• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
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  1. Jun 9, 2017
    Very good taste of futuristic pop. And i don't think that there's filler songs on album. After her last album, this one is really healing. Can't wait to witness this live!
  2. Jun 9, 2017
    Some of Witness' songs stand out as incredible songs but all are really good and the album can be dance and express emotion and power at the same time. Witness is the album of the year!
  3. Jun 11, 2017
    Esperava mais. Parece que essas músicas são demos ou versões ruins de outras músicas. A mais animada é Roulette. Perry tentou evoluir, mas não foi dessa vez.
  4. Jun 13, 2017
    Definitely, Katy perry bare her soul with this record. Witness Is a flawless collection of songs about how to be really a human, showing insecurity, weakness, honesty, kindness, humility, thankness and so much Love.
  5. Jun 14, 2017
    Éste nuevo álbum que nos da Katy Perry, refleja una etapa evolutiva en su carrera, y busca la añorada madurez musical, que por ende, lo logra. A diferencia de sus 3 álbumes anteriores, en este vuelca su atención a ritmos más oscuros, reflejando en sus letras temas políticos y pequeñas muestras de superación personal. Para algunos, les resulto complicado entender el álbum, aunque este seríaÉste nuevo álbum que nos da Katy Perry, refleja una etapa evolutiva en su carrera, y busca la añorada madurez musical, que por ende, lo logra. A diferencia de sus 3 álbumes anteriores, en este vuelca su atención a ritmos más oscuros, reflejando en sus letras temas políticos y pequeñas muestras de superación personal. Para algunos, les resulto complicado entender el álbum, aunque este sería considerado el más personal de su trayectoria musical; de ahí, la razón por la cual le doy tal critica, que de mi parte, es muy agradable de escuchar y que retoma influencias noventeras. Expand
  6. Jun 15, 2017
    is funny when you realize that "music experts" hate Katy but they love Selena gomez or Taylor swift trash. but they are "experts" lol. Denifitely is one ther best albums, new sounds, great beats, great vocals and lyrics. Just a great album.
  7. Apr 9, 2018
    El peor album que he oido en mi vida, solo CTTR salva, lo demas es solo relleno y basura. El flop lo tiene bien merecido, y mas la amarrilla. Amarillaty por siempre con la burla del pop. Aska
  8. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness - 9,0
    Hey Hey Hey - 8,5
    Roulette - 8,5
    Swish Swish - 4,0
    Déjà Vu - 6,5
    Power - 6,5
    Mind Maze - 5,0
    Miss You More - 8,0
    Chained to the Rhythm - 8,5
    Tsunami - 7,0
    Bon Appétit - 6,0
    Bigger Than Me - 8,0
    Save as Draft - 8,5
    Pendulum - 8,0
    Into Me You See - 6,0

    Honestly, I was expecting more from Katy :/
  9. Jun 9, 2017
    Love the new sounds Katy is putting out! This album is an evolution compared to her past records. It is definitely great to see a big artist like Katy keep trying new things and evolving!
  10. Jun 9, 2017
    "Witness" is her worst album to date. Songs like 'Roulette' and 'Save As Draft' sound very similar to Lady Gaga's 'I Like It Rough' and 'Angel Down'. Furthermore, her voice sounds so auto-tuned in some songs. Katy could've done it so much better.
  11. Jun 11, 2017
    Katy Perry's much anticipated fourth studio album is as disappointing as its two buzz singles 'Bon Appétit' and 'Swish Swish' promised us it would be. It is a hugely flawed record, and it feels like each song suffers from a different type of mistake. While some songs start up real good but fall short the second their chorus hits ('Pendulum', 'Tsunami', 'Roulette'), other songs have veryKaty Perry's much anticipated fourth studio album is as disappointing as its two buzz singles 'Bon Appétit' and 'Swish Swish' promised us it would be. It is a hugely flawed record, and it feels like each song suffers from a different type of mistake. While some songs start up real good but fall short the second their chorus hits ('Pendulum', 'Tsunami', 'Roulette'), other songs have very shallow lyrics, so superficial. they sound like they've been written by a 10-year-old (for example: 'I saw a balloon floating away/ I wondered did someone let go, or did they lose it?' on 'Miss You More'). Next to that, there are tracks that are just full-on annoying ('Mind Maze' comes to mind). KP tries to channel 'Ghost' by singing songs like 'Save As Draft', or tries to end the record with 'Into Me You See' on a similar note to that of 'By the Grace of God', but she just fails to do so. The only aspect remotely close to being very-good on this record is the production that glows from start to finish. Highlights are lead single 'Chained to the Rhythm', and probably the title track 'Witness'.
    The problem is that Perry's still trying to imitate her own work on 2010-pop-perfection-album 'Teenage Dream', but the outcome turns out to be 'Witness': a bunch of un-related non-cohesive wanna-be tracks influenced more by the A-Listers who worked on them, than by Perry herself.
  12. Jun 9, 2017
    I miss the katy perry who made good songs. The album has more bad than good songs. I do not really like the voice of Katy, Roulette and Chained to the rhythm are the best songs of the album
  13. Nov 10, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Witness is the follow-up to Perry's Prism, an album with great music and many hits but this time Miss Perry failed to deliver any of two mentioned. Witness contains two good songs, which are Deja Vu and Power, the rest is sadly trash. Without Dr.Luke Miss Perry's music sounds like a fart from one of Kesha'a cats. This is a terrible album, trashy vocals, homophobic and racist lyrics and therefor I have to give Hitless (no hits so far) a bad score. Expand
  14. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her album the worst, each song generalized and boring. She says she has matured, but now she is more basic, I can not find the reason why she does not leave the music. Expand
  15. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is incredible, totally unlike anything Katy Perry has done on her other albums and the current hit songs. She should certainly release video clips for all songs.
  16. Jun 9, 2017
    This is a fantastic album.Not deliberately exaggerated,Lyrics are easy to understand, but at the same time it is meaningful.Album production is also commendable, and artwork complement each other.

