
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. May 7, 2014
    On the second album by Minneapolis four-piece Howler, an energy level worthy of forebears the Replacements, Soul Asylum and even, in places, Husker Du is dialed up, making such tracks as the thrumming/thrashy “Indictment” and the hardcore-tilting “Drip” buzz around the listener’s head like so many hornets.
  2. 80
    Tearing through its 10 songs in a shade under 28 minutes, World Of Joy sounds like a band straining themselves to top a personal best. Happily, they’ve managed it.
  3. Mar 25, 2014
    Half of the tracks on World Of Joy don’t even crack three minutes. It certainly validates the album’s garage-punk ethos, but at the same time, it barely gives Howler enough time to prove itself on its second album.
  4. Mar 24, 2014
    World of Joy's second half isn't quite as cohesive as its first.
  5. Mar 21, 2014
    Just before World of Joy threatens to peter out entirely, Howler’s first ever attempt at a ballad strides in to offer some welcome variation.
  6. Mar 27, 2014
    The vivacious, visceral World of Joy is the musical equivalent of riding a well-worn mechanical bull.
  7. Mar 24, 2014
    To put it in an alcoholic analogy; their sound may be like a fine wine, maturing as it gets older. But they’re sure as hell not going to hesitate in sprinting to the nearest wood and necking the whole damn bottle.
  8. Q Magazine
    Mar 21, 2014
    Things unravel with the folky fuzz of closer Aphorismic Wasteland Blues, but for a band whose charm is enjoyably slack'n'sleazy that's kind if the point. [Apr 2014, p.112]
  9. Uncut
    Mar 21, 2014
    No prizes for adventurism, but bracingly fat-free, with attitude in spades. [Apr 2014, p.77]
  10. Mar 21, 2014
    There's a second-half tail-off, but enough in the first half to keep up the sugar rush.
  11. Apr 15, 2014
    The trouble with World of Joy isn’t that it’s bad, but that it seems perfectly content to stop short at “pretty good.”
  12. Mar 24, 2014
    World Of Joy, ultimately, is impounded by its own musical influences.

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