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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 135 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 135
  2. Negative: 91 out of 135
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  1. Apr 23, 2013
    An album that is designed to stink of lawsuits and 5 pieces of broken property (belonging to Anjunabeats and Musical Freedom) so bad, the title doesn't need to be turned into a pun. #trancestealer
  2. Apr 26, 2013
    An album that displays the pure non-creativity of The obvious stealing of others' music and base lines prove the selfishness of the music industry as it currently stands. Let's take a stolen track and add two awful people over the song so that people will understand how much the music industry sucks. If really wanted to make "good music", then making his own would be aAn album that displays the pure non-creativity of The obvious stealing of others' music and base lines prove the selfishness of the music industry as it currently stands. Let's take a stolen track and add two awful people over the song so that people will understand how much the music industry sucks. If really wanted to make "good music", then making his own would be a great plan. To i say, have some pride in your own work and pride in what you do. You are a well known artist for a reason, show people why you are so popular through examples of your work, not through leeching off of people less well known than yourself. Expand
  3. Apr 25, 2013
    2 is possibly one of the biggest sell outs in history. He went from underground to making mainstream urban music (but that was decent, and Black Eyed Peas breathrough albums were good) but after the explosion of dance music 5 years ago, he went in a whole new direction. Will doesn't like not being successful and making music that's out of the loop. Urban music was suddenly old is possibly one of the biggest sell outs in history. He went from underground to making mainstream urban music (but that was decent, and Black Eyed Peas breathrough albums were good) but after the explosion of dance music 5 years ago, he went in a whole new direction. Will doesn't like not being successful and making music that's out of the loop. Urban music was suddenly old news and Will changed accordingly. After an extended break, Black Eyed Peas came back with a new album composed of electronica, completely different from all their old work and their follow-up, The Beginning, was more of the same and had such negative reception that the group went on haitus. But Will's been busy in this time, turning himself into an electro singer and producer and so we have his first solo album in over 6 years. And surprise, surprise, it's full of soul-less dance music. Will might think he's revolutionary but everything here has been done before (and much better at that). Shortly before the album's release, a controvery emerged with several dance producers claiming that Will stole their work. Their claims were completely justified and makes perfect sense you can't go from being a great urban act to being a great dance act so easily. Something must have been stolen. Aside from this, Will's voice is sub par and he desperately tries to disguise it with an over-abundance of features from performers that are all desperate for career boosts. It's an all-round desperate album. But there are some moments, surprisingly, where we get a glimpse into the real Will. Good Morning is a gorgeous, spiritual introduction to the album, The World Is Crazy is a political song that is like Where Is The Love? 2.0, Far Away From Home is a carefree song about freedom with an almost rock edge, Ghetto Ghetto is a true to life track about the underprivelaged with a really cute feature and the real exellence comes from deluxe track, Smile Mona Lisa. This song is so beautiful with sad lyrics and the most heartbreaking classical solo from Nicole Scherzinger. A true revelation. This song made me want to cry because it was sad and because this is the kind of artist Will could be if he stopped caring about being commercially successful. I shake my head at how he has changed everything about himself, even his dress sense and hairstyle, to hang onto relevancy. The man has sold his soul for fame and only time will tell if he can recover it. Expand
  4. Apr 27, 2013
    This album is carried so much by the electronic pieces of repetitive ear-torture, it is practically a sin to call the album's creator " Cero
  5. Apr 28, 2013
    this album is so bad..... it just has generic music, a lot of inspiration from others artists, nothing new at all.. i just hope fergie come with her album and teaches him how to do an album
  6. May 11, 2013
    There is little that is less pretentious than implied arrogance. At least if you come right out about it, you can argue that it was all for a good laugh, but really, all you're doing otherwise is thinly veiling it behind a layer of seriousness. Similarly, there is, in this universe, no faster way to make me dislike an album than the artist implying that it is good. As far as I canThere is little that is less pretentious than implied arrogance. At least if you come right out about it, you can argue that it was all for a good laugh, but really, all you're doing otherwise is thinly veiling it behind a layer of seriousness. Similarly, there is, in this universe, no faster way to make me dislike an album than the artist implying that it is good. As far as I can remember, #willpower is the very first album to pull that off in the album itself. is not the trend-setting superstar he was once known as. The onset of new sounds and people have sent him running to keep up, which has made him take some very strange paths of musical experimentation. One could argue that this started during production of The E.N.D, but I think that album, no matter how inane that album was, it had a bit of good in it. Not so for's newest solo album.

    First, a little song called Good Morning. Being the first song in the album, it was refreshing. I actually found myself thinking "wow, this is actually pretty good." And it is a good song. Good orchestration, good production, passable lyrics, overall a good first impression. It got me looking forward to this album.