    5 favorite songs :
    1. WITNESS
    2. Save as draft
    3. Deja Vu
    4. Roulette
    5. Pendulum
  17. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O emadurecimento da Katy nesse álbum é magnifico, pude perceber a emoção na voz dela nas faixas, Hey Hey Hey é uma batida bem contagiante, Witness uma balada romântica,Save As Draft sem dúvidas é um hino impecável,o álbum todo está maravilhoso,Katy Perry eu te venero! Expand
  18. Jun 9, 2017
    I think that katy perry showed to the world how she had grown up, in Witness we can see that lived the teenager dream fellings e create a new katy perry, with a lot of quality and fun. i'm so glad that i could managed to witnessed this perfection
  19. Jun 9, 2017
    Experimentó con nuevos sonidos, se reinventó en este álbum y es algo para rescatar, las canciones inspiran, esto es lo que debe hacer un artista, asombroso su trabajo se atrevió a lanzarse en contra de lo que todos esperaban
  20. Jun 9, 2017
    I listened to the album last night while I was already on bed. I was excited. And then I dozed off halfway of the album. When I woke up, it's already 8 AM. The tunes lull me to sleep. This album is Perry's worst. Lackluster and totally boring.
  21. Jun 9, 2017
    So disappointed. I really liked the first 3 singles, but they with Roulette, Witness and Save As Draft are the only good tracks on this album . I think it is too boring, the tracks sound like they're all the same, it's dull and monotonous, full of filler. I'm sorry Katy, but this is a really bad album.
  22. Jun 9, 2017
    Tremenda porquería, super básica como siempre, ni con un batallón de escritores y productores se digna a hacer algo decente. Esta mierda no ha alcanzado el #1 ni en 40 países en iTunes y ya se esta desplomando, no tiene éxito ni calidad, o obviamente tampoco Grammys.
  23. Jun 9, 2017
    where's the magic from "prism"? The lyrics are more mature, true. but no real memorable songs on this album. And the UK and US chart performances of the first singles are proving me right.
  24. Jun 9, 2017
    Her best album so far. I can't understand why music critics hates her and gives her low ratings. This one is a masterpiece, believe it or not. Probably be a hit!
  25. Jun 10, 2017
    em comparação aos anteriores esse álbum é fraco demais, faixas como deja vu e mind maze te fazem desistir do álbum, as únicas boas são os singles lançados antes do álbum e ainda sim não são lá isso tudo em comparação ao teenage dream
  26. Jun 9, 2017
    The all-new ‘woke’ Katy isn’t just about giving you decent things to dance to on a Friday night or up-tempo fluff for your gym playlist. Instead, she’s pushing the sleek, chart-friendly empowerment of ‘Roar’ and ‘Firework’ even further, into socially aware electropop territory, like ‘The Fame’ period Lady Gaga doing an evening class at SOAS.
  27. Jun 17, 2017
    É horrível isso, horrível, horrível, horrível, horrível, um espanto, horrível, horroroso, me fez mal. jesus, muito ruim esse álbum, parece feito por iniciantes
  28. Jun 9, 2017
    4 long years of wait that’s the first thing I can say about this .... didn’t expect much but also didn’t expect it very low we all had heard demos that were liked since last year and even after they are added to the album and it is called like that. The album it self it’s pretty basic only 4-5 songs can be saved from it the rest is just full in songs all sound the same and heavy auto tune4 long years of wait that’s the first thing I can say about this .... didn’t expect much but also didn’t expect it very low we all had heard demos that were liked since last year and even after they are added to the album and it is called like that. The album it self it’s pretty basic only 4-5 songs can be saved from it the rest is just full in songs all sound the same and heavy auto tune also releasing the singles which aren’t that great and all of them with feats wasn’t a good choice you can’t just do it to be integrated to the popular now days you ruined good chances for doing that. For an album that took 4 years to make we expected more and I can’t see any of the songs being a hit. Expand
