• Record Label: Gigantic
  • Release Date: Aug 19, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 68
  2. Negative: 7 out of 68

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  1. WillC.
    Aug 20, 2008
    This album is the best of the year so far for me.
  2. SethC
    Aug 28, 2008
    Their best record from start to finish. The rest of their records are also great, but this is the one that people twenty years from now will go to first.
  3. PatK
    Feb 9, 2009
    Awesome CD... Cannot get enough.
  4. ChrisK
    Aug 19, 2008
    One of the best albums of the year ... hands down.
  5. ElizabethA
    Aug 26, 2008
    A melancholy trip. Love "On the Water." Completely eerie and addictive.
  6. GaryM.
    Aug 27, 2008
    This is their most accessible album to date, despite not having any song that sounds like "The Rat" but every song, from start to finish, is solid, and the songwriting, production, lyrics, and singing is better than any Walkmen album that came before and anything else I've heard this year or even in the past few years. I saw them live twice in L.A. and both nights were unbelievable. This is their most accessible album to date, despite not having any song that sounds like "The Rat" but every song, from start to finish, is solid, and the songwriting, production, lyrics, and singing is better than any Walkmen album that came before and anything else I've heard this year or even in the past few years. I saw them live twice in L.A. and both nights were unbelievable. They seemed happier and friendlier than they did in shows I saw in the past. Expand
  7. Marc
    Sep 3, 2008
    Maybe their best album. I love the balance between slow-burners like Long Time Ahead of Us and then gutsy rockers like On the Water. The Walkmen have an atmospheric sense that most other rock bands simply lack. They're going to be around a long time.
  8. VJ
    Sep 4, 2008
    At first, completely underwhelmed, especially comparing it to previous highlights. After spending some quality time with it, completely overwhelmed. Brilliant. I can't stop listening to this album and it keeps growing in depth of feeling and meaning with each listen.
  9. JohnB.
    Aug 22, 2009
    I only started getting into the walkmen when they released Bows and Arrows. So I didn't have a rich history of expectation leading into this album. At first, I liked a few songs a lot and the others faded into the background. But after repeated listens, I don't know how I didn't notice the other songs...they're the standouts now. Even though they're influenced by I only started getting into the walkmen when they released Bows and Arrows. So I didn't have a rich history of expectation leading into this album. At first, I liked a few songs a lot and the others faded into the background. But after repeated listens, I don't know how I didn't notice the other songs...they're the standouts now. Even though they're influenced by black-and-white old fashioness, this album sounds timeless, and each song is brimming with authentic, simple emotion...and fun. Tied for my favorite album of 2008 along with the French Kick's "Swimming". Expand
  10. ChristianP
    Oct 5, 2008
    This album feels like a convertible ride to Mexico after a wedding in the 50s. Easily one of the year's best albums. More rewarding with every listen. Equal parts cathartic and lilting.
  11. AramisG.
    Oct 8, 2008
    The album they should have followed up their first with. Welcome back.
  12. BenjaminH.
    Aug 19, 2008
    Equal to Bows and Arrows, but more cohesive. I've been listening to it 4 times a day for the past three weeks.
  13. MarcH
    Aug 21, 2008
    Very very solid. One of my favorites for the year.
  14. MichaelJ.
    Aug 21, 2008
    Maybe their best work yet, at least equal to Bows + Arrows and a top 5 album this year, go get it now!
  15. MikeS.
    Aug 20, 2008
    Ok, so seriously the album is a 9 but I'm putting 10 because someone is bound to under-rate this album. This is the best Walkmen release since Bows + Arrows, forget the last two albums and do yourself a favor, get one of the best albums of the year...you won't regret it.
