• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jul 22, 2014
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 198 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 60 out of 198
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  1. Jan 3, 2015
    Amazing songs, the best teen band. All songs are lovely, and perfect for teenagers. This band is very good, really love it and ALL songs of this album, really good.
  2. Jul 26, 2014
    I have never heard a teenage pop-rock band before.at first, I thought that kind of genre is horrible. But now, I have now figured out that It is really awesome. Favorite tracks, All of them. Great job!
  3. Feb 6, 2015
    Não dá pra esperar rock pesado de um grupo que quer atingir um público mais jovem.. eles tem influências punk, mesmo que mais leves, mas as músicas são meio que aquilo que se ouve no rádio no verão americano. Eles podem mostrar mais progressos, principalmente pelo fato de já terem mostrado que são ótimos escrevendo canções.
  4. Jul 23, 2014
    I never really liked boybands, I never did. But, 5 Seconds of Summer (or as fans call them, 5SOS) got my attention when they performed their lead single “She Looks So Perfect” for their self-titled album on 2014 Billboard Music Awards. I never seen a boy band using instruments on stage and I thought I would give them a try on listening to their album.

    After a lot of procrastinations, I
    I never really liked boybands, I never did. But, 5 Seconds of Summer (or as fans call them, 5SOS) got my attention when they performed their lead single “She Looks So Perfect” for their self-titled album on 2014 Billboard Music Awards. I never seen a boy band using instruments on stage and I thought I would give them a try on listening to their album.

    After a lot of procrastinations, I finally had the time to listen to the album.

    Even if they have more respect than One Direction, it’s not like 5SOS would be a revolutionary boy band. They won’t will never be the next Beatles, don’t get me started. It’s just a miracle we have a boy band in this generation where they don’t just sing and dance on stage, as far as I know.

    While there are moments when 5SOS sounds like another boy band, what makes them different from other boy bands is their “punk pop” sound, which most boy bands these days use EDM pop. It’s refreshing to hear that and they use their punk pop sound really well.

    This album is more of a collection of songs they wrote, but if you dig deeper a little, the theme of the entire album is the joys and downs of being a teenager. I really liked this theme because being a teenager is actually fun (and moody too) but still fun.

    I did mention they use their punk pop sound well, but I wish they would do more creativity for their next album. But this is a nice debut to introduce themselves to the public.

    As for the deluxe edition tracks, it’s like an extension of the entire album. Worth a listen and worth the extra money to buy more songs.

    While I want them to be more creative for their next album, if you want to give a chance on a boyband that plays instruments which I did, go listen to this album. I suggest you should recall your great, joyful teenage moments while you’re listening for added entertainment. Have fun!
  5. Jul 22, 2014
    very good album i'm impressed, definitely one of the best ones released this year
    long way home, end up here, heartbreak girl, english love affair >>>>
  6. Jul 23, 2014
    The pop/rock songs with a pop-punk edge that is present throughtout the album with the ocasional ballad thrown in makes this record great for me. I have always appreciated the genre and 5sos manages to pull it off in a way that seems fresh in todays mainstream music with their overly upbeat energy. Although lyrically nothing revolutionary , the slightly edgy instrumentals which manage toThe pop/rock songs with a pop-punk edge that is present throughtout the album with the ocasional ballad thrown in makes this record great for me. I have always appreciated the genre and 5sos manages to pull it off in a way that seems fresh in todays mainstream music with their overly upbeat energy. Although lyrically nothing revolutionary , the slightly edgy instrumentals which manage to remain radio friendly work great for them. Expand
  7. Oct 23, 2015
    olha só vc que deram zero deem zero pro meu pau esse album merece dezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz vendeu 2 milhoes recalcados reis compre sgfg on itunes
  8. Feb 7, 2015
    Esse álbum é muito bom, quem é fifth harmony? são aquelas que fazem um álbum cheio de farofa ruim, me poupe né? 5sos e little mix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  9. Aug 25, 2015
    People think they are bad because of being a teen band. This album is nothing new and is just simple rock-pop but is still fresh and good. They are cute teen but it doesn't mean that they're bad, actually they're very talented.
  10. Oct 23, 2015
    very goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
  11. Nov 13, 2014
    I think that people are being prejudiced because of the many labels that the media have given them. Personally I find the album to be a pretty good debut album for 4 teens. I must agree that their album is a touch more pop than I would have liked, and perhaps their next album could be a bit grittier, but the songs mostly fall into the pop punk category. I'm writing this as an unbiasedI think that people are being prejudiced because of the many labels that the media have given them. Personally I find the album to be a pretty good debut album for 4 teens. I must agree that their album is a touch more pop than I would have liked, and perhaps their next album could be a bit grittier, but the songs mostly fall into the pop punk category. I'm writing this as an unbiased teenager, and not just some obsessed fangirl.