  29. Jun 9, 2017
    WITNESS 10/10 - Uma das melhores músicas da Katy
    AS MELHORES HEY HEY HEY 8/10 - A música é ótima, tem um pré refrão arrebatador, mas o refrão podia ser melhor. ROULETTE 10/10 - Uma das melhores músicas da Katy Perry, é uma Gaga + Kylie. SWISH SWISH 10/10 - Uma das melhores do ano. AS PIORES DEJAVU 0/10 - A música é extremamente monótoma, não tem ápice e não é cativante. POWER
    WITNESS 10/10 - Uma das melhores músicas da Katy
    HEY HEY HEY 8/10 - A música é ótima, tem um pré refrão arrebatador, mas o refrão podia ser melhor.
    ROULETTE 10/10 - Uma das melhores músicas da Katy Perry, é uma Gaga + Kylie.
    SWISH SWISH 10/10 - Uma das melhores do ano.
    DEJAVU 0/10 - A música é extremamente monótoma, não tem ápice e não é cativante.
    POWER 0/10 - A música é tão bagunçada que se torna irritante ouvir.
    Mind Maze 5/10 - Nice try…
    Miss You More 6/10 - Não é ruim, mas tá longe de ser boa. Podia ter uma letra melhor.
    Chained to the Rhythm 10/10 - A príncipio a música soa mediano, mas depois da terceira vez escutando você percebe que tudo casa na música. Inclusive Skip Marley, que carrega a melhor parte da música.
    Tsunami 0/10 - ?
    Bon Appetit 8/10 - Com o clipe melhora.
    Bigger than Me 6/10 - O começo da música parece Bon Appetit. Ouvi três vezes e continua esquecível.
    Save As Draft 6/10 - Preciso ouvir mais vezes, é esquecível.
    Pendulum 3/10 - A música é ruim, não entendi os elogios sobre ela, o que salva é o coro.
    Into Me You See 5/10 - Me lembra vagamente Pearl no refrão, mas é fraca.
    Se o álbum focasse mais nas farofas, teria sido melhor. Sempre achei a Katy boa em baladas (Thinking of You, Pearl, Ghost, Unco, TOTGA… Mas essas estão péssimas)
  30. Jun 15, 2017
    Such an amazing comeback from Katy! The four year wait was well worth it. Witness and Pendulum are definitely the two best songs on the album but every song is great!
  31. Jun 15, 2017
    How can I describe Witness? It's so different to her albums. I just wanna dance and feel the music, because this is what she did, Katy make us feel her emotions on this álbum. I never imagined songs like Into me you see, its so personal and powerful, I love it! Witness is the kind of album that you just wanna listen and see your life on you mind pass by song by song... As her fan I am soHow can I describe Witness? It's so different to her albums. I just wanna dance and feel the music, because this is what she did, Katy make us feel her emotions on this álbum. I never imagined songs like Into me you see, its so personal and powerful, I love it! Witness is the kind of album that you just wanna listen and see your life on you mind pass by song by song... As her fan I am so proud, because everybody just said that she was over and her new songs it was bored, but here we are Katy, thank you for make that album so different and so magical for us, you help me one more time with this new recording! Witness is your biggest and most personal album. I can feel your pain and joy in every song! I am your witness to the end! Expand
  32. Jun 14, 2017
