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Universal acclaim- based on 228 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 15 out of 228
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  1. Dec 13, 2016
    Absolutely TERRIBLE! I love Charli XCX but the producer she worked with on this just made every song wholly unlistenable. It is noise, unpleasant, unartistic, abrasive to the ear for the sake of being abrasive to the ear. I hope that they never collaborate again!
  2. Dec 14, 2016
    Horrivel, a produção desse EP é péssima, esperava muito mais da cantora Boom Clap, o lírico um lixo igual a produção, um retrocesso enorme na carreira
  3. Sep 6, 2019
    As a standalone product, Vroom Vroom only offers a scattershot glimpse at what these two might be able to accomplish.
  4. Feb 18, 2017
    I don't understand what's the point of this EP nor what is the hype about this? This is at most a missed attempt of being edgy while still being pop I guess. Only track that is noteworthy is the jungle sounding and Pulp Fiction inspired "Trophy". The others - what's the point? They sound bad.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Apr 8, 2016
    This is pop music reinventing itself, reasserting its autonomy. Vroom Vroom offers a brief, appealing glimpse of a world manifest with characters, ideas, and feelings, all presented with a novel exposition.
  2. 50
    Vroom Vroom might have worked had Charli written some better hooks, or actually put some effort into her raps, or just not rapped at all. Or if even Charli had coasted, just as she does here, and Sophie taken the reins.
  3. Mar 28, 2016
    As a standalone product, Vroom Vroom only offers a scattershot glimpse at what these two might be able to accomplish.