
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Apr 8, 2016
    This is pop music reinventing itself, reasserting its autonomy. Vroom Vroom offers a brief, appealing glimpse of a world manifest with characters, ideas, and feelings, all presented with a novel exposition.
  2. 50
    Vroom Vroom might have worked had Charli written some better hooks, or actually put some effort into her raps, or just not rapped at all. Or if even Charli had coasted, just as she does here, and Sophie taken the reins.
  3. Mar 28, 2016
    As a standalone product, Vroom Vroom only offers a scattershot glimpse at what these two might be able to accomplish.
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    The first dip into this new Jacuzzi feels pleasant, since Sucker’s sunny party anthems fizzled out halfway through--but XCX lacks the finesse to turn this into anything beyond a mindless massage.
  5. 80
    She might have talked about breaking the rules on Sucker, but here you can feel her doing it, and it turns out to be a thrilling ride.
  6. Mar 23, 2016
    Vroom Vroom is scintillating new ground for Charli, totally unlike anything she’s ever done before, and still quintessentially her in its streamlined, indomitable turbo-pop.
  7. Mar 23, 2016
    Vroom Vroom is pointedly uncommercial and abrasive.
  8. Mar 23, 2016
    The title track dates back to last year, and it makes a great case for SOPHIE as a Top 40 pop producer.... On the other three songs, it sounds like singer and producer are still learning how to work together.
  9. Mar 23, 2016
    With Sophie of naifish UK pop collective PC Music producing every track, this quick-hit release unleashes something more visceral than we’re used to from her.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 228 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 15 out of 228
  1. Mar 23, 2016
    Queen of pop Charli XCX proving once again that she can completely change styles and still slay every single one of her contemporaries, VroomQueen of pop Charli XCX proving once again that she can completely change styles and still slay every single one of her contemporaries, Vroom Vroom is a pop defining masterpiece and will be remembered by our children and our children's children, it's just a mater of time until Hurricane XCX destroys the charts and starts getting the recognition she deserves from the GP. Full Review »
  2. Mar 26, 2016
    Something new and unique from an amazing and talented artist..what's not to like? Charli XCX takes yet another 180 degree turn away fromSomething new and unique from an amazing and talented artist..what's not to like? Charli XCX takes yet another 180 degree turn away from industry standards, leaving both her peers and naysayers in the dust. Full Review »
  3. 2kk
    Mar 25, 2016