    O álbum é péssimo, nenhuma música com refrão que te faça querer a faixa novamente. O album não tem um conceito definido e não segue uma sequência agradável. As faixas são mal remixadas e as letas muito superficiais.
  33. Jun 19, 2017
    This is the best record of the year, the best album vocally and production. The best album of her, I love Teenage Dream but Witness is very good. I can't have bad reviews for Witness, this album is so amazing!
  34. Jun 9, 2017
    By far her most solid album with some very interesting topics discussed and very fitting dark melodies to help underline the depth of the songs. Not only does she sound more sure of herself and knows what she wants to say, the production boosts her voice and lyrics to sound even more confident and complete. Save a few missteps like "Swish Swish" and "Miss You More", overall the album is aBy far her most solid album with some very interesting topics discussed and very fitting dark melodies to help underline the depth of the songs. Not only does she sound more sure of herself and knows what she wants to say, the production boosts her voice and lyrics to sound even more confident and complete. Save a few missteps like "Swish Swish" and "Miss You More", overall the album is a superb production showing Katy becoming a full on Pop icon Expand
  35. Jun 9, 2017
    Worth the wait! Power, Tsunami and Witness are the big ones, her voice has the color I loved by her in the beginning, the last 30sec on Witness song makes me tremble, her voice in that remembers me her rendition of Black and Gold, which it's one of my favorite songs by her. She has to work with Jack Garratt more often, they did a great job.
  36. Jun 19, 2017
    Este álbum es bastante diferente a todos sus otros trabajos, acercándose sólo un poco a canciones de su álbum anterior "Prism" como "Spiritual", "Ghost" o "Choose Your Battles", pero muy poco.
    El álbum se siente algo flojo, un autotune casi molesto y ciertamente sus sencillos "Chained To The Rhythm", "Bon Appétit" y "Swish Swish" destacan de entre las demás canciones como si fueran parte
    Este álbum es bastante diferente a todos sus otros trabajos, acercándose sólo un poco a canciones de su álbum anterior "Prism" como "Spiritual", "Ghost" o "Choose Your Battles", pero muy poco.
    El álbum se siente algo flojo, un autotune casi molesto y ciertamente sus sencillos "Chained To The Rhythm", "Bon Appétit" y "Swish Swish" destacan de entre las demás canciones como si fueran parte de otro álbum.
    No es totalmente malo pero me siento algo estafada después de esperar cuatro años por música nueva. Las mejores canciones en mi opinión son: Hey Hey Hey, Deja Vú, Miss You More, Pendulum y los tres sencillos mencionados con anterioridad.
    Fue una jugada valiente, al querer dejar de ser la "infantil" Katy Perry, pero no le salió del todo bien.
  37. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is Amazing, Katy is back, the queen is back, Brazil and outhers countries loves you Katy and you New Album, I've been waiting for this album a long time and here it is, Katy did not disappoint us.
  38. Jun 20, 2017
    El álbum es una pieza de superación y de liberación la cual el publico hace de testigo para ver el cambio y el progreso de un artista, en este caso de la creado "Katy Perry". Haciendo de este un álbum con letras y sonidos nunca antes tocados por la artista; adentrando tantos puntos de vista la cual solo se gana la critica como algo negativo dejando solo 1/3 de algo positivo para esta.
  39. Jun 9, 2017
    Hey Hey Hey and Save as Draft are amazing... Power and Tsunami are my songs...
    Katy Perry is doing her homework, she is the best, and...
    Can I get a #Witness?
  40. Jun 9, 2017
    Simplesmente maravilhoso, excelente álbum.

