
Generally favorable reviews - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 44
  2. Negative: 0 out of 44
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  1. Jan 21, 2014
    Although it’s admittedly a patient listen, Warpaint plucks at a different petal each time through it in its entirety. It’s truly a triumph for a group of women whose colors are singular and run incredibly deep.
  2. 90
    This is a deeply personal record, unequivocally sensual.
  3. Jan 21, 2014
    Even though Warpaint's songs take their time, once they sink in, they stick around.
  4. Jan 23, 2014
    Whether they're delivering something rocking, glistening or simply breathtaking, almost every song on this 12 track effort is a gem (only the strange sound collage that is 'Go In' falls flat).
  5. 85
    It’s a different sound on Warpaint, that’s for sure, and though it’s friskier and more malevolent in nature--possibly even more damaged and/or emotionally ruptured--they’re far more open. There’s an accessibility, an empathy for kindred feelings.
  6. 80
    They have indeed created an album that is ultimately rewarding and full of musical promise.
  7. Q Magazine
    Jan 28, 2014
    It's worth having--just don't expect the act of possession to be all one way. [Feb 2014, p.110]
  8. Mojo
    Jan 23, 2014
    The twilit fug of Warpaint is hypnotic, exotic, and rewards the close listening its hushed grooves and harmonies invite. [Feb 2014, p.94]
  9. Jan 22, 2014
    A rare example of an eponymous album where the title feels wholly appropriate.
  10. Mostly, though, this lingered-over comeback offers sumptuous returns for those prepared to linger over it.
  11. 80
    Producer Flood (PJ Harvey, Sigur Rós) maintains the band’s raw appeal but lightly varnishes the sound to make the music’s intricacies truly glow amidst the atmospherics.
  12. Jan 21, 2014
    Expansive and enveloping at the same time, this set of songs puts Warpaint's past and future in perfect balance--one of the best things a band can do on their second album.
  13. Jan 21, 2014
    Warpaint have crafted an album that is ultimately rewarding and full of promise, with the listener excited to see Warpaint push their vision further, believing that the road is worth the effort.
  14. Jan 16, 2014
    In Warpaint, they've mastered the mid-tempo come-on, being to indie rock what Aaliyah was to R&B.
  15. Jan 14, 2014
    Get taken away by the current, and float inside every melody. It’s more intoxicating than even the most lucrative bar deal on Jägerbombs.
  16. Jan 14, 2014
    Warpaint appear to have found a sonic texture that befits their knack for writing elegant, sinuous songs, so for the most part the album flows perfectly.
  17. Jan 14, 2014
    A well-rounded and mature second album.
  18. Jan 14, 2014
    The LA foursome’s second LP, Warpaint, is as devastatingly brooding as ever.
  19. Magnet
    Feb 21, 2014
    The band reemerges from the California desert four years later with a self-titled sophomore effort that's every bit as satisfying as its predecessor. [No. 106, p.60]
  20. Jan 21, 2014
    Warpaint is a slicker, more relaxed outing from an already comfortable band that has been playing together for a decade. But it fades down the stretch, dulling the focus and strength of the first six songs and, ultimately, the whole record.
  21. Apr 21, 2014
    Their sound isn’t one that’s been carved out necessarily; it’s always been there since Exquisite Corpse, but only more recently has it been developed (perhaps because of the aid of top-name producers).
  22. Jan 21, 2014
    It’s not always clear where these songs go, but coming back to them, you start to appreciate the understatement.
  23. Jan 21, 2014
    This album is the first time that all of the band members have worked together on creating songs, and it makes a significant difference in their sound without disturbing the band’s core.
  24. Jan 21, 2014
    On their self-titled follow-up, the all-female quartet's gift for ringing, skeletal guitar lines, slyly defiant lyrics and keening melodies remains intact.
  25. Jan 21, 2014
    The growth is immense, occasionally breathtaking, and always immediate.
  26. Jan 21, 2014
    While the new album is hardly a Wall of Sound production, headphones are recommended for the rewards afforded by a more intimate listen.
  27. Jan 21, 2014
    Overall it's the atmosphere that haunts the album that will stick with you, assuredly.
  28. Jan 17, 2014
    All in all, it’s as if the watery concoction of before has been distilled into a potent musical treacle--richer in atmosphere, sharper, artistically decisive and intoxicating.
  29. Alternative Press
    Jan 17, 2014
    Warpaint were more consistent before this, but as a comparative misstep, Warpaint still yields an enjoyable, haunting outpouring of whispered emotional damage and spatial exploration. [Feb 2014, p.94]
  30. Feb 10, 2014
    Every instrument, including the vocals, reverberates and interplays with the next in order to create a meandering backbeat that refuses the rhythmic decorum of rock and roll and hip-hop. The girls are onpoint.
  31. Mar 12, 2014
    Second LP Warpaint stirs, stews, beats, and swells far more amniotic, evoking the seminal psych greeting, ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space.
  32. 67
    It is a diffuse album, constantly but immeasurably changing its shape and diverting itself when you attempt to grasp it, like smoke. Warpaint’s epiphanies are minor, its surprises few, but the general immutability alludes to vision rather than a lack of progress.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 60
  2. Negative: 0 out of 60
  1. Jul 12, 2016
    One of the most amazing rhythm sections I've ever heard. Jenny Lee's bass rips on this record and as always the vocal harmonies areOne of the most amazing rhythm sections I've ever heard. Jenny Lee's bass rips on this record and as always the vocal harmonies are enchanting. This feels like the most complete album Warpaint has made to date and I can't wait to hear how they've progressed on the new album. Full Review »
  2. May 20, 2015
    This is a very solid album, with some very notable tracks including, "Keep it Healthy," "Love is to Die," and "Disco//very," but there areThis is a very solid album, with some very notable tracks including, "Keep it Healthy," "Love is to Die," and "Disco//very," but there are more than a few tracks that don't really stay in my head as much as all of the songs on their previous album. If you're a fan of Warpaint, purchasing the album is worth it though. It's definitely not their best or most significant work to date as a complete LP. Full Review »
  3. Sep 23, 2014
    Warpaint's first record was a dark and brooding affair. Not only this but it also had a unique feel to it with a commendable consistencyWarpaint's first record was a dark and brooding affair. Not only this but it also had a unique feel to it with a commendable consistency across the record. The band's eponymous follow up is another dark affair but unfortunately show's very little progression from its predecessor. At times its hard to tell which warpaint record you are actually listening to. The first half of the album sounds like a direct continuation of their debut but because this was such a strong record, its hard to fault. Its really the 2nd half of the album where things start to border on boring. Full Review »