
Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 23
  2. Negative: 3 out of 23
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  1. Apr 29, 2011
    Over-emoting at every turn, she obliterates otherwise innocuous soul, R&B and reggae-inflected songs with gimmicky vocal histrionics, strident attempts at melisma and the kind of callow self-help lyrics that are apparently mandatory for all young pop stars nowadays.
  2. Mar 28, 2011
    She comes across like a severely dumbed-down Lily Allen at best, and at worst she seems like someone you would want to root against in a televised singing competition
  3. Mar 29, 2011
    This is dead-eyed pop with aspirations of being your comfort food but turns out to be a starchy soulless slop.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 199 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 47 out of 199
  1. Jun 11, 2011
    I love this album. "Do it like a Dude" is one of the best songs of the year! Congratulations Jessie J, you have a piece of my heart. If youI love this album. "Do it like a Dude" is one of the best songs of the year! Congratulations Jessie J, you have a piece of my heart. If you (Jessie J) continue on this path will be the next to pop artists like Lady Gaga Full Review »
  2. May 8, 2012
    Sadly, the result here is a rushed album that sounds cheap throughout. 'Do It Like a Dude', 'Price Tag' and the Brit Award for 'CriticsSadly, the result here is a rushed album that sounds cheap throughout. 'Do It Like a Dude', 'Price Tag' and the Brit Award for 'Critics Choice' led many people to expect something great, but what they got was something rather different. Vocal showboating and pointless 'quirky' lyrics do not make for a great album. Full Review »
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    minha xota q tem q fica com amarelo so tem hino hino amo de superação ante bulen amo arraso jessie melhor album to fazendo isso pela giovannaminha xota q tem q fica com amarelo so tem hino hino amo de superação ante bulen amo arraso jessie melhor album to fazendo isso pela giovanna mas adoro vc adeus xo Full Review »