• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 1, 2017

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 30, 2017
    Miguel has been mentioned in the same breath as Frank Ocean (often by himself) and The Weeknd, but this album doesn't quite unlock such self-contained worlds. [Jan 2018, p.107]
  2. Dec 4, 2017
    Lyrically, it’s inconsistent, and doesn’t serve its title or occasional flirtations with current events very well besides a few references smattered in every other song. Musically, though, it feels more disposable than before, and less beholden to locking into deeper, more resonant grooves.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 63
  2. Negative: 4 out of 63
  1. Aug 4, 2023
    "War & Leisure" de Miguel é um álbum que apresenta uma mistura intrigante de estilos musicais, destacando-se por sua produção sofisticada e a"War & Leisure" de Miguel é um álbum que apresenta uma mistura intrigante de estilos musicais, destacando-se por sua produção sofisticada e a habilidade vocal distintiva do artista. Ao longo do álbum, Miguel explora temas contemporâneos e relações interpessoais, embalados em uma fusão de R&B, pop e elementos eletrônicos. Faixas como "Sky Walker" e "Told You So" demonstram a capacidade do artista de criar canções cativantes e envolventes, com ganchos memoráveis. No entanto, apesar da sua solidez geral, algumas faixas podem parecer menos inspiradas em comparação com os destaques do álbum. Além disso, a coesão do projeto poderia ser aprimorada, já que algumas transições entre faixas parecem um tanto abruptas. No geral, "War & Leisure" é uma obra competente e digna de nota 6. Full Review »
  2. Dec 17, 2018
    It feels as if Miguel is too smart to manifest his musical ideas, and so has an unfortunate disposition to imitate previous melodies. Thus,It feels as if Miguel is too smart to manifest his musical ideas, and so has an unfortunate disposition to imitate previous melodies. Thus, the subjects addressed feel too familiar, and whilst the lush, contemporary instrumentation makes for an interesting and vivid adventure, it is ultimately either the harsh interferences of stylistic choices of certain tracks or the lack of differentiation thereof where sounds feel redundant that gives this album an uneasy flow. Full Review »
  3. Jan 14, 2018
    What excites me most about Miguel is how each release exemplifies his continual growth as an artist and an individual. War & Leisure combinesWhat excites me most about Miguel is how each release exemplifies his continual growth as an artist and an individual. War & Leisure combines the refinement of Kaleidoscope Dream with the dynamism and funkadelia of Wildheart to create a sound at once sophisticated and groovy. Miguel's form of lyrical expression is all his own here (as it has been on previous albums), as he articulates pain, love, and desire with a poeticism and nuance comparable to no other artist in pop music. His creativity is also present in the album's structuring, specifically in how the record's latter half deftly balances the personal and the political on songs like 'Told You So' and 'Come Through and Chill', and he even opts for overt politicism on album closer 'Now'. Miguel's powerful juxtaposing of his personal relationships with the current state of America and the remaining world makes this record's title a fitting one, and I'm proud to call War & Leisure one of my favorite releases of 2017.

    Highlights include 'Criminal,' 'Sky Walker,' and 'Wolf'.
    Full Review »