    Then came Hello. Featuring Afrojack. It started promising enough, but as soon as it really kicked into gear, I realized that it had much akin to the sound of a small child at a drum machine. Truth be told, the only good parts of this song were the bits that were obviously Afrojack's doing. Next.

    This is Love (Featuring Eva Simons) is the closest this album comes to a real dance song. Sure, it would have been a boring, samey Dance song just like everything on the radio right now, but it was coherent. Then started rapping. He's about as rusty as rappers get, and it doesn't help that it sounds like he's not trying.

    Scream and shout (feat. Britney Spears) should be familiar already, but if it isn't, let me put it in as few words as possible: Dirty Bit 2.0.

    Let's Go (feat Chris Brown): I'm not a fan of Chris Brown as an artist or a person, but somehow his moderate lack of talent is overshadowed by a dance beat that is so boring, so devoid of energy and so repetitive that I actually checked to see if my CD player was skipping. It wasn't.

    Gettin' dumb (feat. and 2NE1): to be honest, I have entirely no idea what, his Old-time Black Eyed Peas cohort, or that Korean girl group were thinking. This is approaching a Look At Me Now level of bad. Repetitive production and terrible use of the guest stars make this song the most pointless yet.

    Then there's Geekin'. A song that I guess tried to explore what the Black Eyed Peas would sound like now if Fergie had never joined. Still sounds the same as all the other songs. Here's the problem, once you've talked about one song in this album, you've at least in part talked about them all. They all sound painfully similar.

    Freshy feat. Juicy J.): second verse, same as the first.

    #thatPower (feat. Justin Bieber): okay, at first I thought this song was going to redeem this entire album. It had an intro that wasn't too samey, not too repetitive, and had a good sense of building energy that everything else lacked. Even Justin Bieber makes a good showing. Then, it drops into the first verse, and I am not exaggerating when I say that I let my forehead fall directly onto my desk in disappointment. That could have ruined a half-decent intro to this magnitude absolutely baffles me.

    Great Times are Coming: I was just about as displeased with this album as it was humanly possible to be, when this song came on. It sounded a bit like Good Morning, and this made me think that there might just be salvation in these last few songs. I was wrong. More samey faux-club beats. You think he would have gotten bored copy-pasting beats from song to song by now.

    The World is Crazy (feat. Dante Santiago): okay, this is actually quite reminiscent of old Black Eyed Peas. Not a deep song, but at least it doesn't devolve into mindless club drivel.

    Fall down (feat. Miley Cyrus): see what I mean how all these songs sound the same no matter who's singing? This is really what it's coming to; I have nothing to say because I would just be repeating what I've already said.

    Love Bullets (feat. skylar Grey): this is a new one. tries to supplement a very fake, almost reggae-sounding accent with very stiff, very not-reggae beats and lyrical flow. Overall, soulless despite the attempt to be a slower, more powerful song.

    Far Away from Home (feat. Nicole Scherzinger): okay, this is a bit different. Nice chord progression, but ultimately too repetitive to be enjoyable.

    Finally, we wrap up with Ghetto Ghetto feat. Baby Kaely. I was really enjoying this song, minus Baby Kaely, but there's a very, very small chance that it's just me. I Then realized that this was basically a Kanye West song without the tight production values.

    In all, this album is a massive disappointment. 1/10.
  7. Apr 28, 2013
    I never liked The Black Eyed Peas, or the waterfall of mainstream crap that people listen to so much these days, but's #willpower has to be one of the reasons why our generation sucks. entirely computer generated, uninspired, and the use of stolen beats from other artists. And to put a hashtag on your album title? Sorry Will, I'm sure that one won't be trending.
  8. Aug 11, 2013
    Genre: Who the hell knows.
    I'm sorry I simply just can't fathom the level of success that has experienced. It's virtually impossible to watch any music channel for more than ten minutes without one of his 'songs' being played and yet, as far as I'm concerned he has never released a song that's not a complete mess.
    Take the single 'Bang Bang' for example in which has
    Genre: Who the hell knows.
    I'm sorry I simply just can't fathom the level of success that has experienced. It's virtually impossible to watch any music channel for more than ten minutes without one of his 'songs' being played and yet, as far as I'm concerned he has never released a song that's not a complete mess.