    'She Looks So Perfect' was probably one of the stronger tracks in the album. The screaming chants, the staccato notes of Michael's guitar, the melodies and Luke Hemmings' vocals are all what pin the song down to be their best selling song so far. True, the lyrics could have been a bit less cliché in various points, but for the most part it really shows the audience the sound of 5SOS and their personality.

    'Don't Stop' I felt was a little less stronger than the previous track, and is a lot more clichéd than it should have been. Had the lyrics been a bit more original, it could have proven to be an even better track, but luckily the general melody saves it from a despairing fate.

    'Good Girls' was one of the better tracks, with some good melodies, some excellent vocals from Michael and some great lyrics. The Sprechgesang was not in their favour, I feel, but the rest was all fantastic. Had this been released as the second single, I feel like this could have easily kept up the momentum that 5SOS were attaining.

    'Kiss Me Kiss Me' was again a bit of a let down but it had its moments. Written with Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low, the chorus is probably its highest point.

    '18' raised up the momentum again, with quirky lyrics such as 'She's got a naughty tattoo in/A place I wanna get to/But my mum still drives me to school' and a gritty guitar riff. Personally, the lyrics are the highest point for me, but otherwise it's a decent song.

    'Everything I Didn't Say' is now entering the break-up song territory, and is filled with emotional lyrics. The only downside is that it's boring. In my opinion, pop punk should catch the listener at first glance. That's the pop part of it. And unless you have the patience to really sit down and listen to it, this isn't the song to quickly get you hooked.

    'Beside You' is practically the same as Everything I Didn't Say. Spawning from the minds behind Amy Meredith, Beside You is too clichéd and a little too boring for me. The only thing that surprised me was the strings section, really.

    'End Up Here' is a little more interesting, with the vocally powerful chorus and self deprecating manner that is so familiar with punk. Its second chorus claps are sure to keep a stadium going and to raise the energy by miles.

    'Long Way Home' features surprising piano chords at the beginning that fit in quite nicely. This one is a little more lyrically rich, which I like, such as 'We're hiding out in a dream/Catching fire like kerosene' But apart from the lyrics and catchy intro, the song is a bit of a let down.

    'Heartbreak Girl' manages to pick it up a little. I believe this was recorded before the actual album and it's pretty catchy. The guitar riff, the whole theme of the song, Heartbreak Girl doesn't disappoint. It would probably have more attention if it was placed a little higher.

    'English Love Affair' is similar to Everything I Didn't Say in that it's not the catchiest at first glance, but it definitely creeps up on you. Once you have the patience to listen to it more than a few times, it gets better and better with every listen, and the edgy lyrics and chants become more and more endearing.

    'Amnesia' is more pop than punk but it doesn't really matter. Penned by the men of Good Charlotte, Amnesia features really beautiful vocals that do showcase the talents of the boys and lyrics that will possibly drive every one of their fan girls crazy. It's a bit of a shame that its not a little punk but really the lyrics and vocals make up for it.

    'Social Casualty' shocked me, as the riff is pretty much 'Sugar, We're Going Down' from Fall Out Boy, which saddened me. They could do a lot better. The lyrics are interesting, but not enough to grip me. Apart from being a little bit of a rip off of Fall Out Boy, this track isn't enough for me.

    'Never Be' only has good lyrics for me, and otherwise, it's boring. Never Be could have done better, but its stuck with some boring melodies. It's an unfortunately low point to be at near the end.

    'Voodoo Doll' features smooth vocals and nice rhythms and honestly, for the deluxe version, it's a good song to end it on. Of course, the acoustic version of Don't Stop is what it ends on, but Voodoo Doll is the last produced song. It's lyrics are generally interesting, its vocals not too shabby and the melodies are quite catchy.