    .............................. ........................... ...................... .......................
  41. Jun 9, 2017
    An excellent album by Katy Perry reflects maturity and much change in her as in her music. AMAZING! Every song is a new world, deserves much success...
  42. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a risk taker on this days, a beautiful compilation of brand new sounds and lyrics, one of the best we will have on this year, she was telling the truth, I feel liberated. Expand
  43. Jun 9, 2017
    This is the album of the millenium....................................................................................................................
  44. Jun 9, 2017
    It's a strong pop-dance album, her best work for sure. The weaker tracks like Deja Vu can be totally forgiven, because the stronger one just like Tsunami are powerful. Beautiful. I'm impressed, Katy.
  45. Jun 9, 2017
    Probablemente, su mejor trabajo discográfico, vemos una verdadera evolución en Katy, tanto personal como musicalmente, con canciones reivindicativas, algo que nadie esperaría de alguien como Perry, esto marca un antes y un después en su carrera.
  46. Jun 10, 2017
    A great album with a Strong message. Something very different from today's pop. A great bold move for Katy! Well Done ! Personal favorites include "Witness" "Power" "Miss You More" and "Save As Draft". All songs are single material ! The lyrics and melodies are GREAT !
  47. Jun 9, 2017
    It's amazing to see how katy perry has matured on this album, she rocks everything she does and witnessed no different. A highlight for the instrumental of the album was wonderful.
  48. Jun 10, 2017
    Katy Perry is growing up, and do one of, if is not the best album of 2017. I just can say congrats katy for doing such an amazing producion. Nowdays critics are looking for new faces, victimsm and activism
  49. Jun 9, 2017
    Once again Katy Perry surprises us, the album sounds so good, it's liberating, music to spend all day or better all year long listening to the best album of 2017. Parabens Katy you're amazing, send this "expert critique" if **** You have power
  50. Jun 9, 2017
    Este álbum es increíble, esta muy bueno, no se como hay criticas negativas ya que en verdad esta muy bueno, tal vez no es su gusto pero nadie tendrá satisfecho a nadie
  51. Jun 9, 2017
    It's amazing, it has a very good production. She worked very hard on this record. Every song is unique, with different vibes and styles. Love it! Congrats Katy.
  52. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy should hire more co-writers for her songs or in fact, let someone else write and compose the songs.
    This is really horrible, totally forgettable and the only salvageable of this pop junk, are the collaborations. Only the lines of other rtists save Katy Perry's album.
  53. Jun 25, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy Perry made us witness the Ripening on an iconic album, and stuffed with possible Hits. From the powerful roulette to the melody I miss you more. Witness and album of the year. Expand
  54. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is wonderful, very well produced, wonderful lyrics melody, perfectly combines more danceable rhythms with more folk, calm and dark rhythms.
  55. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry shows an incredible evolution on this album, It's the typical album that pop music fans love, it has everything we need to make us reflect and feel things around us, Perry's best album.
  56. Jun 10, 2017
    Katy Perry come back to save pop. This is album of the millennium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  57. Jun 9, 2017
    Álbum incrível. Não poderia esperar menos de alguém que se dedica tanto para oferecer o melhor de si para seus fãs. Parabéns, Katy Perry! Witness é uma obra de arte.
  58. Jun 9, 2017
    Para entender esse álbum vc precisa enxerga-lo como um diário, um diário de uma mulher, que ontem enfrentou os dilemas de seu "Sonho Adolescente" e teve que deixar a luz entrar em seu "Prisma". Esse diário, hoje mostra uma mulher madura e na procura de sua libertação. Sem é claro decepcionar seus fãs, trazendo com essa "libertação", muitos Hinos.
  59. Jun 9, 2017
    Un gran crecimiento musical, sonidos diferentes y letras expectaculares. Katy desde sus inicios demostró que vieno con fuerza y con este álbum demostró que se quedará para siempre como una de las máximas exponentes de la música pop.
  60. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry expresses her full emotion and creativity with this album, which is a huge pro. She also knew exactly what she wanted to do with the album which adds another layer of depth and love to it. It is much more different-sounding than her other records and I applaud her for striving for something new and releasing another record breaking hit album.
  61. Jun 10, 2017
    Eu realmente achei Witness um bom álbum, não acredito que seja superior ou se iguale aos álbuns anteriores de Katy, mas ainda assim eu gostei das faixas e senti sinceridade nelas. A única coisa que não me agradou foi o photoshoot do encarte, misericórdia Perry, esperava mais.
  62. Jun 9, 2017
    eu adorei esse álbum, um álbum conceitual, inspirador, foi uma boa volta Katy Perry e acredito q vai fazer muito sucesso ainda, já que bateu o recorde da Britney no iTunes us
