
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Jun 15, 2016
    As a debut, it perfectly captures the band's personality and sound: captivating, incomparable and deliciously unique.
  2. Jun 20, 2016
    It’s infused with enough rhythmical disturbances and difficult time signatures that it ends up straying far from that path. It’s still full of joy and wonder, but there’s an extra element of wilful confusion. While it makes these songs less accessible at first, in the long run, if you stick with it, it actually adds to their clout.
  3. Jun 17, 2016
    Weaves is a whole lot of fun, from the deliciously raucous standout ‘One More’ to the delicate ‘Eagle’ via the whimsical ‘Coo Coo’ and the Pixies-ish ‘Two Oceans’.
  4. Jun 15, 2016
    Weaves can flick between breezy, cute pop hits to tight-fisted punk snarlers in the blink of an eyeball, and the record's best tracks are a combination of both.
  5. Under The Radar
    Sep 14, 2016
    Oversaturated? maybe, but the best "bent pop" that the Toronto gang offer up here is so striking, so visceral that the multi-layered shots of feedback and the off-kilter jabs serve to entertain rather than annoy. [Aug-Sep 2016, p.94]
  6. Jun 15, 2016
    Weaves may not be using traditional formulas to craft these songs, but they certainly have a handle on chemistry, and that gives them the potential to create something truly explosive in the future.
  7. Jul 6, 2016
    Weaves is most compelling when it’s thrashing right along with Burke, giving into the urgent hunger for connection. It grates when the band is more intent on pleasing itself with quirk for quirk’s sake.
  8. 65
    There are some gambles that don’t entirely pay off, like the 808 drums on “Sentence”, but Weaves mostly holds to its own internal logic, so it’s up to you about whether you’re going to buy in. Overall, it’s an enjoyable outing with a band clearly brimming with talent and a physical need to get their ideas out to the world.
  9. Jun 20, 2016
    Weaves have written a good debut record that is unafraid to take chances, and to an extent, it signifies a band that will only get hungrier with time. There’s still in search mode, though, exceedingly pushing themselves to write clever pop songs that sometimes expose their calculated overconfidence.
  10. Jun 15, 2016
    While each song is its own curious, maximalist wonder, it adds up to something fairly cacophonous. So much is happening in each trebly, dizzying track that there are few new heights to reach after the first three or four.
  11. Jun 17, 2016
    Musically Weaves is a hodgepodge. It opens with surf-pop synths that later give way to meaty, big and bouncy bass lines and bright colours shooting from guitar lines that slip and slide all over the place.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Jun 26, 2016
    Born and bred in the Toronto noise scene, Weaves did well in their proposition of making indie rock colourful and weird. Although some adjustsBorn and bred in the Toronto noise scene, Weaves did well in their proposition of making indie rock colourful and weird. Although some adjusts need to be made in the future works, the art-punk they crafted in their debut is something to feel and enjoy.

    Best Tracks: Tick; Sh*thole; Two Oceans
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