  16. NickE
    Aug 22, 2008
    Being the Walkmen gets a band many stars in my book, but relative to their other albums this one is kind of disappointing. It lacks the raw energy and great songwriting of "Bows + Arrows" and the risk-taking of "A Hundred Miles Off". While there are some great songs here - "Blue Route" and "On the Water", to name 2 - overall there are just too many slow songs, and the album really drags Being the Walkmen gets a band many stars in my book, but relative to their other albums this one is kind of disappointing. It lacks the raw energy and great songwriting of "Bows + Arrows" and the risk-taking of "A Hundred Miles Off". While there are some great songs here - "Blue Route" and "On the Water", to name 2 - overall there are just too many slow songs, and the album really drags towards the end. If you're new to this band and you enjoyed this album, you'll probably really love their earlier work. Expand
  17. MikeM
    Aug 23, 2008
    A damn beautiful and powerful album. The most complete one they've put together since "Everyone Pretented...". And just as good live.
  18. ScottC.
    Aug 27, 2008
    If you like this it would be awesome if you'd check out the podcasts I've started doing. We focus on bands like Walkmen... livingears. blogspot. com
  19. anthonyD
    Aug 30, 2008
    Definitely The Walkmen's most full-bodied album and certainly their deepest. This is one of the most romantic albums crafted in recent memory. If I hear a song more sincere than "New Country" then I will have complete faith in where music is heading.
  20. FabianoS.
    Sep 14, 2008
    Beautiful songs and melodies. One of the best album of the year. Great job from The Walkmen.
  21. TKOFOX
    May 22, 2009
    This album is good. Some songs aren't as good as others, however, collectively this album seems to mean more then others. This isn't a hard listen, "In The New Year" is great.
  22. JC
    Dec 15, 2008
    The masterpiece of 2008.
  23. [Anonymous]
    Aug 19, 2008
  24. ChrisD.
    Aug 22, 2008
    A remarkable album and a pleasant summer surprise. In terms of musical achievement, it's equal to Bows + Arrows, but has the added perk of more cohesion from song to song (as Benjamin said below) and Hamilton's best vocal tracks to date.
  25. MarkE
    Aug 23, 2008
    The album is just excellent. The best, most consistent band working today.
  26. JoelW.
    Aug 27, 2008
    Its fantastic. The lead sounds like Bob Dylan. The music is warm, relaxing and moody. Perhaps simply, comfortably atmospheric. It's good listening, and after the albums 12th subsequent whirl round the stereo, I'm still paying it due attention.
  27. EricC.
    Aug 29, 2008
    Though widely labeled as a much quieter and subtle album than fans of the Walkmen might be used to, this album is still immediately stunning. I'm not a huge Walkmen fan, but this cd just knocked me out. They may not be the most consisten band, but when they're at their best, well, they can stand comfortably next to the Arcade Fire or Shins or whichever other indie mega group you Though widely labeled as a much quieter and subtle album than fans of the Walkmen might be used to, this album is still immediately stunning. I'm not a huge Walkmen fan, but this cd just knocked me out. They may not be the most consisten band, but when they're at their best, well, they can stand comfortably next to the Arcade Fire or Shins or whichever other indie mega group you can think of. And they are at their best here, possibly at the best they've ever been. Expand
  28. flubs
    May 14, 2009
    This is a seriously amazing album, one of the best of 2008... Uncut clearly wouldn't know how to pick a decent album even if it slapped them in their face several times over, back and fourth, back and fourth.
  29. XY
    Nov 13, 2008
    Solid all around with great and powerful songs from start to finish.
  30. JJ
    Dec 15, 2008
    Album of the year!
  31. Jan 17, 2011
    It took a little time for the album to become truly accessible for me, but when the tracks start to unfold, it is truly beautiful and exhilirating,..,.
  32. Oct 9, 2013
    A perfect fall record. Look beyond the obvious winners ("In The New Year", "Red Moon", the instant classic "Canadian Girl") and there's much to discover and cherish. "Long Time Ahead Of Us" is an underrated gem. Open the windows, put on the vinyl, and luxuriate in your 10.0 taste in music.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. It’s impossible to fully return all the way home again, but You & Me is the next best thing.
  2. In 'The Blue Route,' it hits home like a 30th birthday--and as the standout 'In The New Year' points out, realizing "It's all over anyhow" can be invigorating, a way of readying oneself for the next, far more interesting chapter.
  3. [Leithauser’s] voice has filled out, like an adolescent discovering girls and his true sound at the same time. But too often on You & Me the rest of the group sounds pedestrian, cautiously still and unambitiously sticking to what they know so well.