
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Apr 22, 2016
    Opener Jump Into The New World is a bubbly 60s-style pop workout with lush girl-group backing vocals, Dog Fight and Hawaii are in the same vein, but a little more subdued, Rock ’N’ Roll T-Shirt swaggers like ZZ Top, and the band continue their food obsession on Wasabi, Green Tangerine, and the Beatle-esque Cotton Candy Clouds.
  2. Q Magazine
    Apr 8, 2016
    They do lean away somewhat from the buzzsaw pop-punk which made them favourites of Kurt Cobain, and toward streamlined '70s FM rock, as well as new wave power pop in the vein of The Only Ones and The Flamin' Groovies, with a few interludes of Byrds/Big Star jangle. But don't be fooled by such mellow moments. [Jun 2016, p.116]
  3. Mar 31, 2016
    While Adventure isn't as raw and uninhibited as some of their past work, it continues the enduring legacy of their peppy garage sound with effortless confidence and nostalgic winks to the past.
  4. 80
    Cartoony, authentic, moving and daft, and the true heirs to the Ramones, Shonen Knife are just great.
  5. Apr 11, 2016
    It may tread familiar territory but that’s fine--this far into the game, they’re hardly going to deliver their jazz odyssey.
  6. Uncut
    Mar 31, 2016
    Despite the odd dreamy detour into girl-group psych-pop, this slender 10-tracker is bulked out with a little too much autopilot retro-kitsch filler. [May 2016, p.79]
  7. Mar 31, 2016
    Their obvious love of the Ramones’ weirder cuts is still alive and thrashing, and, admittedly, a lot of Adventure walks extremely familiar soil.

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