    Overall, the vocals shine through most of the songs, and generally, the punk in the pop punk is clear. The melodies are infectious - sometimes copied - and the lyrics are sometimes clichéd but original. Well done 5SOS
  12. Apr 3, 2015
    Álbum maravilhoso, merecia muito mais! 5SOS são os reis do pop rock/pop punk teen, eles são bem emo goticos, com hinos 100% satanicos, bem roqueiros e super conceituais... Eles são borboletas do punk, literalmente, muito punk.
  13. Sep 30, 2015
    Esse CD é realmente muito interessante, ele não é um album excelente, mas possui musicas ótimas, tem algumas musicas descartáveis, mas para um album inicial ele é ótimo. esses meninos estão de parabéns.
  14. Oct 17, 2015
    they are amazing, please buy sounds good feels good and watch them on youtube, they deserve a lot and i love them so much 5sos eu escolhi te amar bebes
  15. Oct 23, 2015
    this albums is so good for listen when you'e traveling, to sleep, in a party i love them so mushc and love this album, they are so good idols, REISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  16. Nov 7, 2015
    É UM AMORRR, AMO MUITO (ao ponto de gastar 35 reais com o deluxe). Opinião de Harmonizer pra mim é irrelevante, por que se elas gostam de um lixo como aqueles, gostar de coisa boa é o que não vão, né?
  17. May 8, 2016
    Bom disco, mas não ótimo, eu amo 5SOS, mas esse disco faltou realidade, só tem história de amor nesse álbum, mas também tem o hino Social Casualty, que mostra bastante o pop-punk que a banda tem, honrando influências de bandas como Green Day, blink-182 e All Time Low.
  18. Feb 16, 2017
    This review might end up being a bit fangirly because 5 Seconds of Summer are really THE band in my life. Their voices just calm me, I love them so whatever they sing I am a fan of it I guess. But this album is truly not the best thing they could have come up with. Some of the songs are my absolute favorites but other I sometimes don't find that good. This album isn't flawless. It has gotThis review might end up being a bit fangirly because 5 Seconds of Summer are really THE band in my life. Their voices just calm me, I love them so whatever they sing I am a fan of it I guess. But this album is truly not the best thing they could have come up with. Some of the songs are my absolute favorites but other I sometimes don't find that good. This album isn't flawless. It has got so many flaws but considering that this came out of 17-year-olds I can't say that I expected more. Expand
  19. Jul 6, 2019
    5 Seconds of Summer has become one of my top 5 favorite bands and one of my favorite musical performers of all time. I loved all of the videos and they were all very fun and done well. I loved the album cover. The songs I loved the most were Amnesia, She Looks So Perfect, Good Girls, Beside You, Kiss Me Kiss Me, Don't Stop, and English Love Affair.
  20. Jan 14, 2018
    The 5SOS boys didn't developed their debut album along with their purpose of a pop-rock band, but it was their introduction in the pop industry, while they were only teenagers. Their lyrics are composed by themselves and they play their own instruments, differently of boybands like One Direction or The Vamps, and that really shows the quality of the the band as musicians.
  21. Jul 28, 2020
    A musicalidade do álbum é muito boa e consegue variar entre músicas dançantes e músicas mais calmas e românticas. Incrivelmente bom pra ter sido feito por pessoas tão jovens como eles eram na época
  22. Nov 6, 2020
    A great album for a debut. These guys are legends and their first album showed us that. I always feel happy and nostalgic listening to it.
  23. Dec 11, 2020
    Looking back, this album is a gem, I love the sounds and the lyrics. I definitely love listening to this album all the time.
  24. Apr 6, 2023
    It’s a great album for when you’re feeling nostalgic. There are stand out songs that make the album worth it (Everything I Didn’t say, amnesia, social casualty, never be, etc.) and even the songs that aren’t written that good are catchy (Heartbreak Girl, Don’t Stop, 18, Good Girls, etc.)

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jul 25, 2014
    Hemmings and his bandmates match these frank admissions with music that’s equally straightforward.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jul 23, 2014
    Although everything is rendered with a high-shine gloss and sanitised precision that makes it more saccharine than Sex Pistols, there's still an enjoyment to be had on a basic level. [5 Jul 2014, p.53]
  3. Jul 22, 2014
    Overall, 5 Seconds of Summer is a delightful debut from a group that cannot be easily pigeonholed, and is worth paying attention to.