  63. Jun 9, 2017
    Um dos melhores albuns dela, maturo e com letras totalmente comoventes e tocantes
    É uma obra de arte, diferente de tudo que a Katy já nos mostra. Ela se apresenta como uma mulher adulta, feminista e renascida. É uma bíblia pop, e eu estou muito satisfeito de que depois de quatro anos temos um albúm tão maravilhoso e maturo.
    Amém Katy Perry
  64. Jun 9, 2017
    yo creo que esta es katy perry al 100 es ella sacando todo de si misma, como dicen ella esta siendo un fuego artificial, sin duda valio la pena todo el tiempo que nos hizo esperar
  65. Jun 9, 2017
    A+ production, A+ songwriting, A+ overall. Perry never ceases to amaze us, and her most recent "purposeful pop" album is no exception to the rule! By far the best album of the year so far
  66. Jun 9, 2017
    Este álbum es muy diferente a los que hemos estado acostumbrados, se reinvento y lo hizo de la mejor manera, En este álbum se puede apreciar el salto cualitativo en sonido y mostrar a una Katy Perry más madura, más reivindicativa y más interesante.
  67. Jun 9, 2017
    Caralho Katy Perry que album maravilhoso, Witness é sucesso no mundo e no meu coração. Pendulum, Power, Witness e Deja vu são muito hinos, e mulher eu estou muito orgulhoso do seu trabalho.
    Miss you, Come to Brazil
  68. Jun 9, 2017
    A masterpiece..Katy did an amazing comeback..It is truly one of the best albums of the year! Just don't give up on it after the first listen. The album is such a grower! My favourites are Roulette and Witness. What is great, that she is being very personal in most of the songs and it gets me every time.
  69. Jun 9, 2017
    Será o álbum do ano, todas as suas músicas são ótimas, Katy Perry sempre inova a cada álbum, o sucesso do álbum será gigante. Um dos melhores álbuns de sua carreira.
  70. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It really is the alum we expected.
    We see that katy improved his voice range and delights us with his sounds.
    This album makes us feel that we have power in ourselves with their lyrics and melodies.
  71. Jun 9, 2017
  72. Jun 9, 2017
    As a Katy Perry fan, I feel pretty weird about this record. It's not bad, but at the same time is not a masterpiece of pop culture. It's a good album, with some incredible songs. At the same time you have Bon Appétit and you think "what the heck Katy? What's wrong with you?" I only listened two times, and I know that time needs to pass to make me feel that this is a great album. At least IAs a Katy Perry fan, I feel pretty weird about this record. It's not bad, but at the same time is not a masterpiece of pop culture. It's a good album, with some incredible songs. At the same time you have Bon Appétit and you think "what the heck Katy? What's wrong with you?" I only listened two times, and I know that time needs to pass to make me feel that this is a great album. At least I can say: well done, Katy! Expand
  73. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É maravilhosa a forma que os verdadeiros artistas podem transformar seu objeto de trabalho, e Katy Perry é certamente uma grande artista. Com o seu quarto álbum de estúdio ela reiventou a si mesma e demostrou que estrá além dos recordes e vendas. Witness é uma verdadeira provação de que Katy Perry conseguiu se consograr. Expand
  74. Jun 9, 2017
    This album it's so good, it's not better than prism but i loved because the music is so inspirator and the music's its so different than I have listened
  75. Jun 9, 2017
    How can I describe Witness? It's so different to her albums. I just wanna dance and feel the music, because this is what she did, Katy make us feel her emotions on this álbum. I never imagined songs like Into me you see, its so personal and powerful, I love it! Witness is the kind of album that you just wanna listen and see your life on you mind pass by song by song... As her fan I am soHow can I describe Witness? It's so different to her albums. I just wanna dance and feel the music, because this is what she did, Katy make us feel her emotions on this álbum. I never imagined songs like Into me you see, its so personal and powerful, I love it! Witness is the kind of album that you just wanna listen and see your life on you mind pass by song by song... As her fan I am so proud, because everybody just said that she was over and her new songs it was bored, but here we are Katy, thank you for make that album so different and so magical for us, you help me one more time with this new recording! Witness is your biggest and most personal album. I can feel your pain and joy in every song! I am your witness to the end! Expand
  76. Jun 9, 2017
    The best album of the history.
    Although the chosen singles were not the best, it does not take away that the album is perfect
    Taylor is over party jajaja
  77. Jun 9, 2017
    Perfect in every detail.
    Congratulations Katy, you deserve all the best ❤️❤️❤️
  78. Jun 9, 2017
    Maravilhoso album, a evolução musical do Prism para o Witness foi gigantesca, pode-se perceber o amadurecimento da artista, com esse novo trabalho.
    Musicas com sonoridade unica e letras fortes!
  79. Jun 9, 2017
    I'm brazilian, sorry if I wrote something wrong.
    Witness is great. Most artists write 4-5 good songs that are supposed to be a single, and the rest of the songs are only to fill the album. But in this album, it's different. EVERY song looks like it was written to be a single. This album is so different from her other works, thats why I loved it!