    Take the single 'Bang Bang' for example in which has 'sampled' The Charleston and then added repetitive, and terribly written lyrics, sang in some kind of strange robotic voice. Does that involve even an ounce of talent to produce? The answer to that question is of course no and that's the only word I can use to sum up my feelings for this album.
  9. Sep 13, 2013
    I still love and the Peas, despite them straying from good old hip hop to electronic music, I can deal with that, and I still love them. But this album is just awful and pitiful to's talent
  10. Jun 18, 2013
    absolute garbage mainstream rubbish i wouldn't recommend you buy this trash save your money buy decent music or do something good with the money this isn't worth an illegal download
  11. Sep 6, 2014
    Não há nem palavras para descrever esse lixo: já foi bem melhor do que isso, Scream & Shout é a única boa do álbum, e só por causa da Britney.
  12. Nov 20, 2014
    One of the worst albums to ever get released onto store shelves. I advise you to stay the hell away from this hunk of garbage. It's been proven to give people ear cancer.
  13. Aug 21, 2014
    1's '#willpower' is a total failure from start to finish. A tedious series of repetitive and unimaginative, artificial electro-pop 'bangers' complete with dreadfully overused naff autotune and vapid, uninventive lyrics. With highlights such as 'Good Morning' (which is simply the intro) and 'This is Love', suggests that the former rapper's willpower is only applied to putting's '#willpower' is a total failure from start to finish. A tedious series of repetitive and unimaginative, artificial electro-pop 'bangers' complete with dreadfully overused naff autotune and vapid, uninventive lyrics. With highlights such as 'Good Morning' (which is simply the intro) and 'This is Love', suggests that the former rapper's willpower is only applied to putting out awful, samey singles and repeatedly attempting to showcase his horrific singing voice. Within this god-awful effort, 'Feelin' Myself', which features rappers French Montana and Wiz Khalifa alongside child-star-turned-harlot Miley Cyrus, deserves a mention as possibly the worst piece of alleged music of all time. An atrocious attempt a trap instrumental and the typical egotistical 'rap-god' lyricism, consisting of mentions of money and women portray these 'artists' as boasting, self-absorbed bastards with no musical aim or ability, simply hoping for a number 1.

    Beginning with glitchy, Game Boy nonsense and ending with much the same, '#willpower' is one of the worst albums of 2013. Once a protégé of late N.W.A. rap legend Eazy-E, has gone down the money-grabbing pop chart route, like many others, and, as a result, has totally demolished his own credibility.

    Rating: 1/10
  14. May 12, 2013
    Is this a joke? Really. This album is HORRIBLE. The only good track on here is Scream & Shout and that's because it features the god Britney Jean Spears. He really needs to go back to BEP and make some music worth listening to. This sucks! 2/10.
  15. Dec 22, 2014
    An album that is designed to stink of lawsuits and 5 pieces of broken property (belonging to Anjunabeats and Musical Freedom) so bad, the title doesn't need to be turned into a pun. #trancestealer FLOP!! #FLOP
  16. Jan 27, 2016
    Ha you call this an album just collaborating with the "talented" Justin Bieber (which he certainly isn't) just gave this album a 0 without a doubt. This Is Love and Scream and Shout also contributed massively to isn't 0 score.
  17. Mar 27, 2016
    Here is a prime example of an "artist" so unbelievably far up his own arse (his stage name is will.I.AM. for heaven's sake). There is no creativity in what he does; it's a cynical, terribly written, overproduced, excessively autotuned drivel-fest. The lyrics make no sense and are often aped from better songs (Scream and Shout being a good example of this).

    It really is a wonder that
    Here is a prime example of an "artist" so unbelievably far up his own arse (his stage name is will.I.AM. for heaven's sake). There is no creativity in what he does; it's a cynical, terribly written, overproduced, excessively autotuned drivel-fest. The lyrics make no sense and are often aped from better songs (Scream and Shout being a good example of this).

    It really is a wonder that anybody can take this guy seriously. He is the Michael Bay of music; what he puts out is of extremely low quality but simultaneously manages to push all the right buttons so that the masses buy into it anyway. This commercial success has deluded him into thinking that this kind of music makes him a talented artist. The fact that he is a coach on the VOICE UK just about says it all. Like he has the right to judge anybody based on their musical talent. It doesn't matter how "cool" he comes off as publically. He's in it for the pay-cheque and nothing but the pay-cheque.
  18. May 14, 2023
    HAHAHAHA the worst album in history what an ugly voice it seems like a black whale like him if his voice is understood HORRIBLE GAS would not listen to it again mediocre career and lyrics

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. May 15, 2013
    It's hip, it's slick, it's polished, and it's an utter waste of time.
  2. May 10, 2013
    Ultimately, #willpower is an overstuffed pop album that tries too hard to be trendy while not trying hard enough to be cohesive or truly meaningful.
  3. Apr 29, 2013
    Conveniently, he’s premeditated every song in #willpower with a bevy of wishy-washy, quotable clichés that are meant to fit the space of 140 characters. Sadly, that's as deep as it gets.