Description: Agathe Villanova is a self-centered, workaholic feminist politician who, upon reluctantly returning to her home in the south of France to sort out her mother’s affairs, runs for an local election. Upon her arrival, Agathe grudgingly agrees to take part in a documentary being made by the blundering duo of Karim an aspiring filmmaker, and self-professed "reporter" Michel, on the subject of “successful women." As Agathe's life hilariously unravels, the camera is there to capture it all. (IFC Film)


Production Company Les Films A4, France 2 Cinéma, StudioCanal, Canal+, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), TPS Star
Release Date Jun 18, 2010
Duration 1 h 50 m
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