  80. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excelente regreso, aplaudo totalmente su nuevo álbum, se arriesgó a innovar y a incursionar en sonidos totalmente distintos, a los que nos tenía acostumbrados, dando como resultado, lo que podría llegar a ser visto como una obra maestra. Por otro lado, se puede apreciar un gran empoderamiento en la mayoría de las letras de Witness, que nos motiva a abrir los ojos y ver el mundo, de una manera más consiente, más crítica, más abierta.
    En general, es un han trabajo.
  81. Jun 9, 2017
    I do love this album. Shows a more concerned Perry searching for a witness who can understand her through one of the most hard moments of her life. 10/10
  82. Jun 10, 2017
    i really love what Katy Perry and her team have created which is Witness. Witness is the album that not everyone will like. It will take a lot of maturity to understand the songs. I love what Katy said "I think we all want to be heard/witnessed" which is true. Who likes to be snob-ed. Hey Hey Hey is a very matured pop song, from its lyrics to beat. This album is a masterpiece. I lovei really love what Katy Perry and her team have created which is Witness. Witness is the album that not everyone will like. It will take a lot of maturity to understand the songs. I love what Katy said "I think we all want to be heard/witnessed" which is true. Who likes to be snob-ed. Hey Hey Hey is a very matured pop song, from its lyrics to beat. This album is a masterpiece. I love this, well written songs and beautiful vocals. 10/10 Expand
  83. Jun 15, 2017
    Of course, the best album ever released, Teenage Dream was very childish, but Witness is actually the album I hear without skipping tracks. More of the same in the head of those who think that is a critic of truth.
  84. Jun 22, 2017
    A wonderful album of self discovery and empowerment. It's a shame so many people are judging this piece just off of what has been released as singles. This album has so many gems such as Tsunami, Power, Pendulum and Into Me You See. While this isn't Perry's strongest work, it is certainly an experiment and something unique to make a one of a kind pop album.
  85. Sep 22, 2017
    After listening to this album I notice that Katy Perry is one more that should not be successful when we have real singers in the world. I find it incredible how Universal Music has released such a bad album for circulation. Katy, you need to study some music before trying to make an album.
  86. Nov 10, 2017
    Horrible sounding album, there's nothing more I can say. It's so bad I just wanted to skip all the songs. And if this was purposeful pop then there's something wrong with Katy's dictionary.
  87. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness is by far the most underwhelming album the pop star has released. It's unfortunate that the album suffers from a lack of direction and bland melodies. While quite a few songs have the potential to somewhat live up to her previous summer hits, the album as a whole is plagued by unimaginative concepts and fails to keep you interested.
  88. Jun 9, 2017
    Painful to listen. It's completely a messy production with forgettable clinched lyrics and horrible lifeless sound. There are full of fake emotions but no originality or creativeness at all. This is unforgiven considering 4 years of waiting. What a shocking disaster! The biggest disappointment of the year!
  89. Jun 9, 2017
    This is a pile of generic garbage. I cant believe she took 4 years to make this. The entire album is full of fillers except for 2-3 catchy songs. All the singles have been a disaster. This is the worst era for miss perry.
  90. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me pareció un album básico como es costumbre de la artista, posee momentos destacables como Witness y Chained to the rhythm pero el resto es puro relleno. Expand
  91. Jun 10, 2017
    Tremenda porquería, super básica como siempre, ni con un batallón de escritores y productores se digna a hacer algo decente. Esta mierda no ha alcanzado el #1 ni en 40 países en iTunes y ya se esta desplomando, no tiene éxito ni calidad, o obviamente tampoco Grammys. ACABADA.
  92. Jun 9, 2017
    "Do not judge book by its cover".
    Hell, yeah but not for this one. The album is ugly both outside and inside. Katy lost in her transition and the album ended up like a garbage. It's like an hour long torture with ear bleeding cringe worthy songs. There is no stand out tracks at all, not even one. Nothing more to describe this huge disappoinment. Absolute trash. That's it..!!!
  93. Jun 9, 2017
    Only 3 musics i was able to listen...Hey Hey Hey, Bigger Than Me and Roulette, the others dosen't make sense why put on this Album....ZzzZzzZzzzzzzzzZzz
  94. Jun 9, 2017
    BEST ALBUM OF HER. TAKE IT. This deserves so much attention! i mean the songs in this album are perfection. I can't say anymore, We don't deserve this.
  95. Jun 10, 2017
    Another generic album with the same themes, predictable and masked with the "purposeful pop" thing. Katy Perry shows that she can't evolve into anything.
  96. Jun 18, 2017
    how is this a 51 i give it a 6 but i thought more people whould like it so i'm giving it a 10 to even the score

