Description: Katherine (Dawn Olivieri) is a single mom to son Kesley who is desperate to make the school football team. When two Mormon missionaries, Elders Brock (Mitch Ryan) and Whitehall visit her home while she and Kesley are practicing football, they offer to help prepare him for the tryouts. Elder Brock begins spending a good deal of time with them and Katherine soon realizes she has a strong attraction to him. Eventually, they become romantically involved. Katherine becomes conflicted between her new relationship and her continued feelings for Kesley’s father Ian, (Kip Pardue). When Ian and Katherine decide to reconcile and be a family again, Katherine tries to end things gently with Brock who becomes dangerously possessive. Unknown to Katherine and the church, Brock has a hidden past that will put them in peril. As events begin to spiral out of control, Katherine must find a way to save herself and her son from his deadly obsession. [Freestyle Releasing]


Production Company Poiley Wood Entertainment, Missionary Film Production
Release Date Oct 31, 2014
Duration 1 h 30 m
Rating R
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