
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. They sure are spry, and Nelson is so delighted to be singing them that the band's expertise lights up.
  2. Decades in the making, this collection of swing classics as interpreted by Willie Nelson and Asleep at the Wheel doesn't disappoint.
  3. It was worth the wait: Nelson's laid-back croon acts as a warm dishrag over the fiddle, pedal steel, cowboy harmonies and roadhouse jazz of Western-swing revivalists Asleep at the Wheel.
  4. The performances are terrific, and although the songs are from the more obscure end of the Western Swing repertoire, with the exception of Corrine Corrina and Right or Wrong, it’s an excellent introduction to this music--a delightful blend of country, swing and jazz.
  5. Uncut
    A late flowering triumph. [Jul 2010, p.117]
  6. The resulting Willie and the Wheel is exactly what one would expect from such a musical brain trust: an old-fashioned good time with expert instrumentalism. If anything, the disc could use more dirt under its fingernails, as everything comes a bit too easy.
  7. Willie's voice can sound a bit gruff and rough--this is as comfortable and welcoming as a familiar old leather jacket. It's no surprise that it feels good.
  8. Willie brings everything he’s got to bear, acquiting himself admirably in an otherwise miscalculated effort.

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