Description: Set in modern-day Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, this radiant, unapologetically self-referential film-within-a-film describes the process and vision of an astute, determined filmmaker named Balthazar hustling for funds for his first feature, The Cycle of the Cockroach. But the themes of his haunted and trenchant drama, about the aftermath of genocide on a brother and sister, find no support from agencies interested in funding upbeat policy-related films detailing HIV prevention or gender-based violence. As Balthazar presses ahead, borrowing recklessly from a loan shark, two extended parts of the Cycle play out on the screen, measuring with profound subtlety the horror and systematic madness of events whose fundamental characteristics are anything but unique to Rwanda and whose aftermath is ongoing.(The Global Film Initiative)


Production Company Moon Road Films, Scarab Studio
Release Date Jan 20, 2012
Duration 1 h 50 m
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