Description: While vacationing on a remote island retreat, a family’s already fragile ties are tested when daughter Karin (Harriet Andersson) discovers her father has been using her schizophrenia for his own literary means. As she drifts in and out of lucidity, the father (Gunnar Björnstrand), along with Karin’s husband (Max von Sydow) and her younger brother (Lars Passgård) are unable to prevent Karin’s harrowing descent into the abyss of mental illness. [Janus Films]


Production Company Svensk Filmindustri (SF)
Release Date Mar 13, 1962
Duration 1 h 30 m
Rating Not Rated
Tagline "For now we see though a glass darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known" I Corinthians 13:12
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