• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 32
  2. Negative: 5 out of 32
  1. As such, it is both a strong refutation of every album Weezer has made since "Green" (as it, in its time, seemed to balk at "Pinkerton") and a numbing confirmation of the only available place this band has left: comic shearing, loose plagiarism, three separate solo projects (all of which are balls).
  2. If Red Album’s songs were formulaic, shiny, and easily digestible like everything on Green or Maladroit, the vacuity of the new songs wouldn't be as big a problem. But 'Heart Songs,' 'Thought I Knew'--these are just plain bad.
  3. The blame for Weezer can't all be laid on Cuomo—his bandmates' songwriting contributions (particularly Brian Bell's Uncle Kracker stab 'Thought I Knew') are just as unforgivably soulless.
  4. Despite what they’d like us to think, The Red Album sounds like every one of Weezer’s misfires since "The Green Album": a few songs that work and a whole slew that flounder completely.
  5. Weezer seems to have driven their old shtick into the ground so perfectly, it almost seems like they've purposely become tired and boring.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 191 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 29 out of 191
  1. Aug 22, 2010
    This album and its promotions were what made me a Weezer fan, and since then they have become my favourite band. A great album on its own,This album and its promotions were what made me a Weezer fan, and since then they have become my favourite band. A great album on its own, though it cannot be compared to Blue or Pinkerton. The low points are the songs not sung by Cuomo and I feel if they were replaced by some of the Deluxe tracks this could have truly been a great album. Full Review »
  2. BlakeW
    Oct 5, 2008
    First off , buy the deluxe album . If you don't you're an Idiot. Secondly , these guys are progressing on every album (minus make First off , buy the deluxe album . If you don't you're an Idiot. Secondly , these guys are progressing on every album (minus make believe). Tehy will never sound like the blue album or pinkerton ever again so the cool thing for peopel to do is bash them. but let's cut the crap, Pork and Beans was a #1 song for a while , this album is great and brings Weezer back on track from the last album that was MEH. This band is growing and people don't wanna let it grow , it's a shame. This Album kicks ass as well as the band itself. Full Review »
  3. R
    Jun 4, 2008
    I get a kick out of the critics who first say a band is not stretching their limits or trying new or innovative sounds, only to complain when I get a kick out of the critics who first say a band is not stretching their limits or trying new or innovative sounds, only to complain when they do. Full Review »