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Generally favorable reviews- based on 115 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 88 out of 115
  2. Negative: 19 out of 115
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  1. Sep 5, 2019
    Generic repetitive stoner rock.
    Not to mention Noel is a complete a**hat live... skip this group for sure!
    Save your precious time for something from the actual 70s/80s that sounds good.
  2. Nov 28, 2017
    This album is terrible, and why shouldn't be? It's not really Noel's project or Noe's ideas of music. It is some retard's vision of Noel who is calling the shots here; telling Noel not to bring in any of his music into the studio. For all the so called Noel fans praising this awful work, ask yourselves this question. Is David Holmes the genius now and not Noel? There are are eleven tracksThis album is terrible, and why shouldn't be? It's not really Noel's project or Noe's ideas of music. It is some retard's vision of Noel who is calling the shots here; telling Noel not to bring in any of his music into the studio. For all the so called Noel fans praising this awful work, ask yourselves this question. Is David Holmes the genius now and not Noel? There are are eleven tracks in the album and three of them are instrumentals. The opener Fort Knox is a solid opener, it's nothing mind blowing but it kinda sets the stage for what is to come, except it never really does. Compare Fort Knox against his other two openers these being, Riverman, and Everybody's On The Run. Fort Knox is not even close to these. There are a few great tracks here such as The Man Who Built The Moon, Be Careful What You Wish For, Dead In the Water, and last and least of these Holy Mountain. Then there are the "good" enough tracks here like, It's a Beautiful World, She Taught me How To Fly. The rest is mediocre garbage. Why bring in Johnny Marr if youre going to have him play a mediocre unmemorable tune like "If Love Is the Law"? Black and White Sunshine? Lol that's probably the worst one here, nothing catchy or memorable here either. The album is also infested with voice effects on Noel's singing, it comes to slap you in the face harder when you hear the fantastic "dead in the water". I love both Liam and Noel but Liam finally won a battle against his older brother. Liam does need people to point him in the right direction for a new album, Noel does not. Noel is a bit too brilliant to rely on other people, especially much less talented people than himself. Compare Noel's 3 solo albums track by track and listen to how much better they are. Very disappointed in Noel's decision to have other hacks tell him what to do. It lends much more credibility to Liam's statement about how Noel only hates Be Here Now because of people's pressure. Expand
  3. Sep 28, 2020
    Así que a este tipo le fascina hablar pestes sobre otros artistas como Adele, Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga, Rihanna y Taylor Swift, es patético, su música no tiene trascendencia, como mucho tuvo algo de eso con Oasis, por mas que le guste llamar la atención en base a los demás, no lo logra jajaja
  4. May 30, 2022
    Rather than go into the intricate details of why I don't like this huge migration from what I enjoy about Noel Gallagher, I'd rather sum it up in one sentence:"David Holmes feat. Noel Gallagher's high flying birds."
  5. Jun 2, 2018
    Very clever if predictable album, its good old Noel/Oasis/HFB but in styles you would associate with other bands, well blow me, whats new? Except this time he really has deviated from the usual progrock./intie sound to what ever suited the tune best. Every song can be matched to something else, but in a different interesting energetic way - EXCELLENT

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Dec 8, 2017
    The captivating aspect of Who Built the Moon? is its capability to grow in depth across multiple listens. Furthermore, the album intensifies and gains strength with multiple listens.
  2. Dec 5, 2017
    This is Noel’s strongest work post-Oasis...maybe even Liam.
  3. Nov 29, 2017
    The result is an eclectic mix of psychedelia, electronica, dance beats and space jazz as well as rock which moves along the scale from The Beatles towards erstwhile collaborators The Chemical Brothers. The tempo is upped, while Gallagher’s vocals are in a higher register than usual and the guitars are much further back in a musical mix that is highly textured.