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A Celebration of Endings Image

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

  • Summary: The ninth full-length studio release for the the Scottish alternative rock trio was produced by Rich Costey.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Aug 14, 2020
    Biffy Clyro have delivered an album of restless invention, substance and style that arrives like a spray of water on the arid expanse of this saddest of summers.
  2. 85
    With their newest offering, the trio traverse an incredible diversity in sound. ... The band’s ability to switch effortlessly between energetic, grunge-fuelled rock songs and sweet, emotional poignance, is something to be wholeheartedly admired.
  3. Mojo
    Aug 5, 2020
    Decidedly bolder than 2016's Ellipsis, it is an album that revels in subverting expectations. [Jun 2020, p.88]
  4. Q Magazine
    Aug 5, 2020
    With A Celebration of Endings, Biffy Clyro prove beyond doubt that they've got the idiosyncratic sewn up. [Sep 2020, p.112]
  5. 80
    An album that soothes, shakes and surprises at every turn.
  6. Aug 25, 2020
    Ultimately, A Celebration of Endings fits with Biffy Clyro's long-standing knack for combining stadium-sized rock uplift with an undercurrent of wry post-punk thrills.
  7. Aug 17, 2020
    Never quite settling where you think it might. Biffy Clyro can seem like two bands: a trio whose ringing Gaelic positivity and guitar bluster can shake a festival headline slot, and a gnarlier, more messed-up proposition.

See all 16 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Sep 29, 2021
    This album is an experience, a true journey. Once immerge yourself in this amazing piece of art you will no longer be able to do without it.
  2. Aug 20, 2020
    Every track is a journey in itself and just like the band seemingly goes from strength to strength. Truly their most dynamic piece of work yet.
  3. Aug 15, 2020
    THIS is the album I’ve been waiting for. They finally made an album that matches the huge sound of Puzzle with their earlier idiosyncrasiesTHIS is the album I’ve been waiting for. They finally made an album that matches the huge sound of Puzzle with their earlier idiosyncrasies thrown in. Cop Syrup might actually be the best song they have ever written. Fresh sounding, vibrant, full of energy - brilliant album that’s only marred slightly with the more standard pop focused songs. Expand
  4. Aug 14, 2020
    This is a massive return to form for one of Britain’s best rock bands.

    Following their enjoyable but lacklustre Ellipsis (which was written
    This is a massive return to form for one of Britain’s best rock bands.

    Following their enjoyable but lacklustre Ellipsis (which was written with difficulty after a bout of writers block) Biffy Clyro have returned with an emotional, cathartic, energetic and varied album.

    This is the first time they have successfully mixed together the sound of their first three albums and the three proceeding albums. There is so much creativity packed into these songs it is unreal. When you expect them to go one way, the go the other.

    Highly recommended and a great entry point to the band if you have never listened before (just make sure you follow up with Infinity Land!)
  5. peo
    Aug 22, 2020
    One of their most cohesive albums in their catalogue and full of suprises . I love that proggy vibe in cop syrup and the pink limit.
    For me
    One of their most cohesive albums in their catalogue and full of suprises . I love that proggy vibe in cop syrup and the pink limit.
    For me the best thing theyve done since Puzzle .
  6. Jun 28, 2021
    Not my favourite Biffy Clyro album but definitely a return to form after a controversial 7th studio album. This albums has everything fromNot my favourite Biffy Clyro album but definitely a return to form after a controversial 7th studio album. This albums has everything from ready-ready pop to heavy-hitting rock and that's what I love about it. There is never a dull moment with every song sounding unique and with the band sounding as tight as ever. It's a fantastic album that is only slightly let down by the questionable vocal production on some of the songs such as The Champ and Space where they are just too distorted. But overall, a fantastic album. Expand
  7. Aug 14, 2020
    Definitely disagree that this is a return to form for Biffy.

    If anything this sounds like their most confused album to date - flitting
    Definitely disagree that this is a return to form for Biffy.

    If anything this sounds like their most confused album to date - flitting alternatively between overproduced radio pop, and heavier rock. To me it sounds like they've tried to blend the inoffensive (and forgettable) sounds of their last couple of albums, while throwing in the odd heavier riff to appease older fans. Perhaps in trying to do both, they've missed both marks.

    Lacks the emotion and impact of their earlier stuff, and predictably doesn't come close to replicating the masterpiece that was Puzzle.

    Give it a listen but don't expect much.

See all 9 User Reviews