    katy is ok i never hated her never loved her. she never really had personality of here own but that's not really a bad thing meaning she could be on basically any song or beat unlike lana del rae or adel who have lots of personality so they can't really branch out and do lots
    how is this a 51 i give it a 6 but i thought more people whould like it so i'm giving it a 10 to even the score

    katy is ok i never hated her never loved her. she never really had personality of here own but that's not really a bad thing meaning she could be on basically any song or beat unlike lana del rae or adel who have lots of personality so they can't really branch out and do lots of different sounding things without it sounding awkward. no offence to adel she's amazing but piano ballads aren't going to work forever is what i'm saying.

    witness: 4/10 boring

    hey hey hey: 6/10 like et but good

    roulette: 5/10 weird synth

    swish swish: 6/10 idk

    deja vu: 5/10 sounds a bit like hey hey hey

    power: 5/10 what the hell was that drum fill

    mind maze: 2/10 that autotune is awful not as bad as in looking for a star though that song is just the worst.

    miss you more: 3/10 the boredom is real

    chained to the rhythm: 7/10 nice groove nice guest verse nice singing nice everything and it never gets worse or better it's the perfect summer song, released in winter

    tsunami: it sounds 4/10 this beat sounds like it was made on a phone

    bon appetite: 4/10 why are migos here. wait every single has a disco type beat with a rap verse at the end

    bigger than me: 5/10 i literally can't write anything about this song there's just nothing that stands out very much

    save as draft: 5/10 every person that worked on this song sounds like they were thinking like the writers

    pendulum: 6/10 there's something i like about this song but i just can't quite put my fingers on it

    into me you see: 4/10 the boredom

    that was ok. no horrible songs no great songs numerical score is 54/100
    which means 5/10 kinda forgettable but i gotta say i don't think she was trying to make a great album i think she was trying to make an album that stood up to overplay no matter how many times i hear these songs i probably won't ever hate any of these songs. 5/10 seems reasonable but i do like the way she's going with her music it's no longer bubblegum pop or the trendy sound of the time. she's experimenting and i respect that. insert
  97. Jun 9, 2017
    Painful to listen. It's completely a messy production with forgettable clinched lyrics and horrible lifeless sound. The biggest disappointment of the year!
  98. Jun 9, 2017
    Very very bad, too generic, cringeworthy lyrics and just no hits. She used to be fun, never good but very fun and radio friendly. This is just trash, even for her...
  99. Jun 9, 2017
    One of the most boring albums I have ever listened to. Only good thing about it is that the instrumentals are, for the most part, interesting. The singing drags on and on, all sounds the same and is not memorable in the least. Even worse, her voice sounds thin and off-tune in many parts. There was hardly a song on this that I wanted to listen to again (or even remembered) after I listenedOne of the most boring albums I have ever listened to. Only good thing about it is that the instrumentals are, for the most part, interesting. The singing drags on and on, all sounds the same and is not memorable in the least. Even worse, her voice sounds thin and off-tune in many parts. There was hardly a song on this that I wanted to listen to again (or even remembered) after I listened to the album. Hard to imagine the same Katy Perry who wrote 'Teenage Dream', 'ET' and all those hits that will probably never leave my head was responsible for this mess. Sad.

    BEST (more like OK): Chained To the Rhythm, Pendulum
    WORST: Swish Swish

  100. Jun 9, 2017
    Boring, i spect more of KP, only the leader single and Swish Swish are better than the full album.
    I hope she do a better album next, because this is just meh.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. 75
    While it's certainly missing any form of coherency, Witness does feel like you're growing with Perry - going on this journey that's helped her find new ground and a reinvigorated appreciation for all walks of the pop music spectrum.
  2. Jul 6, 2017
    While she may have slipped down the pecking order, Witness proves she’s still a more interesting pop star than she’s often given credit for.
  3. Jun 28, 2017
    It’s a real shame Witness has come out as a bit of a disjointed mess, as there’s a decent record somewhere in there, but it gets lost in the fog of endless guest productions and co-writes that miss the point entirely.