gets a one. So the Killer albumn I listened to on repeat for five times and then forgot about the rest of the year got a 5. I've probably listened to this 20 time- but 10 is as high as it goes. Easily worth the money.
  3. CraigC
    Nov 13, 2003
    This album is definitely food for your soul. Sarah McLachlan amazingly makes you feel warm spirited, and delighted.
  4. KatieP
    Dec 1, 2003
    A great cd.. I don't know what these critics are talking about. I love her.. plus she is from Halifax :)
  5. CactuarC
    Jun 13, 2004
    After reading the critics reviews on this page, I've learnt to never trust them. They gave the excellent Sarah a meager 51!!! Where's the justice in that! Did they even hear her songs?! She may not be perfect, but wheres the sense in underrating her?! I'll stick to my opinion that Sarah Mclachlan is great! No thank you, critics!
  6. ixata
    Dec 22, 2006
    easily one of the most woderful album ever existed... bt sadly, i cant gv it a 10 for it sounds quite same as srfacing... this doesnt sound lyk an after-6-years-break album, more lyk 6 days.. bt still great
  7. DesireeR
    Nov 10, 2003
    I really like this album
  8. TeresaT
    Nov 14, 2003
    You have to be in a mellow mood, but I love it. I think it is beautiful.
  9. markyj
    Nov 19, 2003
    I don't think this has the mass appeal of her other records but it is magically crafted. Every song on this cd is a musical masterpiece. That being said some of the delivery and the lyrics tend to be a bit boring.
  10. LauraT.
    Nov 20, 2003
    I LOVED this CD. She has a wonderful voice - and the CD is amazing.
  11. BitBurn
    Nov 7, 2003
    It's an OK record. But somehow it feels sleepy, too sleepy. There are a few good punches here and there but nothing spectacular. Then again, Sarah never was the most exciting voice to listen too. But it's chillin'. I recommend listening before going to bed, alongside Enya and others.
  12. SandyM
    Dec 30, 2003
    Awesome sound, great lyrics, from Fallen to Stupid to Train Wreck, she wails on you, what a fantastic voice.
  13. MikeB
    Jan 8, 2005
    Not only is it beautiful, romantic and moving. But its one of the better female albums from the last five years, even if the tracks are a bit samey - they are so well done that you dont care
  14. NateC
    Jan 29, 2006
    Never heard of Sarah until "Fallen". Went and bought Afterglow album, and I love it. Fallen, World on Fire and Dirty Little Secret are 5 star tunes. Amazing voice. This album really got to me, after 2 family deaths was ideal comfort.
  15. KimS
    Apr 4, 2006
    She's amazing! Finds a way to touch each and every listner! Wow!
  16. LindaA
    Nov 10, 2003
    Beautiful! No matter what the critics say this one definitely doesn't fail to please. McLachlan continues to heal the world with her beatiful music.
  17. CapnFoo
    Nov 23, 2006
    This is the first mclachlan cd I got, and so far none of her other albums I have acquired since then have matched it. My rating is not based on her other cd's so I give it a 10
  18. DyaneL
    Nov 27, 2003
    It has got to be the best thing that was brought back to us. Boy I missed that angelic voice and wonderful music, Thanks Thanks Thanks

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Some may call that predictable, some may call it reliable, but there's little arguing that Afterglow is a solid effort -- it won't win new fans, but it will certainly satisfy the old ones.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Comely but slight, Afterglow works hard to stay on a calm, unprepossessing middle middle course despite McLachlan's initimate soul-searching. [7 Nov 2003, p.68]
  3. 80
    It’s gorgeous, moving and magnificent.